
Remembering the Words Doesn't Matter: Christmas I

So I was binge watching Buzzfeed videos tonight, trying not to fall asleep until an appropriate hour (I was crashing hard at 6:30 and knew I needed to entertain myself with something. So obviously,to the internet! YouTube in particular. And Buzzfeed tends to be a pit of quicksand: once you get in, it slowly drags you into its infinite stash of videos and articles and Pinterest boards of totally random, silly, sometimes serious, but always relavent everyday topics). 

Anyways. So I'm watching this video of people trying to remember the lyrics of Christmas songs, and the first one they do is the iconic song "All I Want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. 

But here's the thing: the words to that song don't matter one bit. Who cares about he words? I mean, everyone knows the jist of it, but that's not the point. The point is, that every time you hear that song, you automatically get one of three visuals:

1. You envision yourself shopping in some crowded mall or department store blasting Christmas cheer at you
2. You see a montage of other people shopping and/or wrapping presents with dramatic Christmas cheer in some old Christmas movie, or
3. You envision Mariah Carey lip synching the song on a float in the Macy's thanksgiving day parade in some ridiculous fur outfit.

That's what Christmas is all about. Associating random things like certain songs and cookies and ornaments and traditions with memories and people you love and emotions.

So with that, enjoy your December. Don't let it rush by. Take the time to do all the little things, because that's how make big memories and big bond and big relationships. It's important to slow down and just take it in, and make sure to make time for things you actually want to do (it's so easy to get busy and forget to do the things we were looking forward to). This is a time to enjoy the little things, do little things for others, and make sure little ones make good memories.

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