
Makes Me Laugh

Out of order, sorry... but this one needed a whole post of it's own, because there is really just too many...

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.

the original "makes me pee my pants laughing" picture of all time.

(told you, Mom. Gingers.)

(found at the store once... mustaches for every day of the week!)

just found this jewel of my brother in law on their wedding day... I <3 Greg

Days 3 Through 10

Catching up...

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Day 04 - A picture of your night.

FHE this week was a bonfire at the beach.
3 of my favorite people: Becca, Alisha, and Dionte

Day 05 - A picture of one of your favorite memories.

In representation of 2008's BYU Theatre Workshop 2-week Extravaganza. The most defining 2-weeks of my life. Period.

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
a. Because she's flipping gorgeous.
b. I've always thought that modeling would be a buttload of fun.
c. so I could cancel her tv show.

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.

MY COMPUTER: means to my writing, buying books, blogging, all my pictures, radio, and basically all else that is awesome. (Also, my hands and fingers-- also pictured-- is pretty cool too, and I do treasure them also.)

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
 *Too many to pick from, so it's getting it's own post once I'm finished with this one.

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Christ, obviously.

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
I wouldn't say "messed up" things... but we have had our share of burp contests in the past. Love you, Mom!
And now I do believe I am caught up.


Hitting the Wall, Again and Again

*writers block writers block writers block writers block writers block*

ugh ugh ugh ugh

sdbvjuwehirgsadkj;ksjf;kdshjgkfdjnvdfknv jfdhnfjdfjad;kjdsfdsnkjcnws;ajioewotu2hf

One year is tooooo long to be blocked de writing.

So much for my dreams of becoming an author; thanks, writers block, for destroying my hopes and dreams!


*writers block writers block writers block writers block writers block*

Hiccups of DOOM

Man, I had the worst hiccups today. Which is saying a lot: those who have spent lots of time around me know that when I get the hiccups, I get the hiccups.

Loud. Painful. Ginormaus.


So, after a morning out at the doctors and random errands, I spent some time, minding my own business, lying on my bed reading The Age of Innocence, when I suddenly get the urge to clean my room. Now, I've been waiting for this desire for the last week (my room has had a great need to be cleaned, but I have to wait for that moment of sudden inspiration to finally modivate me, or else it simply won't get done), so I quickly marked my book and lept out of bed. It wasn't twenty seconds later when I was washing my hands that the first one hit. Then the second, third, and fifteenth, in rapid succession.

They went on FOREVER. Changing my laundry. Hiccups. Changing my sheets. Hiccups. Hanging up laundry. Hiccups. Over an hour and a half. That has to be some sort of record. They were coming like, every five-ten seconds. That's a buttload of hiccups, man.

On a scale of a annoyance, this episode of hiccups was beyond-freaking-ridiculous. I was half certain I was dying, drowning in broad daylight with clean laundry finally hanging in my closet, by poor lungs fighting for breath in large, dramatic gulps of air in painful bursts...

And can I just say? Hiccuping and sneezing at the same time = worst experience ever. Just saying.


Day2/ Fryyyyday

So, I don't know if I've mentioned this, but for the last month or so, I've been going out with the sister Missionaries from my church, doing the missionary thing, a few hours a week. Basically, since I'm free during most days (since my school is at night), they call me up, and are like "You want to come with us?" And I'm like "Sure beans, man" and that's how it happens.

Anyways. Thought I should mention that. Because it's awesome, and it's how I've been spending my time lately.

In other news...

(I don't understand WHY this is a challenge...)

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.


In truth, it's Diego, but he's not exactly a person, so...

It's Stepheritos!
Stephanie Lovett and I have been friends since the 7th grade. We're the kind of friends, now, that we'll go months without seeing each other, but still feel in sync. We're both non-dramatic people, and our common silliness seems to mesh well together.

All in all, I'm friends with a million and a half people-- I rarely meet someone I don't love-- but usually, I'm not particularly close with people. That's my style, and I'm quite okay with it. 
I love you all :)



The other day, as I was driving down a busy street, I saw a kid skateboarding while eating a Cup of Noodles.

Even though it's pretty stupid, you have to admit, that kid's got some pretty legit skills.

60 Days of LAME

So, everybody on the face of the planet keeps posting things on Facebook for the "60 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE" and I'm so tired of it, I finally looked it up and read all the rules and such. I still think it's lame, and nobody really cares to look at pictures of "your favorite memory" and "you're favorite actress..."
So, I'm just going to have to do it myself, here.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, eh?

The Rules:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of one of your favorite memories.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night.
Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD.
Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.
Day 36 - A picture of your ‘other half'.
Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.
Day 40 - A picture of your favorite Disney character.
Day 41 - A picture of your pet.
Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.
Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.
Day 45 - A picture of your room.
Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.
Day 48 - A picture of your favorite actress/actor.
Day 49 - A picture of where you live.
Day 50 - A picture of your most frequented place.
Day 51 - A picture of your dream car.
Day 52 - A picture of your favorite sport.
Day 53 - A picture of someone you think is hot.
Day 54 - A picture of the one thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.
Day 56 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 57 - A picture of your favorite holiday.
Day 58 - A picture of your favorite animal.
Day 59 - A picture of a random item that you own.
Day 60 - A picture of something you’re excited about

Here's to spamming up your own blog!

(Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts)

Me poking a chicken with a stick, because Taylor told me to.
She's right, it is kinda fun.

1. "You're face" is probably the most likely repsonse you'll get from any serious question you ask me.
2. Nail polish doesn't stick to my nails.
3. In the third grade, I was in charge of our class chicken. His name was Pecker.
4. I now feel guilty of above picture.
5. I made a collar for Diego once with glitter turqouise paint that said "STUD MUFFIN."
6. I was fourteen.
7. The last time I clipped my toenails was five days ago.
8. I had colored contacts in the seventh grade.
9. They were bluish green.
10. Now I think it's lame.
11. Nose spray makes me nauseous.
12. I never even knew that was a side effect of nose-spray.
13. My mom once told me that most adults don't like sprinkles.
14. I will therefore never be growing up.
15. I have a lime green garden gnome on my dresser. See?

And you thought I was lying.


Live Monday Morning

I look terrified, haha

So, I was on the news this morning. And no one told me it was going to be live. So, it was interesting. There was one other patient, a nice girl named Sadie, my awesome neurologist, and two hilarious PR reps. Oh, and the air-head reporter and the creeper camera man.

As soon as they told me that it would be live (when we got there at 5 AM), I knew I was hardly going to be on, which wasn't a big deal. I was pretty low on the list-- the neurologist that developed the botox for migraine stuff, the patient who had a cool sports injury, and me, the silly 19-year old who was just happy to be there.

My mom was so excited, which I thought was so adorable. She was more excited than I was, which made me giggle. And apparently she's finally figured out to read my blog, so I love you Mom! You made the whole thing fun for me :) Thanks for being so supportive and enthusiastic for me.

I just had a good time goofing off with Dr. B and the PR reps (who were a married couple, which made things funnier) and making fun of the reporter when she was "out in the car, going over her notes for the segment" (she was actually on facebook and tweeting. We tweeted her back).

The "segment" was really three different short ones spread out over an hour, and it went really well. Want to see it and find out what Botox for migraines is all about?

Well... I thought I had the link, but apparently not yet. You'll just have to wait to see the clips.

Thanks for listening to me brag :) I had fun.

Here--- look at some unattractive pictures! That makes it more fun!




This is how my morning went:

(Sleeping in with crazy Charliehorses, because yesterday was an insane day from9 in the morning until 10:30 at night of nonstop epic cake awesomeness-- post to come)

MOM: "Holly..."

Still asleep Holly squaks: "Mrphghmm."


Still squaking: "Huh."


My left eye is open, is it not? What in the world does she have to say? That is so important that she needs me to open BOTH eyes? "What?"

(All happy smiley) "So I have good news, and bad news, and really good news!"

Still half asleep. "K."

"The good news is that I picked up your prescriptions."

That was nice of her, but I'm not waking up all the way. "K."

"The bad news is that Dr. Blu cancelled your appointment on Thursday."


"The good news is, they called to reschedule so you can be on Fox News!!!"



Good way to wake up all the way.

So, why exactly do I get to be on Fox News? Good question.

Most of you know that I get Botox for migraines. For those of you who don't know: I get Botox for migraines. Now you're caught up.

I get shots of botox in my forehead, eyebrows, jaw, shoulders, and the crown of my head. It paralyzes the nerves that trigger migraines, therefore stopping them before they start. It lasts about 12 weeks, when I go back and get another round. (It's in five different vial--- five needles-- and last time we counted it rounded out to like 35-40 shots in a quick three minutes. PAIN) It just got FDA approved a few months ago, but I've been doing it since I was seventeen, and it's helped a lot.

So, my neurologist, from what I know, basically invented the use of Botox for migraines, and I was one of the first patients (relatively). SO, Fox thought it was cool, apparently, and wants to do a segment about it!

I just so happened to have my appointment this week, and they're shooting on Monday. Apparently, I'm guessing, they needed a patient to be interviewed for the segment, and my name came up!

Not only do I get interviewed, but my "appointment/dicussion" with Dr. B will be filmed, I'll be interviewed before and after, and if I agree (which I totally will), they'll film me getting the Botox (not attractive, but whatever!)

They said I'll be there for a few hours, but the segment will be cut down to, like, thirty seconds or whatever to actually show. I don't know if it's on national Fox, or California Fox, or if they'll be filming other patients, or how long the whole segment will be, or when it will air, but whatever! I'm going to be on TV!

Can you tell I'm stoked? Because I am :)

Quote of the day? MOM: "Having migraines has finally paid off!" We had a good giggle.



Random thoughts for this week--- I'm going to put them all in one post instead of seperate ones, because I don't have the patience to do that today :)

#1) So, there's this commercial I see all the time... the one for QVC? This little old lady's clothes magically change once she gets a box from QVC.... anyways, so the song for this commercial is this like, "I'm so glad I woke up today! I'm so glad I woke up today!"

As compared to what? Going into anaphylactic shock and dying in your sleep? Well, yeah, I'm pretty glad that didn't happen, too.

That'd be a nice song... "I'm so glad Ididn'tgointoanaphylacticshockduringthenightand woke up today!"

#2) A few weeks ago, I was driving to school, like usual, listening to the radio. (I've gotten on this radio-listening kick lately. I've always been one to make CD's and listen to strictly that, but now I'm a radio person, and my iTunes feels neglected. Ha, iTunes has given me enough grief over the years, let it be neglected!) While stopped at a light, I'm bored and looking around, and I notice that the girl in the car next to me is singing along to the same station I'm listening to! Ha! I was so excited. That's never happened to me before! I like the radio even better now.



I can't remember the other two! Dang. Oh well. It'll come to me.


What Now, FOOLS?


I girl-ified my blog. WHAT NOW, POPULAR BLOGS? I can be awesome too!

I find the whole thing ironic. The layout and fonts and colors and stuff are all super girly, but I'm just as weird and random as ever. It seems to... contradict itself. Which I'm really liking :)

(Example: "WHAT NOW, FOOLS?" in girly font. Bahahahaha... I'm loving it more and more every moment.)

So, I totally think Blogger makes up my stats just for kicks and giggles. 15 views today? Bah. Yeah right. Veiws today from Ukraine, Malasia, Turkey and Canada? NO WAY IS CANADA VIEWING ME. (Haha... Just kidding.)

I mean, it would be sweet if this was true. I like to just pull up the Stats page just to make myself feel better about self, even if it's not true. Or... misguided.


I love you!

Anyways. Do I have further plans to further the work of furthering the awesomeness of this blog (I wanted to use further as many times as I could in one sentence, and I think I did a good job)? Sure. I want to add more PICTURES. So, here I go... to be one of those super annoying people who takes pictures of everywhere of everything.... :) It's all in the name of awesome blogging.

It's good, it's good.

So, I went to the library today. One of the talks in General Conference this past weekend talked about frugality (did I spell that right?), and I took that to heart. Meaning: Holly can't buy books anymore. Really, it's such a silly thing to waste money on, if you think about it (and maybe squeeze one eye closed, then the other, and maybe lean over and twist your head, and stand on your head...). Not saying that I will never buy a book again, because that's just crazy! I'm just saying I need to take a few steps back.

So, again I say, I went to the library today. I was looking for a certain author, who I thought about buying a few of her books of because I wanted to see what she's done, but I heard that talk before I sent the order in (here my Dad-- and his pocketbook-- rejoices). I went to the library today instead, and tried to find her books. (Carol Goodman, by the way. I got her Arcadia Falls on sale at Target and really liked it.) I only found three of her (many) books, but that's good enough, right? It'll take me two weeks to read these anyways, so I'll worry about the other ones when I get there.

So, here's to frugality! And spiffy, girl blog backgrounds!

And... and... getting up early to go teach Wally with the Sister Missionaries tomorrow morning!... Oh, yikes! Gotta sleep, then!

Night, ya'll.

*somehow, I think this is going to be my new thing.

Blog... envy? skepticism? depression?

So, I've been browsing blogs tonight, and I've come to a... sad? strange? undecided?... realization.

My blog is... lame? weird? unawesome? not fancy? undesirable?... My blog is... unspecial.

Okay, so this is only in comparison to other blogs that I've been reading... POPULAR blogs that people read.... part of the real blogging world... and I wonder, is this something I should be sad over? Because I am.

I suppose I can make my blog more awesome. I suppose I can come up with cool designs somehow. I don't understand a lot of the links and sponsers and shoutouts to other blogs...

But you know what? Nevermind. I don't care if I don't have 300+ readers on a daily basis. And I don't care that I'm not a professional photographer who takes awesome pictures specificially for blogging. I love my blog and the weirdness that it is, and I love that the few people who read this, READ IT.

So, thanks, loves. I love you. You make blogging a happy thing for me.

And maybe I will start upping the awesomeness if I can figure out how. But I'll always love my strange, unfancy blog of all things weird and random and silly.

So there!

Existing, and the Bane Thereof

Ah, laundry. The bane of my existence.

Just kidding, it's not that bad. But bad enough to comment on. Now CRUTCHES, they were the bane of my existence. Nothing is worse than crutches.

*Pauses. Makes face.*

Very few things are worse than crutches.

Laundry still sucks, though.