
Today's Findings

(Anyone wondering about my likes/dislikes and/or reviews of books listed on my last post--- drop me a line and I'll be happy to answer. Or, as always, go to darklightlullabye.com)

I just spent a RIDICULOUSLY long time on foundmagazine.com. It's a site where people send in random notes and stuff they found around town. You know, the notes that were stuck in your desks at school, random papers that fall out of your library books, etc. You've seen 'em. You've written some. And somehow, it's really funny to read. Not just because you sit there wondering what in the heck people are referring to, but because you know that if someone got a hold of the notes you write to yourself/others, people would be so utterly entertained and/or confused. I want to submit notes I'VE written just because I think they would make a good addition.

But my favorite thing I found today? A girl I used to know posted a linnk to it on facebook (from the site dearblankpleaseblank.com, which is also awesome):

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Sincerely, Unicorns.


  1. haha was that taylors? i saw that and thought it was soooo funny!

  2. Nah, it was a girl in my Creative Writing class. Nah, I would have referred to Taylor as "This ridiculously awesome chick that I happen to love and miss ridiculously". I happen to be on a "ridiculous" rant lately. It's a good word.
