It's been a while, has it not?
No, it has.
I suppose I simply haven't had much to say. Which isn't much of an excuse, is it?
Nope. It's not.
And yet.... nope, still haven't had much to say. Still don't. At least, not at the moment. But I thought I'd at least stop by and let you know that I hadn't, you know, fallen down a well or anything like that.
Because that's the considerate thing to do.
I'm just not blogging.
Because I don't have much to say.
But when I DO come up with something, we'll meet again. Oh yes, we will. And it will be major awesomeness.
Till then,my friends...
Big Red
So, most of you know about the joys of my delightful Oldsmobile, Old Red.
I did not name him Old Red, my sister did, for you see, he used to belong to her. Before her, he belonged to someone else, in Logan, Utah. Before that, who knows. (Actually, my dad probably was the one that named him that, but that's besides the point.)
(I just call him Car. As in, "Thank you, Car." Or, "You can do it, Car!" Not that you really needed to know that, either.)
Back to the point. Old Red is ancient. He is an Oldsmobile. And, as many of you know, the clicking sound that is linked with the turning signal has a mind of it's own. Yes, that's right; the clicking comes on whenever it wants to, speeds up really fast (mostly when I press the brake, but not always), and generally freaks out and annoys anyone who has the delight of riding in my car. People smack him, kick him, and once, even yell at him, and yet nothing helps. I think he secretly enjoys the pain he inflicts in people.
The other day, however, Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" came on and the beat EXACTLY matched the ticking, dead on. Perhaps Car recognized that I was having a hard morning and really, really was dreading going to the doctors, so he planned it to make me smile.
Awwww, being polite to your car and thanking it for not breaking down on the side of the road on a regular basis DOES pay off.
I did not name him Old Red, my sister did, for you see, he used to belong to her. Before her, he belonged to someone else, in Logan, Utah. Before that, who knows. (Actually, my dad probably was the one that named him that, but that's besides the point.)
(I just call him Car. As in, "Thank you, Car." Or, "You can do it, Car!" Not that you really needed to know that, either.)
Back to the point. Old Red is ancient. He is an Oldsmobile. And, as many of you know, the clicking sound that is linked with the turning signal has a mind of it's own. Yes, that's right; the clicking comes on whenever it wants to, speeds up really fast (mostly when I press the brake, but not always), and generally freaks out and annoys anyone who has the delight of riding in my car. People smack him, kick him, and once, even yell at him, and yet nothing helps. I think he secretly enjoys the pain he inflicts in people.
The other day, however, Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" came on and the beat EXACTLY matched the ticking, dead on. Perhaps Car recognized that I was having a hard morning and really, really was dreading going to the doctors, so he planned it to make me smile.
Awwww, being polite to your car and thanking it for not breaking down on the side of the road on a regular basis DOES pay off.
Yesterday, I nearly lost an eye eating a Hostess donut. Why? Because they are my cat's favorite food. Enough said.
Pumpkin Drama
Happy Halloween!!
So over the last 3 weeks, some anonymous person has been leaving these miniature pumpkins (I'm talking like the size of a large grapefruit) all over the yards of my neighbors on my street. Day by day they popped up in silly, random places... on top of decorative rocks, shoved between tree limbs, sitting randomly on a retaining wall--- it gave our street tons of personality and charm.
I wanted one sooooooooooo baddddd.
Every day I'd literally run to the kitchen window to peek out the blinds to see if one had appeared in our yard, but no! Never! After 3 weeks, we never got a stinking, adorable, miniature neighborly pumpkin! I'm so peeved!
Everyday when I'd leave the house, I'd drive down the street, looking for new pumpkins, returning home in a jealous rage with a "There's three new ones around the Cloverleaf. Three!" or "The old man kiddie corner to us got one! He's going to be dead by Halloween."
The day our next door neighbor got one was a sad, sad day.
This morning, one showed up tucked in the shrub of the guy across the street. Psssssssssssssssssshhh.
So we bought our own pumpkin. Regular size, because who sells miniature sized pumpkins? But then I put a black mask on him, and now he looks like Zorro pumpkin, and that makes me feel better. Also, I took these Chinese lanterns, and cutout faces out of black paper and made jack-o-lanterns and witches out of them, and hung them in the palm trees outside our house. I feel better now.
(Although, I have to say, I was hoping that after we decorated our house, Anonymous Mini Pumpkin Person would see that we were all Halloweenlike, and therefore leave us a pumpkin, but alas, we have been left out of the party. Bummer.)
Mom went out on a walk this morning, so she and I conspired on how she should steal someone else's pumpkin and put it in our yard--- MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Didn't happen. I don't know if she realized I was serious.)
So, alas, dear Anonymous Mini Pumpkin Giver, you have brought me such joy. I've loved watching these tiny gourds pop up day by day all over our street in uber random places--- it strikes a a happy chord in my random heart. But seriously? Did you really have to leave us out? You suck. If you ever come around here again, I'm throwing Zorro pumpkin at you. AND YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN MESSING WITH OUT STREET BUNNIES.
Warmly, Holly.
Happy Halloween!
So over the last 3 weeks, some anonymous person has been leaving these miniature pumpkins (I'm talking like the size of a large grapefruit) all over the yards of my neighbors on my street. Day by day they popped up in silly, random places... on top of decorative rocks, shoved between tree limbs, sitting randomly on a retaining wall--- it gave our street tons of personality and charm.
I wanted one sooooooooooo baddddd.
Every day I'd literally run to the kitchen window to peek out the blinds to see if one had appeared in our yard, but no! Never! After 3 weeks, we never got a stinking, adorable, miniature neighborly pumpkin! I'm so peeved!
Everyday when I'd leave the house, I'd drive down the street, looking for new pumpkins, returning home in a jealous rage with a "There's three new ones around the Cloverleaf. Three!" or "The old man kiddie corner to us got one! He's going to be dead by Halloween."
The day our next door neighbor got one was a sad, sad day.
This morning, one showed up tucked in the shrub of the guy across the street. Psssssssssssssssssshhh.
So we bought our own pumpkin. Regular size, because who sells miniature sized pumpkins? But then I put a black mask on him, and now he looks like Zorro pumpkin, and that makes me feel better. Also, I took these Chinese lanterns, and cutout faces out of black paper and made jack-o-lanterns and witches out of them, and hung them in the palm trees outside our house. I feel better now.
(Although, I have to say, I was hoping that after we decorated our house, Anonymous Mini Pumpkin Person would see that we were all Halloweenlike, and therefore leave us a pumpkin, but alas, we have been left out of the party. Bummer.)
Mom went out on a walk this morning, so she and I conspired on how she should steal someone else's pumpkin and put it in our yard--- MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Didn't happen. I don't know if she realized I was serious.)
So, alas, dear Anonymous Mini Pumpkin Giver, you have brought me such joy. I've loved watching these tiny gourds pop up day by day all over our street in uber random places--- it strikes a a happy chord in my random heart. But seriously? Did you really have to leave us out? You suck. If you ever come around here again, I'm throwing Zorro pumpkin at you. AND YOU BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN MESSING WITH OUT STREET BUNNIES.
Warmly, Holly.
Happy Halloween!
Borders Deserves To Go Down, In My Humble Opinion
Borders is going under! Muhahaha... nothing beats Barnes and Noble!
Okay, I have no reason to be against Borders in any way, I just never lived around one, so they always seemed like the evil competition of my beloved B&N.
So since they're going under, I assume they're having some good sales to get rid of all their inventory. Seeing as the nearest store to me is something like an hour and a half away, I decided to look up their book selection online.
Okay, 20% isn't that great of a discout, Borders. Walmart and Target give me a better discounts than that. And then it hit me... hey, when I buy books online from Barnes and Noble, I get an average of 40% off, simply from being a member, and buying it online, which includes FREE SHIPPING.
Umm... Borders, if you're going under, you might want to make your sales a little better. Because your incentives aren't that great. If regular stores still in business can still beat you, then what's the point?
No wonder you suck.
AND KINDLE!! (Even though that's Amazon brand, not B&N!)
Okay, I have no reason to be against Borders in any way, I just never lived around one, so they always seemed like the evil competition of my beloved B&N.
So since they're going under, I assume they're having some good sales to get rid of all their inventory. Seeing as the nearest store to me is something like an hour and a half away, I decided to look up their book selection online.
Okay, 20% isn't that great of a discout, Borders. Walmart and Target give me a better discounts than that. And then it hit me... hey, when I buy books online from Barnes and Noble, I get an average of 40% off, simply from being a member, and buying it online, which includes FREE SHIPPING.
Umm... Borders, if you're going under, you might want to make your sales a little better. Because your incentives aren't that great. If regular stores still in business can still beat you, then what's the point?
No wonder you suck.
AND KINDLE!! (Even though that's Amazon brand, not B&N!)
I Was Never Good At Networking Anyways
Since my uber intense fibromyalgia attack struck... and continues to strike... I've had a lot of time on my hands. At home. With nothing to do. And no where to go, seeing as I can't go any where on my own, because I can't really walk on my own. Well, I sorta can now, but I don't want to take the risk of getting hit with a fatigue bout and having to like, I don't know, dramatically sit/fall down in the middle of a Barnes and Noble isle instead of having my mom/dad help me. Sigh.
Back to the point. Lots of time on my hands.
So I thought that looking for fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue support groups would be a super awesome idea, right? So I spent yesterday searching. Particularly of the young adult sort. After a few hours of searching, I found a really cool facebook page and even a social networking site for people under 40 with neuro-immune illnesses such as:
Okay, so it IS awesome. All these people who feel so isolated because these diseases make us sick and home-bound so much of the time (coughcough--see:mylife--coughcough) being able to "hang out" sort of, with other people who totally are going throught the same sort of stuff. It's awesome.
I can't do it. It made me so ridiculously depressed. And I don't even know why. I guess I like to live my life just floating through it with as cheerful an attitude as I can, not over thinking anything. If I start overthinking it, that's when I start getting sad. I'm not avoiding it, oh no, let me tell you. No cop out's here. I just don't want to center my life on my health problems--- at least, not any more than it is. I don't want my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue to define who I am, and if all I do is associate with people with the same problems, talking about it, maybe not even complaing about it, but still focusing on it... I don't want my life to be like that. I want my health problems to be part of my life, not my whole life.
So, I was going to change this blog up to be more of a "fibromyalgia diaries" and be an uplifting tale of a young adult and how she deals with the daily trials of health issues... but screw that. I am who I am, I write what I write, and I'm happy as I am. No need to be a saint.
Back to the point. Lots of time on my hands.
So I thought that looking for fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue support groups would be a super awesome idea, right? So I spent yesterday searching. Particularly of the young adult sort. After a few hours of searching, I found a really cool facebook page and even a social networking site for people under 40 with neuro-immune illnesses such as:
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (what I've got), Chronic Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia (also what I've got), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Sarcoidosis, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Mold-Related IllnessShould be awesome, right?
Okay, so it IS awesome. All these people who feel so isolated because these diseases make us sick and home-bound so much of the time (coughcough--see:mylife--coughcough) being able to "hang out" sort of, with other people who totally are going throught the same sort of stuff. It's awesome.
I can't do it. It made me so ridiculously depressed. And I don't even know why. I guess I like to live my life just floating through it with as cheerful an attitude as I can, not over thinking anything. If I start overthinking it, that's when I start getting sad. I'm not avoiding it, oh no, let me tell you. No cop out's here. I just don't want to center my life on my health problems--- at least, not any more than it is. I don't want my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue to define who I am, and if all I do is associate with people with the same problems, talking about it, maybe not even complaing about it, but still focusing on it... I don't want my life to be like that. I want my health problems to be part of my life, not my whole life.
So, I was going to change this blog up to be more of a "fibromyalgia diaries" and be an uplifting tale of a young adult and how she deals with the daily trials of health issues... but screw that. I am who I am, I write what I write, and I'm happy as I am. No need to be a saint.
Dear Ellie--
Dear Ellie: You know what would be even more exciting that you being birthed sometime in the next 3 weeks? You being birthed in CALIFORNIA sometime in the next 3 weeks! Love, your Aunt Holly
Snowcovered Sand
So I went to the beach yesterday. Guess what song was stuck in my head?
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland."
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland."
Fibromyalgia Diaries
So I haven't been posting lately. If you've noticed. Or if you haven't, well, I just pointed it out, so now you know.
So I thought I'd talk about what's been going on with me lately. Half because I want to explain, and half because I want to document... and half because I just want to talk about it. And if you're wondering how I can be 1 1/2 parts... you know I'm just that awesome :)
No, so, you all know that I have this super fun disease called (to be read in superhero announcer voice):
where my body likes to hurt for no good reason. Also, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which I haven't really discussed on here, but that's what's really the killer-- like I mentioned in a post a few weeks back, where taking a shower had me out on my back for an hour, it exhausted me so bad. It makes the most mundane things suddenly feel like you've been asked to run a twelve mile race while carrying eight bowling balls.
So, about a month ago I had this super major Fibro attack... it's been progressively getting worse for a while now, and finally it got to the point of sheer agony from the tip of my head to the bottoms of my feet and everywhere in between, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get any relief. Not even when I slept. So Mom was out of town visitng my Grandma Betty for ten days, and Dad was working, and I was home alone during the days, just dying from all this pain. I was getting dizzy and light-headed and heavy-futy migraines, and I wasn't getting any sleep because of the pain, so mentally I wasn't getting any rest, so I was starting to drive myself insane... Finally I just sobbed and sobbed because I just couldn't get it to stop... That night, I was up from two in the morning, my arms from the elbows to the wrist completely numb (super weird, right? I mean, really?) and when Dad woke up, I just cried and cried, and cried, and cried some more, and he said he'd take me to the emergency room, since we couldn't get in to see my doctor. Then I took a shower, and my legs started to go numb, so I got out and cried some more. And then we went to the ER.
Moving on, the ER wasn't any help--- no one knew what to do. I was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuming mad. I would say other things but there's a good chance my mother will read this, so I won't say them. But I did get my very first shot in the butt! Shot version of ibprofin. Woot dog. Then, from there, we went to the partner of my regular doctor, who also had no idea what to do with me, but did end up prescribing me some muscle relaxers, which in the long run helped. Then, later that night, we went to Urgent Care, to get another one of the butt shots because they only lasted 6 hours--- so I got TWO butt shots in one day. I was pretty excited about that, which was random, because I was in so much pain, but I was excited that I had finally gotten butt shots, because we would be learning them next semester in school, and now I would have actually had patient experience with them...
So, after all that happens, it takes a good week or so, Mom finally comes home-- thank heavens!!!-- the muscle relaxers kick in, as do the steriods (oh, yeah, somewhere along the line I got steriods, did I forget that?) and the pain finally starts to go away. Left in it's place? Complete muscle weakness.
I can no longer stand for more than a minute. I can't stand in the shower. I can hardly walk around the house. If I'm walking out the driveway, I need to hold on to Mom. My arms shake if I hold a book for too long.
And I'm thinking... "What. The. Freaking. Crap?" (Sorry Mom.) I'm twenty years old. Not one hundred and twenty. Why am I considering buying a wheel-chair? Why am I looking up places to buy a seat you can put in your shower? Debating on what color of cane to get? Getting rid of all my high heels, because, heck, I'll never be able to wear those babies again, so why torture myself with having to see them in my closet every day?
Over a week into this, I finally get into see a Rheumatologist, who deals with diseases of the autoimmunsystem, joints, muscles, that sort of stuff, where fibromyalgia patients go. She listens to me. Really listens to me. She asks in depth about my history, trying to make connections with my headaches and other problems. She seems to really understand what I'm telling her and instead of telling me to buck up, she wants to figure out what's going on as much as I do. However, it's not like my body can talk and say, "Hey, Dr. T, we've got MS!" or whatever. Not that it would. My body is a sneaky little devil that keeps it's problems hidden deep within itself where only the deep-searching or open-minded doctors go... So we have to take other routes: I did some X-rays, got an EKG, did some blood tests, and will have a lot more extensive ones done tomorrow.
Thankfully, my strength is coming back. I can stand a whole lot more now, and I can walk around quite a bit. I still haven't driven and gone anywhere by myself yet since all this has happened, but I slowly inching in that direction. I went to the beach today, and walking in the sand was pretty rough, but I didn't have to stop and rest for a minute, so I'm doing good. :)
Hopefully, hopefully, we can figure out what happened. This attack opened not just my mind, but my families mind at just what, and particularly what not my body is capable of. It's no secret that my life has been and is going to continue to be very different from the norm because of these health issues. But I'm thankful for all the support that I've been blessed with, and I'm thankful for all the things that AREN'T wrong with my body.
Although, I really, REALLY could have done without that bout of stomach flu this weekend. Stomach flu... food poisoning... deadly parasite....
I'm not ruling that one out!!!
So I thought I'd talk about what's been going on with me lately. Half because I want to explain, and half because I want to document... and half because I just want to talk about it. And if you're wondering how I can be 1 1/2 parts... you know I'm just that awesome :)
No, so, you all know that I have this super fun disease called (to be read in superhero announcer voice):
where my body likes to hurt for no good reason. Also, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which I haven't really discussed on here, but that's what's really the killer-- like I mentioned in a post a few weeks back, where taking a shower had me out on my back for an hour, it exhausted me so bad. It makes the most mundane things suddenly feel like you've been asked to run a twelve mile race while carrying eight bowling balls.
So, about a month ago I had this super major Fibro attack... it's been progressively getting worse for a while now, and finally it got to the point of sheer agony from the tip of my head to the bottoms of my feet and everywhere in between, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get any relief. Not even when I slept. So Mom was out of town visitng my Grandma Betty for ten days, and Dad was working, and I was home alone during the days, just dying from all this pain. I was getting dizzy and light-headed and heavy-futy migraines, and I wasn't getting any sleep because of the pain, so mentally I wasn't getting any rest, so I was starting to drive myself insane... Finally I just sobbed and sobbed because I just couldn't get it to stop... That night, I was up from two in the morning, my arms from the elbows to the wrist completely numb (super weird, right? I mean, really?) and when Dad woke up, I just cried and cried, and cried, and cried some more, and he said he'd take me to the emergency room, since we couldn't get in to see my doctor. Then I took a shower, and my legs started to go numb, so I got out and cried some more. And then we went to the ER.
Moving on, the ER wasn't any help--- no one knew what to do. I was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuming mad. I would say other things but there's a good chance my mother will read this, so I won't say them. But I did get my very first shot in the butt! Shot version of ibprofin. Woot dog. Then, from there, we went to the partner of my regular doctor, who also had no idea what to do with me, but did end up prescribing me some muscle relaxers, which in the long run helped. Then, later that night, we went to Urgent Care, to get another one of the butt shots because they only lasted 6 hours--- so I got TWO butt shots in one day. I was pretty excited about that, which was random, because I was in so much pain, but I was excited that I had finally gotten butt shots, because we would be learning them next semester in school, and now I would have actually had patient experience with them...
So, after all that happens, it takes a good week or so, Mom finally comes home-- thank heavens!!!-- the muscle relaxers kick in, as do the steriods (oh, yeah, somewhere along the line I got steriods, did I forget that?) and the pain finally starts to go away. Left in it's place? Complete muscle weakness.
I can no longer stand for more than a minute. I can't stand in the shower. I can hardly walk around the house. If I'm walking out the driveway, I need to hold on to Mom. My arms shake if I hold a book for too long.
And I'm thinking... "What. The. Freaking. Crap?" (Sorry Mom.) I'm twenty years old. Not one hundred and twenty. Why am I considering buying a wheel-chair? Why am I looking up places to buy a seat you can put in your shower? Debating on what color of cane to get? Getting rid of all my high heels, because, heck, I'll never be able to wear those babies again, so why torture myself with having to see them in my closet every day?
Over a week into this, I finally get into see a Rheumatologist, who deals with diseases of the autoimmunsystem, joints, muscles, that sort of stuff, where fibromyalgia patients go. She listens to me. Really listens to me. She asks in depth about my history, trying to make connections with my headaches and other problems. She seems to really understand what I'm telling her and instead of telling me to buck up, she wants to figure out what's going on as much as I do. However, it's not like my body can talk and say, "Hey, Dr. T, we've got MS!" or whatever. Not that it would. My body is a sneaky little devil that keeps it's problems hidden deep within itself where only the deep-searching or open-minded doctors go... So we have to take other routes: I did some X-rays, got an EKG, did some blood tests, and will have a lot more extensive ones done tomorrow.
Thankfully, my strength is coming back. I can stand a whole lot more now, and I can walk around quite a bit. I still haven't driven and gone anywhere by myself yet since all this has happened, but I slowly inching in that direction. I went to the beach today, and walking in the sand was pretty rough, but I didn't have to stop and rest for a minute, so I'm doing good. :)
Hopefully, hopefully, we can figure out what happened. This attack opened not just my mind, but my families mind at just what, and particularly what not my body is capable of. It's no secret that my life has been and is going to continue to be very different from the norm because of these health issues. But I'm thankful for all the support that I've been blessed with, and I'm thankful for all the things that AREN'T wrong with my body.
Although, I really, REALLY could have done without that bout of stomach flu this weekend. Stomach flu... food poisoning... deadly parasite....
I'm not ruling that one out!!!
(You Probably Didn't Notice, But)
Hey, hey, hey.... did you notice? They cutsey little chandlier in the corner?
Yeah, that one up there? ^>^>^
(well, there only is one...)
If you look closely, the jewels move and sway slightly!
Thought I'd just point that out, don't cha know.
Teehee. :)
Yeah, that one up there? ^>^>^
(well, there only is one...)
If you look closely, the jewels move and sway slightly!
Thought I'd just point that out, don't cha know.
Teehee. :)
Baby Fever
So my dear sister Stephanie and her husband, my fantastic brother in law, Greg are due to have their baby in the next three weeks and
You can not imagine the baby fever that has occured at this house for the last nine months; I'm telling you, it's crazy anticipation that's been boiling steadily, daily, for nearly a year now. Do you KNOW how long nine months really is? Really? In reality? Blew my mind.
We can't watch a diaper commercial anymore without blubbering "baaaaaaaaaaby!!!" and getting overly excited.
Or maybe that's just me. I do watch "A Baby Story" and "Make Room for Multiples" on a daily basis...
Anyways. Stephanie is officially in her ninth month, and little Ellie was officially considered full term yesterday; or, as Dad calls it "well done," and as I refer to it, "fully baked." Stephanie has yet to comment on these terms, so I hope she does not find them offensive. Must ask Greg.
SO I GET TO BE AN AUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! You can't understand how excited I am to have a baby around. Even though, technically, she won't be "around." She'll be in Utah, and we'll be here. In California. In Vista. By the beach. Enjoying fine beach weather. In the seventies. Year round. Never varying. Ever.
While they are baking in the ninties and up in the summer. And freezing in the winter. With flu seasons. And chilly air. Making for pink, runny noses. Runny baby noses. And snow. Lots of snow. Requiring snow suits for babies. Big, fat snow suits. That babies can't see out of. And might not be able to breathe out of. Hardly.
Just a thought.
So I had a dream last night where Mom and I were at the hospital when Steph was giving birth, and I guess she had a C-section, cause we were just sitting up by her head... Steph was randomly asleep. I like to think that they put her to sleep rather than she passed out, however. :) So the doctor takes the cute, already clean baby out and instead of placing it on Steph like usual, I'm like, "I'll take it! She's asleep!" So I grab it, the first one to hold it--- and we realize, Ooops!!! It's a Junior! Ellie's and Elliot!!!
I woke up this morning and had a good laugh.
And that, my friends, is my baby news, for now. I'm sure I'll have all sorts of stuff to gush about once my dear niece is actually here and I've finally met her for the first time :)
You can not imagine the baby fever that has occured at this house for the last nine months; I'm telling you, it's crazy anticipation that's been boiling steadily, daily, for nearly a year now. Do you KNOW how long nine months really is? Really? In reality? Blew my mind.
We can't watch a diaper commercial anymore without blubbering "baaaaaaaaaaby!!!" and getting overly excited.
Or maybe that's just me. I do watch "A Baby Story" and "Make Room for Multiples" on a daily basis...
Anyways. Stephanie is officially in her ninth month, and little Ellie was officially considered full term yesterday; or, as Dad calls it "well done," and as I refer to it, "fully baked." Stephanie has yet to comment on these terms, so I hope she does not find them offensive. Must ask Greg.
SO I GET TO BE AN AUNT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! You can't understand how excited I am to have a baby around. Even though, technically, she won't be "around." She'll be in Utah, and we'll be here. In California. In Vista. By the beach. Enjoying fine beach weather. In the seventies. Year round. Never varying. Ever.
While they are baking in the ninties and up in the summer. And freezing in the winter. With flu seasons. And chilly air. Making for pink, runny noses. Runny baby noses. And snow. Lots of snow. Requiring snow suits for babies. Big, fat snow suits. That babies can't see out of. And might not be able to breathe out of. Hardly.
Just a thought.
So I had a dream last night where Mom and I were at the hospital when Steph was giving birth, and I guess she had a C-section, cause we were just sitting up by her head... Steph was randomly asleep. I like to think that they put her to sleep rather than she passed out, however. :) So the doctor takes the cute, already clean baby out and instead of placing it on Steph like usual, I'm like, "I'll take it! She's asleep!" So I grab it, the first one to hold it--- and we realize, Ooops!!! It's a Junior! Ellie's and Elliot!!!
I woke up this morning and had a good laugh.
And that, my friends, is my baby news, for now. I'm sure I'll have all sorts of stuff to gush about once my dear niece is actually here and I've finally met her for the first time :)
Dumbledore Invented Gel Pens
So my Mom teaches Laurels at church--- the 16 and 17 year old girls.
We were talking about how her lesson went on Sunday. She turned to me and said, "I brought them the gel pens to use for an activity, and Holly, you would have thought I'd brought them a thousand dollars, they were so excited!"
I had a good laugh. What is it with girls and gel pens? I mean, it's so true. There's something so exciting about getting to write in orange, sparkely letters that smear all over you hand as you write, while gnawing at the cheap, sparkely plastic pen cap that ineviatbly break, backfire, and spew ink all over you/your backpack/your mouth.
Getting blasted with a faulty gel pen---particulary in the middle of some middle school class, while you were writing a note to your bestie-- is like an unspoken rite of passage into womanhood.
I still get pumped over brightly colored Sharpies and things. I made sure I got big 25 pack or whatever for Christmas this year (for the express purpose of doodling). Although there is a significant lack of Lisa Frank around the house these days, I can't say I'll ever loose the love for girly school supplies: I just label them as "scrapbooking material" nowadays. :)
And yes, Curious George Stickers do count as "scrapbooking materials"!!!!!!!
PS. Dumbledore always wrote in green ink. Why, I do believe he must have been the inventor of the first gel pen-- with his spiffy quill and out-of-the-box green ink... guess who's even more awesome now? DUMBLEDORE!
We were talking about how her lesson went on Sunday. She turned to me and said, "I brought them the gel pens to use for an activity, and Holly, you would have thought I'd brought them a thousand dollars, they were so excited!"
I had a good laugh. What is it with girls and gel pens? I mean, it's so true. There's something so exciting about getting to write in orange, sparkely letters that smear all over you hand as you write, while gnawing at the cheap, sparkely plastic pen cap that ineviatbly break, backfire, and spew ink all over you/your backpack/your mouth.
Getting blasted with a faulty gel pen---particulary in the middle of some middle school class, while you were writing a note to your bestie-- is like an unspoken rite of passage into womanhood.
I still get pumped over brightly colored Sharpies and things. I made sure I got big 25 pack or whatever for Christmas this year (for the express purpose of doodling). Although there is a significant lack of Lisa Frank around the house these days, I can't say I'll ever loose the love for girly school supplies: I just label them as "scrapbooking material" nowadays. :)
And yes, Curious George Stickers do count as "scrapbooking materials"!!!!!!!
PS. Dumbledore always wrote in green ink. Why, I do believe he must have been the inventor of the first gel pen-- with his spiffy quill and out-of-the-box green ink... guess who's even more awesome now? DUMBLEDORE!
![]() |
(you know I had to do it--- draw in a Harry Potter metaphor.) (I can't help it. I've got a problem.) |
Chocolate Milk Therapy
RX: One large glass chocolate milk taken no more than every 8 hours.
May be substituted for large chocolate milk shake, but only if high in fat.
Hot chocolate may be added but may not substitute for regular dose.
Regular consumption of sweets to be resumed as usual.
This may be the only prescription that's worked so far!
May be substituted for large chocolate milk shake, but only if high in fat.
Hot chocolate may be added but may not substitute for regular dose.
Regular consumption of sweets to be resumed as usual.
This may be the only prescription that's worked so far!
Sorry for Nonposting
Sorry about the nonposting lately.
The last few months have been really hard months, health wise.
The last few weeks, particularly, have been pretty darn terrible.
And today was one of those days that I shook with the effort of getting dressed. That was scary. Haven't had one of those in a while. It took me instantly back to high school and how I lived those few years... every time I my body gets to that point, and I remember how hopeless I felt, I have to fight off a panic attack.
But I'm up, I'm showered, I'm dressed, and instead of lying in bed, I'm sitting on the couch on my computer, and today, that's saying something to be proud of! :) So hip-hip-hooray, I'm gonna sit with my cat under the fan and enjoy what's left of the afternoon.
Happy Wednesday!
The last few months have been really hard months, health wise.
The last few weeks, particularly, have been pretty darn terrible.
And today was one of those days that I shook with the effort of getting dressed. That was scary. Haven't had one of those in a while. It took me instantly back to high school and how I lived those few years... every time I my body gets to that point, and I remember how hopeless I felt, I have to fight off a panic attack.
But I'm up, I'm showered, I'm dressed, and instead of lying in bed, I'm sitting on the couch on my computer, and today, that's saying something to be proud of! :) So hip-hip-hooray, I'm gonna sit with my cat under the fan and enjoy what's left of the afternoon.
Happy Wednesday!
Readers Digesting
How to Read
Here's a few pointers for you guys about how to go about reading this here blog.
Point #1.
There are three different kinds of posts that seem to pop up around here. Let me explain.
Type 1 consists of short, stupid, extremely random thoughts that I had while out in the world sometime during that day/week/unknown amount of time. Either it was something I found ironic, something I found really hilarious, or, most likely, something I got really excited about.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Blog Interrupted
12 Year Old Kid That Made Me Smile
Type 2 is what I call "FACTS:". Where, you guessed it, I list facts. About my life. Your life. Thing's I've seen. Stupid things. Important things. All sorts of stuff. Okay, and even if they aren't all "FACTS:" they're just a big jumble of random thoughts.
Some of my favorite "FACTS":
Facts of My Childhood
Randomness Enough For Last Few Weeks
Did you know... March
Type 3 are the serious ones. Now, these don't happen all that often, because basically I keep this a place of silly thoughts and entertainment, not deep thoughtfulness. But, such is life, and sometimes I want to share it. And sometimes, I DON'T want to share it, but I end up doing it because I get frustrated and the only way for me to work through it is to write it out. So... yeah. These I call my "RANTS." Because I'm usually frustrated about something that happened. These, however, are the posts I get the most comments on, and the best comments to boot. Maybe 1 in 10 or 12 posts are Rants.
Highly Rated Rants:
What I Hope My Words Say
The Mormon Vibe
Point #2: Don't take things around here too seriously. Yeah, it's meant to be light-hearted.
Point #3: 2010 was the best year for Going back is always good.
Point #4: Leave lots of comments. It's hard, I know, but I love them like a fat kid loves cake... oh wait, that's me....
Point #5: Yes, there really IS an Obese Cat in the "Life, your face, and an obese cat". His name is Diego, and he is my baby. He is mentioned in nearly every post, and although I aim to make him a favored part of the blog, I really don't think people like him. PSH. HE'S ADORABLE, PEOPLE! I don't get it.
Point #6. I also write a book review blog: Feel free to check that one out as well. I'm also on WHICH IS THE BEST SITE EVEEEEEEEEER (I try not to talk about it all the time, but truly I have a deep and endearing love for goodreads).
Point #7. I really enjoy having people actually read this stuff, like any blogger, really.
Point #8. If you ever have any questions about anything I ever write, whether it be about the Mormon thing, the school thing, the writing thing, the DIEGO thing... whatever, feel free to ask. I'm actually a pretty nice person. Maybe. I think.
Point #9: CHECK OUT THE FISH... if you click, you can feed them. I love these fish to death, I'm telling you, I could spend so much time sitting here...
Here's a few pointers for you guys about how to go about reading this here blog.
Point #1.
There are three different kinds of posts that seem to pop up around here. Let me explain.
Type 1 consists of short, stupid, extremely random thoughts that I had while out in the world sometime during that day/week/unknown amount of time. Either it was something I found ironic, something I found really hilarious, or, most likely, something I got really excited about.
Department of Motor Vehicles
Blog Interrupted
12 Year Old Kid That Made Me Smile
Type 2 is what I call "FACTS:". Where, you guessed it, I list facts. About my life. Your life. Thing's I've seen. Stupid things. Important things. All sorts of stuff. Okay, and even if they aren't all "FACTS:" they're just a big jumble of random thoughts.
Some of my favorite "FACTS":
Facts of My Childhood
Randomness Enough For Last Few Weeks
Did you know... March
Type 3 are the serious ones. Now, these don't happen all that often, because basically I keep this a place of silly thoughts and entertainment, not deep thoughtfulness. But, such is life, and sometimes I want to share it. And sometimes, I DON'T want to share it, but I end up doing it because I get frustrated and the only way for me to work through it is to write it out. So... yeah. These I call my "RANTS." Because I'm usually frustrated about something that happened. These, however, are the posts I get the most comments on, and the best comments to boot. Maybe 1 in 10 or 12 posts are Rants.
Highly Rated Rants:
What I Hope My Words Say
The Mormon Vibe
Point #2: Don't take things around here too seriously. Yeah, it's meant to be light-hearted.
Point #3: 2010 was the best year for Going back is always good.
Point #4: Leave lots of comments. It's hard, I know, but I love them like a fat kid loves cake... oh wait, that's me....
Point #5: Yes, there really IS an Obese Cat in the "Life, your face, and an obese cat". His name is Diego, and he is my baby. He is mentioned in nearly every post, and although I aim to make him a favored part of the blog, I really don't think people like him. PSH. HE'S ADORABLE, PEOPLE! I don't get it.
Point #6. I also write a book review blog: Feel free to check that one out as well. I'm also on WHICH IS THE BEST SITE EVEEEEEEEEER (I try not to talk about it all the time, but truly I have a deep and endearing love for goodreads).
Point #7. I really enjoy having people actually read this stuff, like any blogger, really.
Point #8. If you ever have any questions about anything I ever write, whether it be about the Mormon thing, the school thing, the writing thing, the DIEGO thing... whatever, feel free to ask. I'm actually a pretty nice person. Maybe. I think.
Point #9: CHECK OUT THE FISH... if you click, you can feed them. I love these fish to death, I'm telling you, I could spend so much time sitting here...
6 Random Thoughts
Random Thoughts for Today... and I mean, RANDOM:
#1. Nothing grosses me out more than brushing my teeth. I hate it beyond belief. Toothpaste is absolutely disgusting. Those 2-6 minutes spent everyday (depending on how many times I feel I can suffer through for that day) is pure TORTURE.
#2. Every night before I go to sleep, I put my hair in a ponytail. I find myself waking up, holding onto the ponytail. Yeah, I'm confused, too.
#3. Conversation with my mom while watching Wipeout the other day:
Mom: What is that, dirt water?
Me: ....You mean, mud?
Mom: There is a complete difference between dirt water and mud.
The things your mother teaches you.
#4. Dear Diego has to get these two tiny little bumps taken off his head by his ear, and one on his back. My mom informed me today just how expensive this NEW procedure will be, in addition to all his abcess draining surgeries he's had. She's now referring to him as "Expensive Butt." I think it has a nice ring to it.
#5. Pop's in Colorado for his every-other-weekly business trip, so you know what that means! Mom and Holly, on an epic adventure, of spending money, eating food we normally wouldn't eat, watching family-oriented movies (because that's basically where our taste lie), drinking ourselves silly with soda, and showering Diego with attention (that last one wasn't ever intential. It just sort of happens. Like, daily). So last night Mom and I went to the grocery store, making snarky comments (we both didn't want to go out, having had a fun "You go get dinner- no, YOU go get dinner- I'm not getting dinner, I was out doing errands all day-- I'm not getting dinner, I don't feel good-- Well, I'm the mother, and sometimes you just have to do things for me--- I don't feel those types of guilt--- *evil laugh* Oh honey, you better---" power-struggle coversation) and eventually getting lots of ice cream, peanut butter M&M's (Mom's appalled), cantalope, pepperoni, potato salad, and stuff to make 7-layer bean dip, which we ate for dinner last night (just the bean dip. Not everything else. Okay, maybe bits and pieces of the other stuff... but that's irrelavent). What we forgot? SODA. How can we have a Holly/Lori night WITHOUT SODA?!?! It cannot be done, I tell you. It. Cannot. Be. Done. It's like, leaving out the Family Movie party of the night (we watched Wipeout, which counts as a family show, if not a Disney movie).
#6. My grandpa and I both have fibromalagia: yup, that's the one that makes me sick all the time, you're right. Funny enough, it's this awesome bonding tool for me and my grandpa-- we share battle scars and war stories, and occasionally, his hot tub (it makes things feel all better), and NOW--- we share the same chiropractor! That was funny, let me tell you. I went yesterday, because he gives massages for fibro patients (you have to be super careful), and Grandpa always says that these make him feel like he's in heaven for the next few days, so I went to try it out. It was... strange.... sitting there, talking to this complete stranger, who knew all about my Grandpa, who I'm ridiculous fond of and protective of, comparing me and my issues to him... it was funny. And strange. But pretty awesome, if you think about it. Who gets to say that they practically live the same life as their Grandpa? HA! NOT YOU! Only me!
(that's him! blinded by the light of the camera... taken maybe three years ago at my production of Once On This Island at the BYU Theatre Workshop)
#1. Nothing grosses me out more than brushing my teeth. I hate it beyond belief. Toothpaste is absolutely disgusting. Those 2-6 minutes spent everyday (depending on how many times I feel I can suffer through for that day) is pure TORTURE.
#2. Every night before I go to sleep, I put my hair in a ponytail. I find myself waking up, holding onto the ponytail. Yeah, I'm confused, too.
#3. Conversation with my mom while watching Wipeout the other day:
Mom: What is that, dirt water?
Me: ....You mean, mud?
Mom: There is a complete difference between dirt water and mud.
The things your mother teaches you.
#4. Dear Diego has to get these two tiny little bumps taken off his head by his ear, and one on his back. My mom informed me today just how expensive this NEW procedure will be, in addition to all his abcess draining surgeries he's had. She's now referring to him as "Expensive Butt." I think it has a nice ring to it.
#5. Pop's in Colorado for his every-other-weekly business trip, so you know what that means! Mom and Holly, on an epic adventure, of spending money, eating food we normally wouldn't eat, watching family-oriented movies (because that's basically where our taste lie), drinking ourselves silly with soda, and showering Diego with attention (that last one wasn't ever intential. It just sort of happens. Like, daily). So last night Mom and I went to the grocery store, making snarky comments (we both didn't want to go out, having had a fun "You go get dinner- no, YOU go get dinner- I'm not getting dinner, I was out doing errands all day-- I'm not getting dinner, I don't feel good-- Well, I'm the mother, and sometimes you just have to do things for me--- I don't feel those types of guilt--- *evil laugh* Oh honey, you better---" power-struggle coversation) and eventually getting lots of ice cream, peanut butter M&M's (Mom's appalled), cantalope, pepperoni, potato salad, and stuff to make 7-layer bean dip, which we ate for dinner last night (just the bean dip. Not everything else. Okay, maybe bits and pieces of the other stuff... but that's irrelavent). What we forgot? SODA. How can we have a Holly/Lori night WITHOUT SODA?!?! It cannot be done, I tell you. It. Cannot. Be. Done. It's like, leaving out the Family Movie party of the night (we watched Wipeout, which counts as a family show, if not a Disney movie).
#6. My grandpa and I both have fibromalagia: yup, that's the one that makes me sick all the time, you're right. Funny enough, it's this awesome bonding tool for me and my grandpa-- we share battle scars and war stories, and occasionally, his hot tub (it makes things feel all better), and NOW--- we share the same chiropractor! That was funny, let me tell you. I went yesterday, because he gives massages for fibro patients (you have to be super careful), and Grandpa always says that these make him feel like he's in heaven for the next few days, so I went to try it out. It was... strange.... sitting there, talking to this complete stranger, who knew all about my Grandpa, who I'm ridiculous fond of and protective of, comparing me and my issues to him... it was funny. And strange. But pretty awesome, if you think about it. Who gets to say that they practically live the same life as their Grandpa? HA! NOT YOU! Only me!
(that's him! blinded by the light of the camera... taken maybe three years ago at my production of Once On This Island at the BYU Theatre Workshop)
Someone Has Answered A Question About You!
So, I was looking around on Facebook today, and found one of those "So-and-so---(someone you haven't talked to in a million years, of course)-- has answered a question about you!"
And, being bored, I decided to click on it, and see what "people were saying about me."
Seeing as it was mostly all my darling girls from YW in Temecula that I loved (and still curently do, of course), it was stuff like: Do you think Holly is cute? Yes. Do you think Holly has ever played beer pong? No. (Hahaha) Would you introduce Holly to your family? Yes. Do you think Holly has showered today, or should do laundry more often? Yes, no (respectively). Stuff like that. Answered nicely.
And THEN, there was: "Do you think Holly would key a car for revenge?" and all three people who'd been asked it said YES!
I was like, "WHAT?!"
"....well, yeah. There's a possibility."
Hahahahahahahahaha! Glad to know that people do see the inner demon in me :)
And, being bored, I decided to click on it, and see what "people were saying about me."
Seeing as it was mostly all my darling girls from YW in Temecula that I loved (and still curently do, of course), it was stuff like: Do you think Holly is cute? Yes. Do you think Holly has ever played beer pong? No. (Hahaha) Would you introduce Holly to your family? Yes. Do you think Holly has showered today, or should do laundry more often? Yes, no (respectively). Stuff like that. Answered nicely.
And THEN, there was: "Do you think Holly would key a car for revenge?" and all three people who'd been asked it said YES!
I was like, "WHAT?!"
"....well, yeah. There's a possibility."
Hahahahahahahahaha! Glad to know that people do see the inner demon in me :)
Last Harry Potter Post... Maybe
Alright, one last Harry Potter post, and then I promise I'll be done. I just have some cool links and stuff I wanted to share because they're awesome...
And this one ^^^, because it's really clever and cool and... musical. And the kid doing the beatboxing has the best facial expressions.
And... what I stole from some awesome person on
"Top 13 Hallows Happenings that I Loved...
*spoiler alert*
13) Dudley says, "I don't think you're a waste of space."
12) Kreacher cleans the house and makes them soup after Harry is appreciative of him and gives him a chance to do something for Regulus.
11) Harry takes Moody's eye off of Umbridge's door, even though this causes panic and frenzy at the ministry and almost gets them caught.
10) The visit to Luna's rook-shaped house--especially seeing the loving portraits in her bedroom and Hermione's kick-ass escape plan.
9) Ron is in turmoil when Hermione is being tortured by Bellatrix.
8) Escape from Malfoy Manor--awesome! Fallen hero Dobby's last words are, "Harry...Potter."
7) Neville has become the leader of Dumbledore's Army while Harry's been away. He's got battle scars before the battle!
6)Harry performs the crucio because the Carrow spits on McGonagall.
5)Molly Weasley kills Bellatrix. "Not my daughter, YOU BITCH!"
4) All of Hogwarts is involved in the battle. Suits of armor march to battle, all the portraits are shouting tips and encouragement, Trewlawney gets Fenrir with a crystal ball!
3) Snape asks Harry to look at him as he dies so that Snape's last vision is of Lily's eyes.
2)James, Lily, Lupin and Sirius escort Harry through the forest safely and give him love and encouragement. Harry thinks he could stare at Lily forever.
"Yeah, JKR, ear ear! Job well done." "
awesome, right?
Love You, Too
Don't you just LOVE IT when teachers change the time and date of youronline submission WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE, therefore not letting you turn in two chapters worth of work, take two tests, AND turn in your final, meaning that you fail the class?
Thanks, Mrs. P. Love you, too.
Thanks, Mrs. P. Love you, too.
Harry Potter 7 Pt II Movie Premiere
So.... of course, I had to go to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II (the end of the whole movie series!), because, of course, I am a Harry Potter freak. But you already knew that.
And no, I didn't dress up. I would only ever dress up if I was, like, in Rexburg with all the other crazy college students, or if I was like 12 and with a group of friends who also dressed up.
This does not mean that I didn't proudly sport my "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" T-shirt. Because I most certainly did. I love that shirt.
So, I went to the theater down by the pier in oceanside with my uncle Kevin, and my cousins Jacob (11) and Shanna (also 20), and I was quite pleased, and entertained, to see that probably 80% of the people there were people my age, in their early twenties. I mean, think about it: I was in the 3rd grade when Harry Potter first came out--- I remember specifically getting the third book (hardback) for my 10th birthday (it was way exciting, let me tell you... I was so stoked). And that was when the BOOKS started.
So, essentially, I grew up with Harry Potter. It all started in elementary school for anyone around my age... so now at the close of the movie-version, of course I had to be there to commemorate the whole chapter of my life... or, you know, just because it's awesome.
BUT I TOTALLY WASN'T HAPPY WITH THE MOVIE. Really. I wasn't impressed with it.
This isn't to say that I hated it, because I didn't. I just didn't love it either. And, of course, Harry Potter movies are those types of movies that you're supposed to walk away with peeing your pants, totally out of breath because you're so excited that the movie was soooo goood. Didn't feel it this time.
Maybe it's because I'd JUST read the book, so I knew everything that was going to happen, and all the stuff that WASN'T in the movie... maybe that's why I wasn't rooted to my seat. Yeah, I think I would have liked it more if I hadn't just read the book, and hadn't known what was going to happen. Surprises are good. That would have been bettter.
But still.
So basically what I've seen: everyone who DIDN'T read the books were over-the-moon stoked with the movie. Everyone who DID read the books were so-so on how the movie turned out.
Anyways. I just want to go back and see it without the crazy crowd screaming at the screen and clapping and being overly animated, so I can just watch the movie and get absorbed into it. Maybe I'll like it better.
It had a lot more humor in it than I expected. Well, scripted humor.... There were a lot of scenes that were supposed to be serious that were done really bad, so everyone cracked up and laughed at it.
Funniest part of the night?
Walking with the masses of crowd into the theatre an hour and a half early.... two bored looking, teenaged ushers holding open the doors--- one turns to the other and says, "Dude. This movie is going to make more money in one night than you'll make in your entire life."
As Hermione says: "Right. Perspective."
And no, I didn't dress up. I would only ever dress up if I was, like, in Rexburg with all the other crazy college students, or if I was like 12 and with a group of friends who also dressed up.
This does not mean that I didn't proudly sport my "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" T-shirt. Because I most certainly did. I love that shirt.
So, I went to the theater down by the pier in oceanside with my uncle Kevin, and my cousins Jacob (11) and Shanna (also 20), and I was quite pleased, and entertained, to see that probably 80% of the people there were people my age, in their early twenties. I mean, think about it: I was in the 3rd grade when Harry Potter first came out--- I remember specifically getting the third book (hardback) for my 10th birthday (it was way exciting, let me tell you... I was so stoked). And that was when the BOOKS started.
So, essentially, I grew up with Harry Potter. It all started in elementary school for anyone around my age... so now at the close of the movie-version, of course I had to be there to commemorate the whole chapter of my life... or, you know, just because it's awesome.
BUT I TOTALLY WASN'T HAPPY WITH THE MOVIE. Really. I wasn't impressed with it.
This isn't to say that I hated it, because I didn't. I just didn't love it either. And, of course, Harry Potter movies are those types of movies that you're supposed to walk away with peeing your pants, totally out of breath because you're so excited that the movie was soooo goood. Didn't feel it this time.
Maybe it's because I'd JUST read the book, so I knew everything that was going to happen, and all the stuff that WASN'T in the movie... maybe that's why I wasn't rooted to my seat. Yeah, I think I would have liked it more if I hadn't just read the book, and hadn't known what was going to happen. Surprises are good. That would have been bettter.
But still.
So basically what I've seen: everyone who DIDN'T read the books were over-the-moon stoked with the movie. Everyone who DID read the books were so-so on how the movie turned out.
Anyways. I just want to go back and see it without the crazy crowd screaming at the screen and clapping and being overly animated, so I can just watch the movie and get absorbed into it. Maybe I'll like it better.
It had a lot more humor in it than I expected. Well, scripted humor.... There were a lot of scenes that were supposed to be serious that were done really bad, so everyone cracked up and laughed at it.
Funniest part of the night?
Walking with the masses of crowd into the theatre an hour and a half early.... two bored looking, teenaged ushers holding open the doors--- one turns to the other and says, "Dude. This movie is going to make more money in one night than you'll make in your entire life."
As Hermione says: "Right. Perspective."
The Mormon Vibe
So, last night my friends as school discovered I was Mormon.
I was listening to the talk about how in middle school, one of them would take shots of tequilla before class. And, being the goody-goody girl that I am, I gasped, "Really? In middle school?"
Which then, eventually led to question: "You know, I mean, how old were you when you had your first drink?"
And, knowing it was one of those moments, I hesitated for a second, then smiled and said softly but confidently, "Well... never. I don't drink."
And instantly, she got this excited look on her face, and said, "Are you Mormon?"
Taken aback by her lack of skepticism, I charged on ahead with a happy, "Yeah."
"Ah," she replied, "I can tell. You've got that vibe."
And then I got to hear a very interesting story about how her sister was Mormon, but a "bad Mormon," to which I just laughed... until she finished the story with how her sister hooked up with a guy who was on his mission, and she got pregnant. "Um... yeah. That's like... really, really bad," I admitted.
And now, since he had been "to temple" and had "more covenants," he was back in Samoa and getting excommunicated. The sister wasn't... I didn't ask what happened to the "she got pregnant" part. Somehow I don't think I want to know. That's probably playing into the guy's excommunication, as well.
Anyways. On a happier note.
I wonder, exactly, what the "vibe" is. We hope it's that we shine with the light of Christ, and the happiness it brings (which it does)... but what do people see?
Do I have the vibe because I come across naive and innocent? Is it because I carefully avoid conversations about getting drunk with my friends last week? Or the way the strongest language I use is "Oh crap"? Maybe it was how when we talked about future families, I said I really wanted kids because I felt like a nuturer. Is it my happy-go-lucky nature, my enthusiasm and optimism (which also goes along with coming across naive and innocent)?
Somehow I don't think people always hold "the Mormon vibe" in a positive light. Not that I'm ashamed of it, not at all. I'm just sad that people look down on us because we're/I'm happy, thinking that we don't know pain and grief or anything about the real world, because we live in our own little bubble. Because it's not true. I may be naive about some things, but I know pain. I know misery. I've fought my own demons, demons most people don't even know about, most can't even imagine. I've sunk to the lowest low, been dragged to hell and back. Just because I'm Mormon and I'm "sheltered" from a lot of things (which isn't true... I've chosen to avoid things that I don't think would make my life any better) doesn't mean I haven't lived. In order to have light, you have to experience darkness. The only reason why I'm able to find true joy in life now is because I have known the opposite side. Maybe my problems weren't brought upon by getting myself in bad situations because I was drunk or doing drugs, or because I got pregnant on a one night stand and now have to be a single mom as a teenager. Maybe I didn't have to live through having neglective or alcholic parents. Choosing to live the standards of the church takes away a lot of those challenges. But I can promise you, nothing can take away the heartache and challenges that come with simply being alive. We have our agency for a reason. And whether I make a wrong choice and have to suffer the consequences, or am effected by someone else's bad decision that I had nothing to do with, bad things happen to me, too. To all Mormons.
I don't know. I guess I'm still peeved for not always being taken seriously just because I'm Mormon. Whatever. I love that I have the truth in my life, I'm grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I'm glad that I didn't have to go through my hard times alone: God was always there with me, helping me along.
So... there, I guess. Haha. That's all.
I was listening to the talk about how in middle school, one of them would take shots of tequilla before class. And, being the goody-goody girl that I am, I gasped, "Really? In middle school?"
Which then, eventually led to question: "You know, I mean, how old were you when you had your first drink?"
And, knowing it was one of those moments, I hesitated for a second, then smiled and said softly but confidently, "Well... never. I don't drink."
And instantly, she got this excited look on her face, and said, "Are you Mormon?"
Taken aback by her lack of skepticism, I charged on ahead with a happy, "Yeah."
"Ah," she replied, "I can tell. You've got that vibe."
And then I got to hear a very interesting story about how her sister was Mormon, but a "bad Mormon," to which I just laughed... until she finished the story with how her sister hooked up with a guy who was on his mission, and she got pregnant. "Um... yeah. That's like... really, really bad," I admitted.
And now, since he had been "to temple" and had "more covenants," he was back in Samoa and getting excommunicated. The sister wasn't... I didn't ask what happened to the "she got pregnant" part. Somehow I don't think I want to know. That's probably playing into the guy's excommunication, as well.
Anyways. On a happier note.
I wonder, exactly, what the "vibe" is. We hope it's that we shine with the light of Christ, and the happiness it brings (which it does)... but what do people see?
Do I have the vibe because I come across naive and innocent? Is it because I carefully avoid conversations about getting drunk with my friends last week? Or the way the strongest language I use is "Oh crap"? Maybe it was how when we talked about future families, I said I really wanted kids because I felt like a nuturer. Is it my happy-go-lucky nature, my enthusiasm and optimism (which also goes along with coming across naive and innocent)?
Somehow I don't think people always hold "the Mormon vibe" in a positive light. Not that I'm ashamed of it, not at all. I'm just sad that people look down on us because we're/I'm happy, thinking that we don't know pain and grief or anything about the real world, because we live in our own little bubble. Because it's not true. I may be naive about some things, but I know pain. I know misery. I've fought my own demons, demons most people don't even know about, most can't even imagine. I've sunk to the lowest low, been dragged to hell and back. Just because I'm Mormon and I'm "sheltered" from a lot of things (which isn't true... I've chosen to avoid things that I don't think would make my life any better) doesn't mean I haven't lived. In order to have light, you have to experience darkness. The only reason why I'm able to find true joy in life now is because I have known the opposite side. Maybe my problems weren't brought upon by getting myself in bad situations because I was drunk or doing drugs, or because I got pregnant on a one night stand and now have to be a single mom as a teenager. Maybe I didn't have to live through having neglective or alcholic parents. Choosing to live the standards of the church takes away a lot of those challenges. But I can promise you, nothing can take away the heartache and challenges that come with simply being alive. We have our agency for a reason. And whether I make a wrong choice and have to suffer the consequences, or am effected by someone else's bad decision that I had nothing to do with, bad things happen to me, too. To all Mormons.
I don't know. I guess I'm still peeved for not always being taken seriously just because I'm Mormon. Whatever. I love that I have the truth in my life, I'm grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I'm glad that I didn't have to go through my hard times alone: God was always there with me, helping me along.
So... there, I guess. Haha. That's all.
Oh, Sweet Muses, I Missed You
I felt it again tonight.
The need to write. I felt it again. The feeling that no, I didn’t want to lay here and read this book. I didn’t want to read. I wanted to write.
It’s been so long since I’ve had this feeling, that I hardly know if I even have anything to say, but it doesn’t matter. I just need to write. I’d forgotten what muses felt like. The stream of consciousness, where my fingers fly and write at almost the precise moment I think. It’s elating, these words flying from my fingertips, the sound of the keyboard clicking and tapping as my thoughts spill out from my head into real live, written words instead of the phantom letters that float around in my skull. As easy as I breathe, the words now flow from my fingers. My words, my being, slipping from my fingers onto these simple keys, while the page in front of me lights up with ideas and imagination. I can hear the sound of my voice as I write, sounding more lyrical, and perhaps a bit more hopeful, than in real life.
It's been so long, it's almost foreign. The dam that cut off my mind from my fingers was getting more and more solid every day, and I had not almost, but truly had given up hope that it would ever come down. I thought it was fuzed to the inside of my mind, that the synapse had been snapped and could never find their way back together, no matter how much a prayed.
And then it happened. In the most peculiarly subtle and normal way, as if synapses simply connected together again and metaphoric dams, miles thick, vaporized every day. The stream of my consciousness reaches my fingers just fine now. My fingers no longer stand poised over the keys, my muscles aching, begging for the words in my mind to use them as a conduit to the keys of my computer.
I think thoughts, and as quickly as they come, my fingers tap and the thoughts show up as letters in Times New Roman font onto my computer screen, staring me back in the face.
It's magic, I swear.
I couldn't be more delighted than if I won the lottery or fell in love or woke up fifty pounds lighter, or was given a lifetime supply of Goldfish crackers.
I can write again.
The need to write. I felt it again. The feeling that no, I didn’t want to lay here and read this book. I didn’t want to read. I wanted to write.
It’s been so long since I’ve had this feeling, that I hardly know if I even have anything to say, but it doesn’t matter. I just need to write. I’d forgotten what muses felt like. The stream of consciousness, where my fingers fly and write at almost the precise moment I think. It’s elating, these words flying from my fingertips, the sound of the keyboard clicking and tapping as my thoughts spill out from my head into real live, written words instead of the phantom letters that float around in my skull. As easy as I breathe, the words now flow from my fingers. My words, my being, slipping from my fingers onto these simple keys, while the page in front of me lights up with ideas and imagination. I can hear the sound of my voice as I write, sounding more lyrical, and perhaps a bit more hopeful, than in real life.
It's been so long, it's almost foreign. The dam that cut off my mind from my fingers was getting more and more solid every day, and I had not almost, but truly had given up hope that it would ever come down. I thought it was fuzed to the inside of my mind, that the synapse had been snapped and could never find their way back together, no matter how much a prayed.
And then it happened. In the most peculiarly subtle and normal way, as if synapses simply connected together again and metaphoric dams, miles thick, vaporized every day. The stream of my consciousness reaches my fingers just fine now. My fingers no longer stand poised over the keys, my muscles aching, begging for the words in my mind to use them as a conduit to the keys of my computer.
I think thoughts, and as quickly as they come, my fingers tap and the thoughts show up as letters in Times New Roman font onto my computer screen, staring me back in the face.
It's magic, I swear.
I couldn't be more delighted than if I won the lottery or fell in love or woke up fifty pounds lighter, or was given a lifetime supply of Goldfish crackers.
I can write again.
Not So Cheery Cheerio's
Like most people on the planet, I love Honey-Nut Cheerios.
But their marketing strategies are waaay off.
There I was this morning, happily enjoying my bowl of yummy O's, when I happened to glance the little bee guy on the box. And it freaked me out: his eyes are totally soulless. He's in this happy little hug with an O, all cute and adorable, but his eyes are totally lacking any sort of soul whatsoever. "Eyes are the windows to the soul," are they not? So what's inside our Honey-Nut Cheerios mascot? You'd think it's be smiles and honey and everything Winnie the Pooh dreams about. But no. There's nothing there.
And what ever happened to the Nut in Honey-Nut, anyways? Never have I ever seen a cute little illustration of a nut (soulless or not) on the box. I don't even know what kind of nut it is. All it is is cute little honey bees (or maybe not so cute) with his little honey wand and Cheerio's "enlarged to show texture." MILK gets more publicity than the nut. Nut is totally jipped.
Maybe it is full of whole grains, but Honey-Nut Cheerios isn't as cool in my book anymore.
(PS-- I checked the website. Nothing on there says anything about the Nut. It's all "honey-drizzled goodness." I mean, what if you were allergic to certain nuts? How would you know it Honey-nut Cheerios would make you go into anaphalactic shock or not? COME ON, GENERAL MILLS. DON'T KILL THE PUBLIC.)
(PPS. I finally found it. On Wikipedia. It's almond.)
But their marketing strategies are waaay off.
There I was this morning, happily enjoying my bowl of yummy O's, when I happened to glance the little bee guy on the box. And it freaked me out: his eyes are totally soulless. He's in this happy little hug with an O, all cute and adorable, but his eyes are totally lacking any sort of soul whatsoever. "Eyes are the windows to the soul," are they not? So what's inside our Honey-Nut Cheerios mascot? You'd think it's be smiles and honey and everything Winnie the Pooh dreams about. But no. There's nothing there.
And what ever happened to the Nut in Honey-Nut, anyways? Never have I ever seen a cute little illustration of a nut (soulless or not) on the box. I don't even know what kind of nut it is. All it is is cute little honey bees (or maybe not so cute) with his little honey wand and Cheerio's "enlarged to show texture." MILK gets more publicity than the nut. Nut is totally jipped.
Maybe it is full of whole grains, but Honey-Nut Cheerios isn't as cool in my book anymore.
(PS-- I checked the website. Nothing on there says anything about the Nut. It's all "honey-drizzled goodness." I mean, what if you were allergic to certain nuts? How would you know it Honey-nut Cheerios would make you go into anaphalactic shock or not? COME ON, GENERAL MILLS. DON'T KILL THE PUBLIC.)
(PPS. I finally found it. On Wikipedia. It's almond.)
Diego: Cone of Shame, Take II
So, guess who had another huge absess on his bum, had to get a whole bunch of dead tissue cut out, and now has like 12 stitches up his butt?
Yup: Diego!
Poor old cat. Apparently some glad is going crazy, causing these things. I guess it started hurting him a few days before we noticed it--- he was acting all off and hiding and I seriously thought he was mad at me, and it made me feel all off. Turns out he had a fever and a huge infected pus ball on his butt. Yeah, I'd be pretty ticked off too.
So now he gets to run around the house with the fun cone-of-shame again! I assure you, he's stoked. Completely. Who wouldn't like having a giant plastic thing around their neck, blocking off all their peripheral vision and getting caught on everything they pass by?
Yup: Diego!
Poor old cat. Apparently some glad is going crazy, causing these things. I guess it started hurting him a few days before we noticed it--- he was acting all off and hiding and I seriously thought he was mad at me, and it made me feel all off. Turns out he had a fever and a huge infected pus ball on his butt. Yeah, I'd be pretty ticked off too.
So now he gets to run around the house with the fun cone-of-shame again! I assure you, he's stoked. Completely. Who wouldn't like having a giant plastic thing around their neck, blocking off all their peripheral vision and getting caught on everything they pass by?
Lack of Ice Cream
So, what's up with the no ice cream places in Vista thing??? Has anyone else noticed that? I'm very, very perturbed.
I mean, in Temecula, I always used to rant about how Frozen Yogurt places were taking over the world. And they were in Temecula. They were EVERYWHERE.
And now, I'm all alone with my lack of ice cream places... which are, indeed, completely different from frozen yogurt places, make no mistake.... I've got a FroYo or something by the movie theatres (across town), and a Menchie's in San Marcos by Palomar in that crazy weird parking lot with no sense of driving safety whatsoever... and that's it. IT.
The nearest Baskin Robins is TWO towns away.
So now when I have a frozen milk product craving, I have to spend money on gas to go across town, to another town, to get something. It's not at all happy. And it's not like I go all the time, either. JUst every once in awhile, everyone gets a craving for ice cream....
Anyways. That's my rant for today.
We had Menchie's today. The lack of goodness was what sparked it.
Menchies sucks. Sorry, Menchies. It's true.
left overs went into the freezer... to never be eaten again...
I mean, in Temecula, I always used to rant about how Frozen Yogurt places were taking over the world. And they were in Temecula. They were EVERYWHERE.
And now, I'm all alone with my lack of ice cream places... which are, indeed, completely different from frozen yogurt places, make no mistake.... I've got a FroYo or something by the movie theatres (across town), and a Menchie's in San Marcos by Palomar in that crazy weird parking lot with no sense of driving safety whatsoever... and that's it. IT.
The nearest Baskin Robins is TWO towns away.
So now when I have a frozen milk product craving, I have to spend money on gas to go across town, to another town, to get something. It's not at all happy. And it's not like I go all the time, either. JUst every once in awhile, everyone gets a craving for ice cream....
Anyways. That's my rant for today.
We had Menchie's today. The lack of goodness was what sparked it.
Menchies sucks. Sorry, Menchies. It's true.
left overs went into the freezer... to never be eaten again...
Food Blogger I Am Not
There's one thing I will most likely never be: a food blogger.
I don't know why, but I'm like the pickiest person ever. Not picky... just, I don't like comlicated things. I don't like all sorts of mixing flavors, and cream sauces, and brussel sprouts... and most baked dishes. Too complicated. Too... mixy matchy.
I do, however, love all pastries, cakes, breads, and basically anything chocked full of carbs. (As does Diego.)
I've been checking out some of the foodblogs that Stephanie gets a lot of her recipes from...... Nope. Not for me. Not a fan. I'm sure they're all really delicious, of course--- I just don't like fancy stuff. Or stuff with more than three ingredients. (Unless, again, it's some sort of pastry.)
Here's to all you food bloggers--- more power to you. Go sell those cookbooks and make your hubbys happy and fat.
I'm just not one of you.
* in other food related news--- we're off to the Broken Yolk Cafe for brunch. I sure hope it's good...
I don't know why, but I'm like the pickiest person ever. Not picky... just, I don't like comlicated things. I don't like all sorts of mixing flavors, and cream sauces, and brussel sprouts... and most baked dishes. Too complicated. Too... mixy matchy.
I do, however, love all pastries, cakes, breads, and basically anything chocked full of carbs. (As does Diego.)
I've been checking out some of the foodblogs that Stephanie gets a lot of her recipes from...... Nope. Not for me. Not a fan. I'm sure they're all really delicious, of course--- I just don't like fancy stuff. Or stuff with more than three ingredients. (Unless, again, it's some sort of pastry.)
Here's to all you food bloggers--- more power to you. Go sell those cookbooks and make your hubbys happy and fat.
I'm just not one of you.
* in other food related news--- we're off to the Broken Yolk Cafe for brunch. I sure hope it's good...
Clean Laundry = Cat
After nearly an hour and a half of sweaty effort, my bathroom is now sparkly-clean and practically germ free! It's also stinking of bleach and other gaseous fume, so I'll be staying in my room for the next few hours, thank you very much.
Next task? Putting away all the laundry my mama did for me when I was down sick this weekend (Thanks, Mama!)
After nearly an hour and a half of sweaty effort, my bathroom is now sparkly-clean and practically germ free! It's also stinking of bleach and other gaseous fume, so I'll be staying in my room for the next few hours, thank you very much.
Next task? Putting away all the laundry my mama did for me when I was down sick this weekend (Thanks, Mama!)
There's only one problem....
... and his name is Diego.
Warm laundry + the need to put it away = cat domination
But how can you say no to that little face?
Not possible.
And that is the reason my clothes are never put away.
Clean laundry. It's Diego's domain.
Here's To You, Cat
Want to know something?
Today, my dad took apart my bed, to put it on the lower setting rather than the taller setting that it's been on ever since we moved. It took a good hour, and the effort of three of us to get it all back together again.
My cat's getting arthirtic and it was getting tough for him to jump up that far.
Yup. Really.
Here's to you, cat. Never say we didn't do anything for you.
Today, my dad took apart my bed, to put it on the lower setting rather than the taller setting that it's been on ever since we moved. It took a good hour, and the effort of three of us to get it all back together again.
My cat's getting arthirtic and it was getting tough for him to jump up that far.
Yup. Really.
Here's to you, cat. Never say we didn't do anything for you.
As Promised
(the cup is wondering: ....why is Chipotle so delicious?)
I knew there was a reason why I loved Chipotle so much.
The Secret Sisterhood of Dr. Pepper and Cheese Puffs
So, I met a kindred soul the other day.
There I was, in search of a snack in the aisle at Walmart, and as I lunged towards the Cheeto puffs, another lady darted for something at the same time. We did the awkward, "no- you go first; no, you;" thing for a moment before I just grabbed my chips (do Cheeto Puffs count as chips? Essentially, they're just puffed styrafoam coated in fake cheese powder that gets stuck in your teeth like CRAZY). As I was going for the exit, trying to dodge all the carts spilling wailing children, another lady looks at the bag in my basket and says, "Ah, Cheeto Puffs are the best."
Caught off guard, and quite impressed by this woman's excellent taste in... well, food, I enthusiastically replied, "I know, right? I was craving them."
She nodded. "They're the best. Those, and Dr. Pepper."
Now, this was just too weird. Dr. Pepper is probably my most favorite thing in the world (I'm a terrible Mormon, I know. But I do try to reserve it for when I'm having a really bad headache-- caffiene helps migraines-- so it makes it an even better special treat because I can't have it on a regular basis, thus I love it more). Dr. Pepper rivals churros and cheesecake and chocolate any day in my book. So of course, I got all excited and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, that's my favorite!" and was all excited the rest of my shopping excursion.
Now that I think about it, there's probably a million people on earth that love both Cheese Puffs and Dr. Pepper. But just the fact that it came up like that completely stunned me. I mean, first off, how often do random strangers start having normal conversations with you at the grocery store? In California, that is. (In Utah it's totally normal, fyi, so don't be surprised. I got mauled at a Michael's just last month because some lady had to profess her great love for the shoes I had just bought. They are pretty excellent shoes..)
Okay, well, that's not exactly fair-- now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever escaped the store without someone striking up a seemingly random conversation with me. I don't know if it's because people find me approachable, or the fact that I shop for groceries at Walmart. Some pretty strange characters shop at Walmart. That's probably it.
But for a stranger to just so happen to mention two of your favorite things ever as her favorite things, well, it's pretty mind-boggling when you weren't expecting to have any conversations at all.
And that's how I found a kindred spirit of mine in the middle of the chips aisle of Walmart on a perfectly random day in May. We must have been friends in the pre-existance, because, ultimately, anyone who likes Cheese Puffs and Dr. Pepper is really, really awesome.
There I was, in search of a snack in the aisle at Walmart, and as I lunged towards the Cheeto puffs, another lady darted for something at the same time. We did the awkward, "no- you go first; no, you;" thing for a moment before I just grabbed my chips (do Cheeto Puffs count as chips? Essentially, they're just puffed styrafoam coated in fake cheese powder that gets stuck in your teeth like CRAZY). As I was going for the exit, trying to dodge all the carts spilling wailing children, another lady looks at the bag in my basket and says, "Ah, Cheeto Puffs are the best."
Caught off guard, and quite impressed by this woman's excellent taste in... well, food, I enthusiastically replied, "I know, right? I was craving them."
She nodded. "They're the best. Those, and Dr. Pepper."
Now, this was just too weird. Dr. Pepper is probably my most favorite thing in the world (I'm a terrible Mormon, I know. But I do try to reserve it for when I'm having a really bad headache-- caffiene helps migraines-- so it makes it an even better special treat because I can't have it on a regular basis, thus I love it more). Dr. Pepper rivals churros and cheesecake and chocolate any day in my book. So of course, I got all excited and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh, that's my favorite!" and was all excited the rest of my shopping excursion.
Now that I think about it, there's probably a million people on earth that love both Cheese Puffs and Dr. Pepper. But just the fact that it came up like that completely stunned me. I mean, first off, how often do random strangers start having normal conversations with you at the grocery store? In California, that is. (In Utah it's totally normal, fyi, so don't be surprised. I got mauled at a Michael's just last month because some lady had to profess her great love for the shoes I had just bought. They are pretty excellent shoes..)
Okay, well, that's not exactly fair-- now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever escaped the store without someone striking up a seemingly random conversation with me. I don't know if it's because people find me approachable, or the fact that I shop for groceries at Walmart. Some pretty strange characters shop at Walmart. That's probably it.
But for a stranger to just so happen to mention two of your favorite things ever as her favorite things, well, it's pretty mind-boggling when you weren't expecting to have any conversations at all.
And that's how I found a kindred spirit of mine in the middle of the chips aisle of Walmart on a perfectly random day in May. We must have been friends in the pre-existance, because, ultimately, anyone who likes Cheese Puffs and Dr. Pepper is really, really awesome.
Diego is afraid of my bathroom. Which makes the fact that that's where his food and water are located kinda complicated.
I guess it's my fault. He was fine for the first few weeks that we moved in... One day, however, while he was in there eating like the piggy that he is, I was getting ready for school or whatever, and I turned the shower on so that it could be warming up. I wasn't expecting for the sound to scare the crap out of Diego, who jumped about a foot in the air, scrambled to get to the door, which, of course, was closed. He ran into it. And when I went over to let it open for him, he squished himself trying to get out. I was, obviously, apologizing profusely while this happened.
Now, whenever he's in there getting a bite when I walk in (which he usually is, because he can't go more than twenty minutes without needing a snack), he scrambles through my legs to burst out of there. I feel quite bad about it. It's quite sad to be filling up his food bowl and instead of him mauling me to get to it, he now sits just outside of the bathroom threshold, warily watching me until I exit the bathroom so he can then enter.
I guess it's my fault. He was fine for the first few weeks that we moved in... One day, however, while he was in there eating like the piggy that he is, I was getting ready for school or whatever, and I turned the shower on so that it could be warming up. I wasn't expecting for the sound to scare the crap out of Diego, who jumped about a foot in the air, scrambled to get to the door, which, of course, was closed. He ran into it. And when I went over to let it open for him, he squished himself trying to get out. I was, obviously, apologizing profusely while this happened.
Now, whenever he's in there getting a bite when I walk in (which he usually is, because he can't go more than twenty minutes without needing a snack), he scrambles through my legs to burst out of there. I feel quite bad about it. It's quite sad to be filling up his food bowl and instead of him mauling me to get to it, he now sits just outside of the bathroom threshold, warily watching me until I exit the bathroom so he can then enter.
Random Thoughts For Today
I'm back from the gym! It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And yes, I was on time. And yes, I did manage to get a shower in before I went :) Go, runonsentence power!
And now for all the random thoughts that I haven't actually written down (but meant to) the last little few weeks:
Two artists I can NOT stand: Phil Collins and John Mayer. Shoot me now.
I've had more crazy sealife of doom dreams lately. (Shout out to old post! sea life of doom dreams!)
I recently read a book (Going Bovine) about a kid dying of mad cow disease go on some crazy trippy road trip to save the world. Libba Bray? You betcha. This book had everything from near death experiences at Disney World, potty mouth dwarfs prone to panic attacks, mad cow disease, evil snowglobes, really good jazz, a punk rock angel with a sweet tooth, a serious run-in with a happiness cult (who just so happen to run a bowling alley, and sing rocking happiness songs), spring break with YA!TV on a beach in Florida, trippy somewhat time-travel, and, maybe?- death. But first and foremost- my favorite--- a most excellent garden gnome who just so happens to be an immortal Norse God, and a very happy drunk. "Interesting" is a serious understatement. THE COVER HAS A COW CARRYING A GNOME. Can you get any better than that? I DON'T THINK SO.
I'm trying to work out an FHE around garden gnomes. Like, give people a gnome and a camera and have them go take pictures of the gnome doing awesome things out in the public. Yeah. Yeah. Awesomeness. I don't know just how to make it work yet. Nor how to convince Dionte to let me do it.
I actually haven't been to FHE for like a month now. Cause of school. I kind of miss it, but kind of not.
My head is oddly shaped. How do I know this? I can't wear headbands. They poke out at odd angles of emptiness because my head doesn't fill them out all the way. I also can't wear the elastic band kind, either. The back of my head isn't shaped right (apparently) to hold them, and the slip off with every little movement of my head. It's frustrating.
OH MY GOSH! BUDDY HOLLY IS ON THE RADIO RIGHT NOW!!!! I don't care what they say about us anyways, I don't care 'bout that! *rocks out*
Man, that was cool.
I also heard on the radio that Dolly Parton wants to do a duet with Lady Gaga, because "she's as outrageous as she is." Dolly, have you ever even listened to a Lady Gaga song? You must not understand exactly what she's been talking about. Sorry, girlfriend, but you're not quite in the Lady Gaga league. Keep dreaming.
I saw a cool picture on the news today of a girl who got bit my a shark on her thigh--- but just the teeth marks. Like it bit straight down and straight back out. It was awesome looking. And I'm really glad the girl didn't die.
I've figured out how to do "labels" on my posts now >>> I don't really know what they'll do, but it's kind of fun.
And I think that's it for today.
Oh, wait! Let me check my phone--- I store random thoughts there when I don't have my computer nearby. Smart right?
I already talked about the werewolf woman I saw at Chipotle... Oh, here we go: why is it that everytime two of your favorite stations are playing the same song at the same time, it's a song you don't like? Wait, did I already post that somewhere? Hm....
Notecards, toothpaste, socks, gummy bea--- oh wait. That's my Walmart list. Haha. Just kidding.
Oh- yeah, two weeks ago I found a dead bug in between the pages of my brand new textbook. I just so happen to think that's pretty lame. But, you know, that's just me.
And now for all the random thoughts that I haven't actually written down (but meant to) the last little few weeks:
Two artists I can NOT stand: Phil Collins and John Mayer. Shoot me now.
I've had more crazy sealife of doom dreams lately. (Shout out to old post! sea life of doom dreams!)
I recently read a book (Going Bovine) about a kid dying of mad cow disease go on some crazy trippy road trip to save the world. Libba Bray? You betcha. This book had everything from near death experiences at Disney World, potty mouth dwarfs prone to panic attacks, mad cow disease, evil snowglobes, really good jazz, a punk rock angel with a sweet tooth, a serious run-in with a happiness cult (who just so happen to run a bowling alley, and sing rocking happiness songs), spring break with YA!TV on a beach in Florida, trippy somewhat time-travel, and, maybe?- death. But first and foremost- my favorite--- a most excellent garden gnome who just so happens to be an immortal Norse God, and a very happy drunk. "Interesting" is a serious understatement. THE COVER HAS A COW CARRYING A GNOME. Can you get any better than that? I DON'T THINK SO.
I'm trying to work out an FHE around garden gnomes. Like, give people a gnome and a camera and have them go take pictures of the gnome doing awesome things out in the public. Yeah. Yeah. Awesomeness. I don't know just how to make it work yet. Nor how to convince Dionte to let me do it.
I actually haven't been to FHE for like a month now. Cause of school. I kind of miss it, but kind of not.
My head is oddly shaped. How do I know this? I can't wear headbands. They poke out at odd angles of emptiness because my head doesn't fill them out all the way. I also can't wear the elastic band kind, either. The back of my head isn't shaped right (apparently) to hold them, and the slip off with every little movement of my head. It's frustrating.
OH MY GOSH! BUDDY HOLLY IS ON THE RADIO RIGHT NOW!!!! I don't care what they say about us anyways, I don't care 'bout that! *rocks out*
Man, that was cool.
I also heard on the radio that Dolly Parton wants to do a duet with Lady Gaga, because "she's as outrageous as she is." Dolly, have you ever even listened to a Lady Gaga song? You must not understand exactly what she's been talking about. Sorry, girlfriend, but you're not quite in the Lady Gaga league. Keep dreaming.
I saw a cool picture on the news today of a girl who got bit my a shark on her thigh--- but just the teeth marks. Like it bit straight down and straight back out. It was awesome looking. And I'm really glad the girl didn't die.
I've figured out how to do "labels" on my posts now >>> I don't really know what they'll do, but it's kind of fun.
And I think that's it for today.
Oh, wait! Let me check my phone--- I store random thoughts there when I don't have my computer nearby. Smart right?
I already talked about the werewolf woman I saw at Chipotle... Oh, here we go: why is it that everytime two of your favorite stations are playing the same song at the same time, it's a song you don't like? Wait, did I already post that somewhere? Hm....
Notecards, toothpaste, socks, gummy bea--- oh wait. That's my Walmart list. Haha. Just kidding.
Oh- yeah, two weeks ago I found a dead bug in between the pages of my brand new textbook. I just so happen to think that's pretty lame. But, you know, that's just me.
Longest Run On Sentence To Date for
I have so much to say and no time to say it.... ughsdiufhsklfjcsdk... So, just let it be known that I DO PLAN on updating all sorts of fun stuff, and life updates and random quotes and Libba Bray nonsense and a random picture of unicorns on the side of my chipotle cup and 60 photo challenge updates and other ironic and somewhat witty comments and observations I've had lately but right now I have to go shower because I have to go to the gym to take my assesment that I have to do before I can actually start working out which I really don't want to do-- the assesment, not the workout-- and I read a book that had a garden gnome in it that was actually an enchanted version of the Norse god Balder and it was awesome and I want to tell you all about it but I can't right now because I don't have time because I wasted this afternoon on adding new shelves and classifing all my books which was fun but brain-numbing so I guess it wasn't actually wasting my afternoon but it took up a ton of time which I had planned on using to clean my room and possibly my bathroom because my bathroom needs it more but I really don't want to do it and yeah I now have to go take a shower in a dirty shower which seems kinda ironic to me but I guess I don't really have a choice because I don't want to show up to the gym already nasty smelling because that's just weird and I don't know where my membership card is I just realized, crap, and I should go find that because I need it to get in and I'm supposed to leave in like ten minutes and I still need to shower but I'm not showering or getting ready, I sitting here writing the longest run-on sentence ever, even though it's only taken me like five mintues to write it because it's basically a stream-of-consciousness which are really fun to write which is why I'm probably not stopping even thought I need to.
Okay bye.
Okay bye.
Utah Wifi... NOT!
In Utah!
So, the trip wasn't terrible! Nice, right? Five of us in the car (my cousin's Matt and Mike, my Aunt Lisa, my mom, and I) excuse me, it was a mini-van-- with tons of luggage and pillows all over the place (we're taking Mike to the MTC, after all, with all his mission stuff he's taking to sustain him for the next two years in the Phillipines). I curled up in the back, and guess what? I CAN READ MY KINDLE WHILE DRIVING! (*cheers insistently). THAT was a nice surprise.
So I napped, then looked around, got out to go to the bathroom a few times, and read and read. It wasn't miserable, for twelve hours :) Oh, I did eat a wheat-thin or two, as well as, um, *coughcoughanicecreamsandwhichandabottleofstrawberrysoda*. But I got my silent wish and we went to KFC where I got lots of coleslaw! Mmmmmm. KFC rocks.
Anyways. So here. In Utah. Orem, actually. Sitting in the Holiday Inn Express. Apparently there are multiple ones, so I'm not saying which one unless there's some crazy stalker guy reading this. Not that I expect that to be happening, but you never know. (If you ARE a creepy stalker guy- or, um, person- I'M ON TO YOU.)
My mom's ordering dinner via delivery service, seeing as my Aunt Lisa took the car. It's just me and mom here for now- Steph's coming tomorrow afternoon, and we're going to party like it's going out of business!
Wait... that doesn't make sense. I think I meant we're going to party like it's "going out of style." Or possibly we're going to party like "nobody's business." Yeah. That's it. Anyways. We're going to party. Except for the slight problem being that my mother is coming down with a cold and was secretly nauseous the entire trip. Not good, not good. "But we're still going to have fun, dang it!"
Anyways, what I initially came here to write WAS: so, needing to get online to see what our food delivery options were, I pulled out my computer and pulled up the list of possible networks to connect to. There were your typical fivehundred for the hotel (why can't it just be one?), and other random ones, like SETUP and Anna T's network. My favorite? "Free Wifi... NOT!"
Did I mention we're right next to student housing for the college? Yeah. That's why.
I mean, Nooooo, we're not near any student housing.... (unless you're not some creeper person. Otherwise, yeah, we are.)
The funny part? There's no security code to the "Free Wifi... NOT!" Which means, essentially, it is free wifi. Go figure.
So, the trip wasn't terrible! Nice, right? Five of us in the car (my cousin's Matt and Mike, my Aunt Lisa, my mom, and I) excuse me, it was a mini-van-- with tons of luggage and pillows all over the place (we're taking Mike to the MTC, after all, with all his mission stuff he's taking to sustain him for the next two years in the Phillipines). I curled up in the back, and guess what? I CAN READ MY KINDLE WHILE DRIVING! (*cheers insistently). THAT was a nice surprise.
So I napped, then looked around, got out to go to the bathroom a few times, and read and read. It wasn't miserable, for twelve hours :) Oh, I did eat a wheat-thin or two, as well as, um, *coughcoughanicecreamsandwhichandabottleofstrawberrysoda*. But I got my silent wish and we went to KFC where I got lots of coleslaw! Mmmmmm. KFC rocks.
Anyways. So here. In Utah. Orem, actually. Sitting in the Holiday Inn Express. Apparently there are multiple ones, so I'm not saying which one unless there's some crazy stalker guy reading this. Not that I expect that to be happening, but you never know. (If you ARE a creepy stalker guy- or, um, person- I'M ON TO YOU.)
My mom's ordering dinner via delivery service, seeing as my Aunt Lisa took the car. It's just me and mom here for now- Steph's coming tomorrow afternoon, and we're going to party like it's going out of business!
Wait... that doesn't make sense. I think I meant we're going to party like it's "going out of style." Or possibly we're going to party like "nobody's business." Yeah. That's it. Anyways. We're going to party. Except for the slight problem being that my mother is coming down with a cold and was secretly nauseous the entire trip. Not good, not good. "But we're still going to have fun, dang it!"
Anyways, what I initially came here to write WAS: so, needing to get online to see what our food delivery options were, I pulled out my computer and pulled up the list of possible networks to connect to. There were your typical fivehundred for the hotel (why can't it just be one?), and other random ones, like SETUP and Anna T's network. My favorite? "Free Wifi... NOT!"
Did I mention we're right next to student housing for the college? Yeah. That's why.
I mean, Nooooo, we're not near any student housing.... (unless you're not some creeper person. Otherwise, yeah, we are.)
The funny part? There's no security code to the "Free Wifi... NOT!" Which means, essentially, it is free wifi. Go figure.
Important Questions and The Abnormal Condition of Fungus in the Nails
Why is it...
Why is it that the second I open my textbook, I get sleepy?
Why is it that packing is so much more fun than unpacking?
Why is it that the internet is the most epic learning tool, and yet also the best form of procrastination?
Why is it that grated cheese taste better than normal cheese?
And why is it that stolen grated cheese tastes better than non-stolen cheese?
Important questions, important questions.
(In other news, I'm packing for Utah tonight! And no- I'm not currently procrastinating homework- I just finished! Proof: I now know that the term for the abnormal condition of fungus of the nail is onychomycosis. Onych= nails, o=combining vowel, myc= fungus, osis= abnormal condition. Med term is like playing word-part puzzles! It's so fun! [And now I'm going to hate it because I just said how fun it was. Dang.])
Why is it that the second I open my textbook, I get sleepy?
Why is it that packing is so much more fun than unpacking?
Why is it that the internet is the most epic learning tool, and yet also the best form of procrastination?
Why is it that grated cheese taste better than normal cheese?
And why is it that stolen grated cheese tastes better than non-stolen cheese?
Important questions, important questions.
(In other news, I'm packing for Utah tonight! And no- I'm not currently procrastinating homework- I just finished! Proof: I now know that the term for the abnormal condition of fungus of the nail is onychomycosis. Onych= nails, o=combining vowel, myc= fungus, osis= abnormal condition. Med term is like playing word-part puzzles! It's so fun! [And now I'm going to hate it because I just said how fun it was. Dang.])
Drivel (with flair!)
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I want to have a massive one of these and stick it on my forehead. |
So I should be doing homework right now, but instead I'm coming up with good things to do to procrastinate. I don't think I spelled that right. Oh well. I don't spell most things right. Although I am a stickler for grammar. (see above picture)
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This is also very true. |
Hey, yeah, and why did facebook stop doing flair? I miss that. Getting all those funny buttons... I had some funny literature ones. And pirate ones. I do like pirates, have I mentioned that?
and this one--- I like this one:
Yes, I do have all my favorite flair saved on my computer. Because when I printed my journal two years back, I made the inside covers full of funny flair buttons, and it turned out quite nicely, thank you very much.
Anyways. Back to the not-doing-homework thing.
It's all due tomorrow night at 9pm, but I should get it done tonight, because tomorrow we're going to my cousins farewell talk at 9 in the morning, and won't get home until, like, 4, and then I still have to pack because we're leaving Monday morning. BAH. But I really, REALLY, don't want to do it right now.
It's not like it's hard. It's just that I have to pay attention, and I'm sleepy. I have to, like, remember what I've read and comprehend it and stuff. Um, no. Not going to work. Besides, Diego's passed out on my lap, and am I going to kick him off just so I can grab my text book? No, no I am not.
And did I mention my Itunes BUSTED AGAIN???? Seriously, I think I'm done with Itunes and all things Apple. It ALWAYS does this. And I don't think it's worth it anymore. I'll invest in other electronic devices, thank you very much, since yours SUCK SO BAD. dckjsajefiowjfklasdjfsdmhfiwaevfinuesadiklfdifogioshadkjf *grumbles angrily under breath*
In other news, I'm quite enjoying my Kindle. Except for the fact that it doesn't have any of the Harry Potter books on the kindle program. (Boooo, hiss) And, I actually deleted a purchase I made the other day. I had gotten an urge to buy a certain book that I've wanted to read for a while, and since it was only a few clicks and a scroll away, I bought it. The next day, I went back and cancelled the purchase (I hadn't read any of it yet), so that's $8.99 I-sorta-but-really-didn't-spend. I felt sorta proud with my thrifty decision. Just don't tell my dad. :)) Though he'll probably just read it on here.
So, I'm on, which I LOVE, but I joined a bookclub called Book Buying Addicts Anonymous. It's quite amazing, since everyone there also has the same problems as I do, and we talk about how our families think we're crazy and how throwing books away is an awful sin (it hurts my soul even to think about it-- If you don't want it, at least DONATE IT, or if it's complete crap that should never have been printed in the first place, AT LEAST SAVE SOME TREES AND THROW IT IN THE RECYCLING BIN). Do love.
And now, I think I'm going to go read (not my textbook) and go to sleep. I'm tired.
And that's my pointless drivel for today. Foodnight! I mean, Goodnight!

Well, how convenient: I was planning on putting up this picture anyways, but it just so happens to be STEPHANIE'S BIRTHDAY, and I was going to dedicate a post to her... well how about them apples?
So, I was thinking of random things today about Stephanie, and random memories that I have, most of which either I or she would be embarressed of if I put on here... hahaha... So then I was thinking about one time, when Steph came home from college for the summer, or maybe a visit, I can't remember, during her first year at USU, and we went to go see The Simpson's Movie together. And now I'm thinking how dang weird it is that we saw that of all movies, because honestly? I've seen like, maybe one episode ever in my lifetime, and I'm sure Steph's the same, but we were all stoked to go see this movie. And I remember it being funny... It just struck me as funny today.
Anyways. Steph is awesome, and I wish we lived closer, and I hope she's not too sick anymore while carrying her dear little baby girl, and I'm so proud that she graduated college, and I've always looked up to her maturity and her in general, and I love that she's married to a guy who appreciates her and does cute little things for her like makes her oragami flowers and awesome "happy last day of school ever" posters, and I hope her future is as awesome as she is, and I can't wait to spoil her babies, and I think she is going to be one heck of a wonderful mother, and, oh, and she's beautiful, did I say that?
Can't wait to see you next week, sister! We're going to party hardy!!!
Love you <3
More Maggie Makes Me Smile
(originally posted at my
GOOD NEWS!!! (said in a sing-song-uber-excited-voice)
Just got wind of NEW BOOK from MAGGIE STIEFVATER (possibly my all-time author love)!
On her blog (which I read on thought I should do some citing here), she says: "Oh yeah, and it's a standalone novel (not a series), with blood, beaches, and kissing. My favorite that I've written so far. Ever."
(Side note: For some reason, I thought it said LEECHES instead of BEACHES, and I was like, "YEAH, RIGHT ON!" with a little fist pump, and was almost disappointed to realize it was beaches. Idea for your next book, Ms. Stiefvater? I'd be so stoked. Apparently I like leeches...)
But for her to be so excited about it makes me want to pee my pants while I do my little excited-happy-chair-dance that everyone makes fun of my for, because YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO ROCK. I think it's impossible for Maggie Stiefvater to write anything not extravaggantly excellent full of beautiful, lyrical writing that just sucks you in and refuses to let go unless you've thoroughly swooned.
And can I just say, as much as I love series-- more delicious Stiefvater writing to soak up-- I'm stoked that it's a standalone. It seems like no one does these days in the YA world, and I kind of miss it. Actually, I really miss it. I loved that back in the day with Lament, she did a follow-up with Ballad. It wasn't exactly a continuation of the same story, but a whole new story about one of the lesser characters. It was like they could have been two standalones than a series, and I really liked that.
So The Scorpio Races won't be available until October 8th, from what I read, but I for one can hardly contain myself from building a time machine so I can go pick up a copy (stopping only for a copy of Forever, of course.)
For more semi-creepy Maggie Stiefvater love-ranting, see here for Lament and better yet, here for Shiver and Linger, which apparently Maggie found out about and Tweeted about back in the day and WOW that was a long link.
That was probably the best review I've ever written, because I've never felt so passionate about a book like I did then. Obsessive? Maybe. Creepy? Yeah, sorta. But oodles of fun.
GOOD NEWS!!! (said in a sing-song-uber-excited-voice)
Just got wind of NEW BOOK from MAGGIE STIEFVATER (possibly my all-time author love)!
On her blog (which I read on thought I should do some citing here), she says: "Oh yeah, and it's a standalone novel (not a series), with blood, beaches, and kissing. My favorite that I've written so far. Ever."
(Side note: For some reason, I thought it said LEECHES instead of BEACHES, and I was like, "YEAH, RIGHT ON!" with a little fist pump, and was almost disappointed to realize it was beaches. Idea for your next book, Ms. Stiefvater? I'd be so stoked. Apparently I like leeches...)
But for her to be so excited about it makes me want to pee my pants while I do my little excited-happy-chair-dance that everyone makes fun of my for, because YOU KNOW IT'S GOING TO ROCK. I think it's impossible for Maggie Stiefvater to write anything not extravaggantly excellent full of beautiful, lyrical writing that just sucks you in and refuses to let go unless you've thoroughly swooned.
And can I just say, as much as I love series-- more delicious Stiefvater writing to soak up-- I'm stoked that it's a standalone. It seems like no one does these days in the YA world, and I kind of miss it. Actually, I really miss it. I loved that back in the day with Lament, she did a follow-up with Ballad. It wasn't exactly a continuation of the same story, but a whole new story about one of the lesser characters. It was like they could have been two standalones than a series, and I really liked that.
So The Scorpio Races won't be available until October 8th, from what I read, but I for one can hardly contain myself from building a time machine so I can go pick up a copy (stopping only for a copy of Forever, of course.)
For more semi-creepy Maggie Stiefvater love-ranting, see here for Lament and better yet, here for Shiver and Linger, which apparently Maggie found out about and Tweeted about back in the day and WOW that was a long link.
That was probably the best review I've ever written, because I've never felt so passionate about a book like I did then. Obsessive? Maybe. Creepy? Yeah, sorta. But oodles of fun.
Rule of Life
I don't know where Lizzi got these, but I laughed when I read them :)
If you follow them, you will find true enlightenment.
Rule One: Be friends with people who can get you free food.
Rule Two: Don't get caught doing anything stupid.
Rule Three: If/when you do get caught, don't do anything stupid to make it worse.
Rule Four: Always play good music.
Rule Five: Eat Cookies.
Rule Six: When you aren't friends with people who can get you free food, find a way to steal food that is both quick and effective.
Rule Seven: Learn how to play the guitar. It is both cliche and attracts members of the opposite sex.
If you follow them, you will find true enlightenment.
Rule One: Be friends with people who can get you free food.
Rule Two: Don't get caught doing anything stupid.
Rule Three: If/when you do get caught, don't do anything stupid to make it worse.
Rule Four: Always play good music.
Rule Five: Eat Cookies.
Rule Six: When you aren't friends with people who can get you free food, find a way to steal food that is both quick and effective.
Rule Seven: Learn how to play the guitar. It is both cliche and attracts members of the opposite sex.
Non-Perks of Kindle
Downfalls of my new (purple!) Kindle:
1. There's no clock. I can't tell when I've spent 3 hours reading, or 4, or 8...
2. No page numbers! What? Just a "63%" (or whatever %) line at the bottom... So, I can't tell just how thick any given book is that I'm reading. Huh.
And thirdly, and most importantly: Having a brand new book instantly at your fingertips (and paying $8-$20 for it) is easy as
click, scroll, click, click!
It's waaaaaaaaaay too easy to buy books when they're magically at your fingertips! You can have a new book in ten seconds, delivered instantly. While incredibly handy, TEMPATATION IS TOO GREAT!
1. There's no clock. I can't tell when I've spent 3 hours reading, or 4, or 8...
2. No page numbers! What? Just a "63%" (or whatever %) line at the bottom... So, I can't tell just how thick any given book is that I'm reading. Huh.
And thirdly, and most importantly: Having a brand new book instantly at your fingertips (and paying $8-$20 for it) is easy as
click, scroll, click, click!
It's waaaaaaaaaay too easy to buy books when they're magically at your fingertips! You can have a new book in ten seconds, delivered instantly. While incredibly handy, TEMPATATION IS TOO GREAT!
May 14-16
May 14, Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
The stupid gnat problem in this house!!! There's always bugs in my shower, and I hate it! Ugh, it makes me itchy and paranoid just thinking about it...
May 15, Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Literally my day yesterday. And today. Notice the purple in the background? That's my pillows and comfortables, because I'm lying in my bed. Why? Because it's raining, therefore, I my body is screaming in pain (ergo, I am not at church). Secondly, I thought I'd knock my Medical Term homework. ...5 hours later... I get to move on to Medical Assisting homework. Joy! (I don't think you can see, but Diego is passed out on a stack of my papers. Also, there are bite marks on the corners of all the books, and my laptop. Why? He gets jealous when I've got a book/laptop on my lap, so he bites them because he knows it'll get a reaction out of me. Secret smarts? It just might be.)
May 16, Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Easy. Family.
The stupid gnat problem in this house!!! There's always bugs in my shower, and I hate it! Ugh, it makes me itchy and paranoid just thinking about it...
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(this was the friendliest picture of gnats I could find... uggggh) |
May 15, Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Literally my day yesterday. And today. Notice the purple in the background? That's my pillows and comfortables, because I'm lying in my bed. Why? Because it's raining, therefore, I my body is screaming in pain (ergo, I am not at church). Secondly, I thought I'd knock my Medical Term homework. ...5 hours later... I get to move on to Medical Assisting homework. Joy! (I don't think you can see, but Diego is passed out on a stack of my papers. Also, there are bite marks on the corners of all the books, and my laptop. Why? He gets jealous when I've got a book/laptop on my lap, so he bites them because he knows it'll get a reaction out of me. Secret smarts? It just might be.)
May 16, Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Easy. Family.
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The Harris Clan (My mom's side of the family, who we're really close to. This was a few years ago, therefore the distinct lack of Greg) (Do you see my grandparents in the middle?! LOVE THEM!) |
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The Empey's and the Newly Made Peterson's |
Last week, while Mom and I were at Chiptole, I saw a manly woman with the phases of the moon tattooed around her ankle. Secretly a werewolf? I think so.
And a few more days
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
(The fact that I haven't written any of my missionary friends... like, ever... I feel so terribly guilty)
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
"Favorite" is such a relative term... But I like "The Mortal Instruments" series quite a bit. It's the new Harry Potter-phenemenom. And I totally spelt that wrong.
(The fact that I haven't written any of my missionary friends... like, ever... I feel so terribly guilty)
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
"Favorite" is such a relative term... But I like "The Mortal Instruments" series quite a bit. It's the new Harry Potter-phenemenom. And I totally spelt that wrong.
More 60 Day Photos
So, I'm really bad at this whole "posting every day" thing. Whoops.
May 4th, Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.Um... um... I don't like these sentimental ones...
May 5th, Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.Sneeze with my eyes open.
May 8th, Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
May 4th, Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.Um... um... I don't like these sentimental ones...
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Yeah. I went there. |
May 6th, Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson
Check out her awesome blog about her life after her near-fatal airplane crash, and the major brun injuries. (PS- she's an awesome Mormon)
May 7th, Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.Those crazy Mormons... no, actually, missionaries. Like I've mentioned, I've been going teaching and contacting with the (sister) missionaries a lot lately, and that's had a big impact on my life these past few months.
May 8th, Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
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I now have a new picture to love |
May 9th, Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Um... I currently don't have that on my computer. I'll work on that. But I was a DARN CUTE BABY, let me tell you...
May 10th, Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
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