
Chunder in my Sinuses

NOTE TO SELF: Don't ever, ever, EVER step onto an airplane if you've got a migraine and/or nasuea. As soon as you start getting into the air, your head with feel like it's being blown up like a balloon, and with every change of altitude, your stomach will roll disgustingly, and the girl sitting next to you will keep glancing over at you nervously, wondering if you're gonna puke on her. Also, don't chug your Sprite as fast as you can, hoping it will settle your stomach: suddenly, instead of dry heaving, there's carbonated bile coming up your throat...

DO open the car window when you finally get to your destination, stick your head out, close your eyes, pretend your a dog, and let the cool night air soothe your terrible nausea.

Also, when you get home and you're totally dying again, and you start puking in the toilet, DO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT EVER start crying, no matter how violently you're throwing up. DO NOT CRY UNTIL AFTERWARDS, because stuff will start coming out your nose that you're only WISHING was snot.



However, DO remember, that after twelve and a half hours being stranded at the airport, you're now puking in SAN DIEGO!!! YA!!!!

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