
In Which I Am Frustrated Because I Can't Remember Why My Dream Was Awesome

Have you ever had a really good dream? One of those really good dreams that you realize is a really good dream while you're still dreaming? So, while half asleep, you tell yourself to go over and over the dream so you can remember it when you wake up? 

Of course, then you wake up, and you're like "... What the heck?" Because not only is it completely bizarre, but you don't remember 95% of it, despite the remembering-exercises you did in your semi-conscious state.

Yeah. Had that happen last night/this morning. It's one of those moments when you really start to question your own sanity. Because even when you DO remember, you realize just how WEIRD your dreams are, and it's slightly disturbing that you found them amazing and delightful on some unconscious level. You know? 

I don't know. Maybe if I remember more from last night I wouldn't be so cynical. But I don't remember. I remember images, and can see clips of my dream, but I have no idea what the plot was. No, that's not true. I think I remember what the plot was, I just don't remember why I was so obsessed with it. Why I wanted to remember so I could write it down when I woke up. 


I used to have very vivid dreams. I remember blogging about them in, like, the eighth grade. They were so random and looooong, and I'd remember a ton of it in the morning, so I'd tell my friends before school so we could all have a laugh at my crazy mind. I still remember some of them quite vividly. I remember my first nightmare vividly, too. Okay, it obviously wasn't my FIRST nightmare, but my first registered nightmare in my recollection. I remember my sister helping me go back to sleep after a nightmare when I was probably 6, when she told me that she took the scary thing in the nightmare and made it funny. Like if you have a nightmare about alligators, you change your dream until the alligator becomes your friend or is doing a funny dance. I like that memory.


New Year's Resoloutions

Nobody ever really follows through with their New Year's Resolutions. I mean, if they did, the world would become a progressively better place every year if we did. Or we'd all be skinny, at the very least.

I never really make resolutions. I think of things. Like, hey, I should totally try and do more of such and such. Or be more mindful of this and that. Never exercise. I learned that one early.

I love seeing other people's random resolutions on the internet. Like, one I've seen a TON of is "wear more black." Wow, really? You can make resolutions like that? But, seriously, why black? I guess the idea seems chic, but the implementation usually more drab and slightly goth. I mean, if anything, I'd resolve to wear more color. Then again, I'm pasty and black and I do not get along.

I also like "be nice to myself." What does that even mean? I mean, props on the super ambiguousness so at the end of the year basically anything can count, but seriously? My version of being nice to myself would be indulging in cake for every meal and letting myself not feel guilty, or perhaps splurging on a whole new wardrobe I did not need but wanted. "Hey, Holly, why did you rob that bank and spend all the money on books and chocolate milk?" Oh, you know, I was being nice to myself.

But my most favorite resolution of all is the one I've adopted for this year: drink more water. I love that this is an acceptable status. I feel like I'm getting away with something awesome! I mean, it's basicAlly saying, "Drink more of the one liquid substance on earth essential to living." It's like resolving to breathe more air. Hey, do you think I can use that for next year? 

This tops the charts though: