
Did you know...? MARCH 2011


Shall we do FACTS:? I think we shall.

FACT: For the last few months, my Pop has gone to Colorado overnight every other week for business. Mom and I either go out to see some epic girly and/or Disney movie or watch one on Demand, and eat out, and drink soda. No fail. I love it.

FACT: Family inside jokes rock. If you ever hear one of us say "I was deeeeeaaaaaaaad," then burst out laughing, don't be alarmed. We're just being weird.

FACT: Medical Front Office was actually a fun class. I'm sad it's going to be over next week.

FACT: My average typed WPM is 70. SUCK IT, FOOLS!

(FACT: In order to pass my Front Office class, we had to have at least a 25 WPM. I think I'll be okay.)

FACT: Nestle cookie dough-- the stuff you buy in the refrigerator section of the grocery store-- makes the best flippin cookies in the history of time. No question.

FACT: I hate cake-batter cookies. I don't understand why everyone loves them so much! If you're going to eat a cookie, eat a cookie. If you're going to eat cake, eat cake. Don't go messing around making crazy hybrind things, it ruins the awesome uniqueness of each individual treat! UGH!

FACT: 9 months of pregnancy is proving to be waaaaaaaaay too long for me to wait for my niece/nephew. Ughughughughughugh...

FACT: When I wrote in my journal years ago, I would always put "ARGH" when I was frustrated/angry. Later, I realized that was a cool pirate noise; when I was angry, I would then put: ARGH.... (I'm a pirate!) I kinda miss it. It was like an inside joke I had with my invisble audience of my journal... and if that's not creepy weird, I don't know what is.

FACT: Diego sneezed the other day. I nearly died from the adorableness.

FACT: Last week, after going to the temple, we ran around in the rain to go to various resturants and cars. Subsequently, I got a cold. Huh. I guess if you do get your feet wet (even if they are in super cute pumps, cause I was so proud of those shoes), you can get sick. I should have listened to Mary Poppins.

FACT: I took a poll today about what my favorite soda was (Rootbeer). Guess what was kicking Coke and Pepsi and Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper's butts? ROOTBEER. I am now convinced that it was only Mormons taking the poll. Non-Utah Mormons (cause we all know they disregard the no-caffiene thing. Although I'm not really one to talk. I was corrupted when I found out that caffiene cures headaches. But still...)

FACT: (actually, Dr. Pepper is probably my favorite soda, but I didn't want to put that on the poll, because I didn't want people seeing that I drink caffienated stuff. But I guess that was stupid, because I'm confessing all here.)

FACT: I had a majorly dorky Harry Potter conversation with a guy at FHE on Monday. I felt my inner-dorkiness revealing itself. All those who heard the conversation will probably never look at me the same way.

...And that's your March update.


  1. rootbeer is the best soda. its like beer from the earth. the root. i only drink soda in the brown bottles. nothing in a green bottle. that stuff will kill you.
