

May 17, Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.

Well, how convenient: I was planning on putting up this picture anyways, but it just so happens to be STEPHANIE'S BIRTHDAY, and I was going to dedicate a post to her... well how about them apples?


So, I was thinking of random things today about Stephanie, and random memories that I have, most of which either I or she would be embarressed of if I put on here... hahaha... So then I was thinking about one time, when Steph came home from college for the summer, or maybe a visit, I can't remember, during her first year at USU, and we went to go see The Simpson's Movie together. And now I'm thinking how dang weird it is that we saw that of all movies, because honestly? I've seen like, maybe one episode ever in my lifetime, and I'm sure Steph's the same, but we were all stoked to go see this movie. And I remember it being funny... It just struck me as funny today.

Anyways. Steph is awesome, and I wish we lived closer, and I hope she's not too sick anymore while carrying her dear little baby girl, and I'm so proud that she graduated college, and I've always looked up to her maturity and her in general, and I love that she's married to a guy who appreciates her and does cute little things for her like makes her oragami flowers and awesome "happy last day of school ever" posters, and I hope her future is as awesome as she is, and I can't wait to spoil her babies, and I think she is going to be one heck of a wonderful mother, and, oh, and she's beautiful, did I say that?

Can't wait to see you next week, sister! We're going to party hardy!!!

Love you <3

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