
24 hours of my life in FACEBOOK STATUS'S

SO MANY THINGS TO SAY. I posted many things on Facebook. Now I will post them in order.(and add what I would have posted in between. With guesstimated times. I like my spelling of guesstimated. Double S rocks. Okay, I'll continue now.)

(Published status' on Facebook- BLUE. I mean, RED.)

1:54 AM. Finished my homework. (But, seeing as it's 2 in the morning and Camie's asleep, I'll wait until morning to print all twenty pages of it. Your welcome, roomie.)

3 AM. Doo-da-doot-da-doot... insomnia makes me giggle sometimes.

4 AM. Just spent an hour giggling under the covers... thinking about post on mylifeisaverage.com... I laughed out loud, and woke camie up, making her mumble incoherently under her breath... teeheeeeeee...

6 AM. Alright, insomnia, you can quite now. Sleep might be nice.


11 AM. Slept for a total of twenty minutes. Dreamt I cussed some little girl scout out. Not a good thing. Especially since I used the F word repeatedly... do I need to repent for that? Cussing in my dreams? Because it happens A LOT. I think I might have anger issues I need to resolve...

12:22 PM. It's a good thing I'm lying down, because I think I'm going to pass out. (is that possible?)

2:30 PM. Worst. Feeling. EVER. Migraine... no strength... missed devo. I don't have strength to go to Devo AND class. And I HAVE to go to class, or I fail. Decision made. Gosh, I feel like crap.

2:50 PM. Class in fifteen minutes... should get out of bed... can't...

3:15 PM. Made it to class. Forgot to staple all the millions of papers I'm turning, but I'm in class. That's enough.

3:16 PM. Hey, I just realized that I did all my homework last night! SWEET! That makes life a bit better. But I still feel like I'm going to faint. And I'm not laying down.


4:30 PM. BAD DAYS SUCK. So do parking citations. Especially when Kyle is there to mock me, like he did.

4:31 PM. Although, Dani just did an immitation of my turkey phone, and that made life better a bit.

4:46 PM. Right as I'm at the cashier to check out at the cafeteria (alone) I realized I left my wallet at home. And my phone. Have to drop my food, run and find Kyle, borrow five bucks from him. Went back to pay, realized that $5 wasn't enough, had to drop my drink.

4:57 PM. I'm thirsty. Darn you salty fries.

5:12 PM. and just for the record, that ice cream mentioned yesterday SUCKED. I thought, hey, I'm having a bad day, I'm dying of thirst, I'll make myself a chocolate shake and things will be a whole lot better, right? WRONG.

5:37 PM. DANG IT, I LEFT MY EGGS OUT, TOO. How am I supposed to make treats for my freaking visiting teaching people if all my eggs, WHICH I HAD TO STEAL FROM CAMIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, are bad? This day just keeps getting CRAPPIER by the minute... it needs to just be OVER. DO YOU HEAR ME, FATE? OVER.

5:42 PM. (in the shower) IS THIS WHAT I GET FOR DOING MY HOMEWORK FOR ONCE? Because I'll totally stop doing homework, if it means avoiding bad days.

5:53 PM. I recently wrote a post on the magical powers of a good shower. I just have to say, THAT'S A LIE. I wasn't feeling any magic today when random black crap squirted out at me. DARN YOU, KARMA.

6:24 PM. Dang it, ripped my contact. Gosh dang it. That's what I get for actually putting make-up on? I thought I was doing the world a favor, but APPARENTLY NOT...

6:26 PM. Pouting on the couch. Can't sleep, have to go Visting Teaching at 7. Not enough time sleep before. I don't even want to read MyLifeIsAverage.com. Because my life is crap today. Well played, average lifers. Well played.

6:27 PM. Quiznos. Do I have time to make a Quizno's run real fast?

6:27 and 1/2 PM. No. Sob.

6:59 PM. Visiting teaching, lack of treats? Not here! A can of cactus cooler, "because we think you're cool." Response? Well played, well played. Take that, oh Demon Fate of Bad Days!

8:36 PM. At Craigos... yum. Food is yummy. Also, Pasta bars rock.

9:12 PM. "I bought cheesecake at Albertsons!" A silent minute later... "Wait, I'm having a bad day! I forgot about that. There, that's the excuse for my cheesecake. Not that you really need an excuse for cheesecake..."


9:19 PM. "What's that?" "It's definately not cheesecake." "Can I have a bite? A little bity bite?" "BACK OFF, LOSER. THIS PUPPY'S MINE AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY. HA."

9:19 and 1/2 PM. Laughs at own sarcasm towards Alex. I give him a piece. We're dissapointed that it's all crap-brownie with an itty-bitty layer of cheesecake swirls. No want brownie. Just cheesecake.

9:2o PM. So. Much. Difficulty. Getting the tiny bits of cheesecake out of the brownie is hard. It's really frozen....
9:22 PM. so, I was eating cheesecake, and my fork went through the plate AND INTO MY LEG. It hurt. But cheesecake made it better. But only kind of.
1:05 AM. Dani: "Teehee, FATALITY."
1:34 AM. BAHAHAHAHA. I like quotes from NigaHiga. Actually, I just like NigaHiga in general.

9:23 PM. Except that now the toxic fumes of lavendar air-freshener is ruining the experience of my coveted cheesecake bits...

9:27 PM. Just realized that Alex has been using my pillow. That's gross. Now he's put Dani's socks on his hands, and the puppets are making out. Seriously, Alex, seriously? Your feet smell.

9:42 PM. Our apartment smells like smelly feet.

9:46 Pm. Wait, am I contributing to the stinky-feet smell? Oh great. I'm the worst roommate ever.

9:52 PM. No. NO WAY are those my feet. Alex's feet are polluting our world.

9:59 PM. Just got out our mop. Wrote "Nimbus 2000" on the side. We don't have a broom. From now on, I'm doing it to every broom or mop or swiffer I meet. (Although, maybe I'll come up with a different name for the Swiffer. It's a little high tech for Hogwarts.)

9:59 and 1/2 PM. I wonder how Harry would modify a swiffer in order to ride it...

10:00 PM. (Imagines the modifications that a swiffer would require...)

10:11 PM. (takes quiz on Facebook: What Jedi are you?)

10:12 PM. (Answer: Yoda.)


(intense event.)

10: 34 PM. "I know this is a hard concept for you guys, but you have neighbors." YEAH, WELL I KNOW THIS IS A HARD CONCEPT FOR YOU, BUT YOUR FACE IS UGLY. And Travis says that you'll never get married. Or, if you do, he'll commit suicide within two days. Three days, tops. TAKE THAT, WITCH!
10:35 PM. What a way to end a bad day, right? getting yelled at by the witches next door. What a jerk. Putting her down makes us feel better about ourselves :(

10:38 PM. my feelers are hurt. So are travis's. I'm crying on the inside.

11:02 PM. Camie comes home. Tell her about our latest drama with the girl next door and how she hurt Travis' feelings. Camie: "They said that they can hear everything we say?" (yelling) "WELL, SUCK IT UP!" Best. Roommate. Ever.

11:06 PM. Still laughing at Camie's remark. She's so BA (as spencer says). (I just say that she's flippin awesome and ROCKS).

11:46 PM. Travis (helping out the witch next door when KYLE got too loud): "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!"

11:58 PM. I made a big sign saying "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!". I hung it on our door. It made Dani laugh. A lot. It made me feel much better about the event.

12:22. EPIC FAIL. Brushing my teeth, and got toothpaste all over my glasses. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Dani and I don't know.

12:30. Popcorn, oh lovely popcorn, you should get in my tummy...

12: 36. Now I have popcorn grease all over my keyboard.

12:37. It was worth it.

12:50. (To be sung) Earphones, why, oh why, are you all the way down on my desk? Why must I climb down from bed to get thee? (Commences attempt at telekenisis powers...)

12:54. (End attempt at telekenisis powers... my headphones obviously are not in tune with the Force. Darn it.)

12:55. Oh, Camie's getting up! SWEET! "CaMiE...."

12:55 1/2. YES! CAMIE ROCKS! Now, earphones, we have a lot to talk about...

12:58. Still lecturing about the goodness of the Force and how we need to apply the principles of Star Wars to our own lives, because they'll make us more wise and wonderful...

1:02 AM. Hey, wait, didn't I once find a funny blog about OBI WON, in like, freshman year? I wonder where that went... I should put it in my EPIC WONDER book. (Previously called my "Creative Writing Journal." This is Volume Two, in which epic wonderfulness not neccesarily written by me are now incorporated. It's official title is, "Creative Writing Journal, Volume Two: EPIC WONDER." Hey, that's kind of legit. I like it. I'm clever. Teehee.

1:35 AM. Note to self: Don't pull on eyelashes when you haven't removed your mascara off yet. It tears out half of your eyelashes.

2:00 AM. While filling this blog out, I just experienced my first conversation with Camie while she was asleep and incoherent. It was fun. I like that my roommate talks in her sleep. Because I know for a fact I giggle before I fall asleep. Or belch loudly. I can't fall asleep without doing one of the two. Which, makes me wonder, I probably giggle IN my sleep as well. And Belch. Or belch. I'd rather giggle. But I guess I can't really be choosy when I'm asleep.

2:12 AM. FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The OBI WAN KANOBI ARTICLE!!!!! Sooooo posting it....

2:15. (Camie's chewing in her sleep. Hm. I wonder what she's dreaming about. And if it's tasty.)

2:28. HEY. THIS IS OFFICIALLY 24 hours of my life in facebook status'. I think that's pretty darn sweet. Long, but pretty darn flippin sweet.

2:30. Alright. Due to the fact that I don't want to recreate my day with another lapse of insomnia and sleep-depravity (ooo, I like that word. Depravity. Sleep-depravity. I wonder how many scrabble points I could get for that...)....

(2:31: I realize that the last hour, my brain has been starting to melt and make no sense, hence the rambling. Just had to put that out there)

.... I think I shall go to bed. I took a sleeping pill. (that might be why I'm a little loopey and dazy. Lazy dazy. Hahaha... that's me in a nut shell) And now I'm going to bed and letting you FINALLY finish reading this. Actually, you probably didn't read it all, and that's okay. It was long. It was mostly for my enjoyment and entertainment. Hey, it killed two hours. :D

1 comment:

  1. WAITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That's a cool time.

    Okay, I'm done.
