
Music Mayday

An excerpt from my journal that I just realized was funny…

8:08 PM

Lauren Woodfield gifted me nearly 2,000 songs the other day. I now have the lovely task of going through them all. I think I might rather die.

But my computer barely MOVES now… and this is why. Now I need to decide what I like, and delete what I don’t. Which is most of it. Yeah. Lauren has absolutely different tastes in music than I do. And aren’t Tegan and Sara lesbian? Which is really funny, because she isn’t lesbian at all.

I’ve gone through nearly one hundred songs. I am so incredibly sick and tired of this. I think I might just delete the rest.

Blllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh. Ha, my computer just capitalized that. Bahahaha. I think I need to just have something to do while I’m listening to all this music. Writing nonsense seems like a good thing to do. Maybe I’ll just write a whole lot of crap while I’m doing this, then go back and delete it so you don’t actually have to read it all.

Can I just say that I both like and hate Tegan and Sarah? Their voices are so freaking annoying, but their songs aren’t bad. But Lauren once played them for like an hour on a road trip, and it ruined pretty much all their prospects.

This isn’t going so well. I can’t tell if I love or hate these songs. Oh gee. This is so sucking right now. What am I talking about? This has always sucked. Why can’t I just like all music and be done with this?

I guess I won’t die if I delete songs after listening to only ten seconds of them. Yeah, sure, some of them are probably decent, but I’m not going to worry about it. Because I simply CAN’T.


I just realized I still have 2885 items to go through.

*Bangs head on laptop multiple, multiple times.*

NEW RULE: If I have to listen to thirty seconds of crappy weird sounds or nothing at all, then I’m deleting you. It doesn’t matter if the rest of you is the absolute best song ever: I shouldn’t have to wait and listen to crap to get to the good stuff. Nobody gets more than thirty seconds of intro.

WHOA! I found some stuff I like :D Down there in 164. Cool.

Wow. I just found a song called “Nervous Tic Motion of the Head to the Left.”

Really? Reeeeally?

Oh, from the same guy: “Is Skin, My.” It’s in the Unknown Genre. Psh, that’s for sure. Oh, I wonder what “Not a Robot, But a Ghost” is like…. Still crappiness. Dang. I really don’t know what this is, really. It’s actually quite scary. It’s random noises and clinking with oboes. Dang, that could have been a cool song.

Just for the record, Andrew Bird is so not cool. ^^^^ Don’t ever buy his music.

Blah blah balh…

Why is it that songs with really cool names end up being crap? I’m so not a fan of that.

I have also figured out that most “music from the OC” is absolutely beyond ridiculous.

There’s so much yuckiness here… Lauren, why? Most of it hasn’t even been listened to… did you get all the bad stuff from your roommates? Are they truly the ones who have strange tastes in music? And is this permanently going to crap out my computer? And why am I so obsessed with the word crap tonight?

Automatic Loveletter could have been good. It’s not.

WOO HOO!!!! I’M TO THE B’S!!!!!!!!!! It’s been over an hour, but I’m onto the second letter of the alphabet!

I just heard a song say: “Please, baby please, open your heart and catch my disease.” Wow. How… awesome.

I think I need to see Twilight. It seems to have good music in it. At least the book soundtrack that she made for it (I don’t want to say her-- the author-- name because I’m a brat) was some of the best music I’d heard up until that point. AND MUSE TOOK OVER IT. MUSE = TWILIGHT. Which makes me cry on the inside, but you know, they had to do what they had to do to succeed. Now all these teenieboppers love Muse. Which is just weird.

I just spent twenty minutes listening to really terrible comedy songs. Probably the best spent twenty minutes yet.

345. It’s 10:15, and I’m on 345.

444. It’s 10:30, and I’m on 444. That was a productive fifteen minutes :)

Hey Hey! I’m on the C’s! Woot, man.

561. It’s 10:42, and I’m on 561. COME ON, GO FASTER!

Blahahahahahaha. And no, that was not me laughing. That was me throwing up my brain.

You know what I’ve decided? I’m totally okay with only having one song from a band. Cause turns out, most bands only have a few songs that are good. I’m okay with deleting all the crap. What do you know, I just got over a fetish of mine. Huh.

Woa. It wasn’t until I hit the 600’s that I finally hit a Disney song. And trust me. There are tons. :)

And at 737, I’m calling it a night. It’s a mash-up of all the number one hits of 2009. It’s pretty darn awesome. (It is also 10:58 PM)

Some pretty good work for… all that time. I’m not good at math. Actually, there are a million other things that would have been a better use of my time.

Lesson Learned: don’t ever Pod-To-PC someone else’s ipod (legally or otherwise. Mine was legally, thank you). Just force them to make you a CD of the best hits. Otherwise your brain will turn to mush, and really, having a brain is kind of essential and actually pretty nice.


  1. fact: 1950 of my songs i have never listened to. they are from my roommates. and i have no desire to sort through them. so i never listen to them. way to go for sorting them.

  2. FACT: I love you Lauren! I assumed that's what happened with it all. It was actually kind of fun, in a weired way. :) Thanks a bunch! AND I MISS YOU!
