
In Which I Contemplate that Bodies are Beautiful, So We Don't Need Tattoos

So, I was thinking about how I would explain to someone why I don't support getting tattoos, and it led me to remember some phrase I read on a "Mom-aesthetic" Facebook post (you know the ones I mean... Random quotes, usually some joke about getting older, With the weird clip art and some cheesy font that middle-aged and older women pass around).


"Why don't I have tattoos? Would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?"

And I think, well, that's pretty rude to all the people who DO have tattoos. What are you saying, that they aren't Ferraris, but you are? Or that they're idiots for putting the bumper stickers on their less-than car selves? Either way, it's no good.

And I don't think it makes all that much sense, anyways. Because while there are a lot of terrible tattoos out there, bad enough to be equalifized as a bumper sticker, there are a lot of really gorgeous ones, too. Incredible works of art. 

So, instead of the bumper sticker on a Ferrari analogy, I'd suggest something more like: "would you ask Picasso to paint on the side of your car?" No, because that's ridiculous. Those are two things-priceless paintings and vehicles of transportation- that have nothing to do with each other. Just like bodies and tattoos. Bodies are already works of art themselves. You don't need to add to them with permanent ink to make them beautiful, or interesting, or different. If you have a great love of art, sweet. Support artists! Just leave the ink on paper, not skin, where you can give it the proper admiration it deserves. That way, both the art AND your body get their time to shine without having to compete with each other.

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