
The World I Want to Live In

"Today I thought about it and came to the conclusion that if MLIA could rule a country, it would be filled with witty Australian and British people, hogwarts would exist, and the capitol would be Narnia. Furthermore, everyone would have perfect grammar, the college campuses would be made up of giant pillow forts and the top sports would be lightsaber battles, ninja va pirate wars, and "who can pop the most bubblewrap in under a minute?" it sounds like heaven. MLIA"

It's true.


You won't regret it.



Working with DarkLightLullabye... (my other blog... did you know that existed? eh?)

New update on my writing...

Now that Let It Be is finished, I'm working on completing my SECOND NOVEL... (it has nothing to do with Let It Be), called Extraordinary. Check out http://darklightlullabye.blogspot.com/ for a semi-detailed summary.

I PLAN on finishing Extraordinary in the next three months (crosses fingers!), at least, that's my goal! It's achievable :) The story is a whole lot more light than Let It Be, nothing but a semi-scifi YA story. I enjoy it.

Extraordinary's companion novel, which has yet to be named, won't be finished for at least another, eh, six, seven months. But there is a companion :) Actually, Extraordinary was going to be a sort of series, a four-part series, actually... but I've broken it down to two. Actually, that's basically all I have left to do for Extraordinary: I have way more material than I need, but I need to mesh them together.

I'll be posting excerpts from Extraordinary on http://darklightlullabye.blogspot.com.... eventually...

But for now?

IT'S GLEE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chunder in my Sinuses

NOTE TO SELF: Don't ever, ever, EVER step onto an airplane if you've got a migraine and/or nasuea. As soon as you start getting into the air, your head with feel like it's being blown up like a balloon, and with every change of altitude, your stomach will roll disgustingly, and the girl sitting next to you will keep glancing over at you nervously, wondering if you're gonna puke on her. Also, don't chug your Sprite as fast as you can, hoping it will settle your stomach: suddenly, instead of dry heaving, there's carbonated bile coming up your throat...

DO open the car window when you finally get to your destination, stick your head out, close your eyes, pretend your a dog, and let the cool night air soothe your terrible nausea.

Also, when you get home and you're totally dying again, and you start puking in the toilet, DO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT EVER start crying, no matter how violently you're throwing up. DO NOT CRY UNTIL AFTERWARDS, because stuff will start coming out your nose that you're only WISHING was snot.



However, DO remember, that after twelve and a half hours being stranded at the airport, you're now puking in SAN DIEGO!!! YA!!!!



So. It's approximately eleven hours since I last posted. And we're still at the airport.

Yes, we're still here.

We've decided to never fly standby on a buddy pass again. Which means in eleven weeks, we'll be hitting Aunt Sue up for them again for next Botox trip. Actually, it's my Uncle Dallas that has volunteered them-- I made sure my mom wasn't just, you know, forcing them. Because that's not really something she'd do.

We believe this is the fifth flight of the day. Well, the fifth flight we've been scheduled for, before being bumped. Well, except for this current one. There's a chance that we'll get on this one. Sort of. We'll see.

But there's no more bumping after this one. Not tonight. No more flights to Southern California. Trust us, we've looked. I think each flight we've waited for was at a different airport-- Orange County, San Diego, Long Beach...

Surprisingly? I've been in a totally better mood than I was this morning. Weird, right? It was like as soon as I got some chocolate, Excedrin, and Dr. Pepper (don't hate me-- the caffiene was for migraine duty- remember, Botox is on the fringe of wearing off, that's the whole REASON WE'RE GOING to California) in me, I cheered right back up.

That, and the fact that I bought a new book.


I've come to accept my addiction to reading, usually dorky YA novels. And my new-found cheerfulness has, in fact, been due to new-book smell.

And it's taking me FOREVER TO READ IT! Too many distractions here at the airport. My mom has been making fun of me for it. Actually, we've been laughing and making fun of more and more things as the day has worn by. We're getting pretty weary.

So, I won't even BEGIN to tell you all the drama and people we've talked to today. We've made a lot of friends with other weary standby Delta travelers. We might even have a place to stay tonight if we don't get on this flight. Actually, we may have two.

With people I charmed with my sunny optimism. And my mother's innocent frustration. But I like to think it was my sunny optimism.

Speaking of my mother, she just threatened to "bean" my dad, because he keeps calling while she's trying to text him. He's done it at least six times today. We're thinking that she got around sixty texts today, between my dad, Aunt Sue, and Grandma. She's getting good.

She also just shoved her book over to me, pointing to a paragraph involving a man reffered to "pimple-butt". Yes. We DID giggle.

Like I said, it's been a long day.

Excuse me, Delta. I hate you.

So guess what I just heard over the loud speaker?

My flight is overbooked.

I'm on standby.

Guess who's not going to San Diego for another seven hours?

acehnwfkasdjfkmsnvcjren gfverhfijweijfasidjfiw3eifksnafvernjvuheijwkajkge

This day just keeps getting better and better.

SLC International

So, here I am at the airport. And I have to say... DUDE. I'M CRANKY. Maybe that's because my cat decided to sleep on my head, or maybe because I had to get up at five. Or maybe because it's been stressful getting here, which it usually never is.

But, GOSH, is this internet slow! Gez louise, SLC Int Airport, you think you'd maybe you'd be nice to your passengers, but NO, it takes twenty minutes to hook up to wifi...



So, last time I was here (eleven weeks ago, I counted. It was last time I went to San Diego for Botox. Which I'm doing again today), I saw this kid-- he was like, seventeen, but I call everyone kids-- who was wearing neon green socks with his sandals. Okay, I thought, there is ONE PERSON who can pull off socks with sandals, just because it was so way ridiculous, it was like he was making fun of himself. It was fantastic, and I was proud.

As in airport usual tradition, Mom and I got starbucks-- Tall Double Chocolately Chip Cream Frapachino and a hot chocolate, because it's just delicious-- and Mom's reading her trashy celebrity watch magazine. Yeah, we're weird. But if you have to be here as much as I have to be here, you might as well make some traditions to make it bearable.

Well aren't I just a ball full of sunshine today. Pesimism at it's best. I just need a good nap.

Here's to looking happier in California....


That's no lady-- That's my cell phone!


Okay, I'm not there yet. But tomorrow, around 10:30 AM (I think), I WILL BE! WOOT WOOT!

So. I found out the other day that I get Facebook on my phone. WEIRDEST THING EVER. Actually, watching Youtube videos on my phone was weirder. Suddenly, Harry Potter can be a part of my phone---

(One of my favorite videos ever! Harry Potter in Five seconds... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeYOdgwByLc
Oh, it's a good one. As is The Lion King in Five Seconds. But you can find the link to that on your own.)

HOWEVER-- I found that I do not get blogger.com on my phone. (Sad sigh). So, although I can watch weird people do weird things, and wish someone happy birthday while in the middle of the carwash, I cannot blog from my cellular device.

Aww, dang.






(Oh... it's a book I've been waiting for for like, a year!!!!! I thought it was coming out on May 1st-- MY BIRTHDAY!-- BUT IT'S COMING OUT TOMORROW!!!)

I was just checking up on my facebook ON MY PHONE... who knew I could do that?... and there was a post from THE RECKONING FAN GROUP saying "NO POSTING SPOILERS!!!" Which, obviously, had me confused, so I looked it up... AND TA-DA!!! TOMORROW!!!

Guess who pre-ordered on Barnesandnoble.com?!?!?! DUDE. SO STOKED.

... Oh. I just realized that my last post was about my obsession of books. And how I was vowing to use the library from now on. Dang.

Okay, THIS is the last book I'm buying instead of borrowing at the library. (Cough cough... no need to mention the two I bought today... BUT THEY WERE AT WALMART, SO THEY WERE CHEAPER!!! Also, not to mention that I went to buy a whole different book, but they didn't have it, so I still need to get it... um, cough cough)

I told you. I have a problem.



Dorks 'R' Us... or, well, Me.

Well. It's official. I have a problem. A book problem.


I'm a book addict.

I guess this better than, say, a crack addict... a shoe addict... a warm and fuzzy kitten addict *cough cough STEPHANIE*... but I mean, really. Plowing through your average novel in a matter of three-four hours JUST ISN'T OKAY. I need to find a cheaper hobby. Okay, it's cheaper than, say, sky-diving or... something... but it's not like you'd go sky-diving every single day, right? Okay, well, maybe you would, but not if you're a college student like me... which I only partly am right now because I'm off semester...


No, but seriously. In the past month, I've read like, seriously? A dozen books.

They are as follows:
1) Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo (An amazingly cute book, complete with talking toothpick)
2) Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret (A grave disappointment)
3) Evermore: the Immortals (<3)
4) Blue Moon: The Immortals
5) Shadowland: The Immortals
6) Old Magic
7) Night Runner (Turned out to be stupid a vampire book... I HATE IT WHEN BOOK COVERS DON'T TELL YOU NECESSARY PARTS OF THE PLOT...)
8) The Hourglass Door
9) Maximum Ride: School's Out, Forever
10) Maximum Ride: Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports
11) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I forgot how amazingly cute the early Harry Potter's are!)
12) City of Bones (<3)
13) City of Ashes (<3 <3)
14) City of Glass (<3 <3 <3!!!)
15) Remembering Issac

Ah. Fifteen. That's a lot of books.

That's a ton of MONEY on books.

They tell me there's this thing called the library... I don't really understand the concept, I guess... Actually, I just haven't had the time (or felt well enough) to go find out library, convince them that I DO in fact, live here in Layton, Utah (not that I'm proud of it), and then browse around through the ancient books. They don't have the new book smell (super big puppy-dog-face pout). I live off that new-book smell.

And I've also just realized what a total DORK I am.


Actually, I'm kind of okay with that :D


Dear Stomach Flu:

Next time you decide to reek havoc on my life for AN ENTIRE TWO WEEKS, please send a note. I like to plan ahead. Thanks so much.
