
How I Became Convinced that my Eardrum had Burst and I Would Never Hear Out of my Left Ear Again

So, over Christmas vacation I somehow acquired dual ear infections. I mean, how does that even happen? How do you even get an ear infection as an adult? Let alone TWO ear infections?

I didn't even know I had them until I got on the plane to go home for the Peterson's, where we spent Christmas. Halfway through both flights (yes, I had to suffer through this TWICE), this incredible stabbing pain seared my eardrum. The first time was bad enough, but the second time was too much. I just cried. 

I couldn't help it. I just curled up into my jacket and started bawling. There was this fourteen year old boy flying by himself next to me, who had absolutely no idea what to do. Poor kid. It was honestly one of the most excruciating things I have ever felt. And I am no stranger to pain. I have fibro and chronic migraines. But ooooooooooooooooooh.

And that's how I became convinced that my eardrum had burst and I would never hear out of my left ear again. 

But no. It's just infected. And- surprise!- the right one is infected, too. So now I'm on antibiotics and weird ear drops and am slowly dying.

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