What I'll Miss About The Bridge Refresher Course 2014:
Em's happy voice in the morning
Martie's weighted vest and subsequent jokes
The big, white van
The big, white van rattling like it was about to fall to pieces
Em's crazy driving of the big, white van (solving the mystery of why the van was falling apart)
Krista's laugh
Krista's loving mothering of us all
All of us complaining about the "teach one another" and video projects
The video projects, which ended up ROCKING
BJ's companionship
The wide open spaces
The red rocks
Dr. Granger and her legitness
The social aspect of sharing a condo/chilling space with three other fantastic women
Reiki and other "out-there" therapies that I was uncomfortable with, because it felt good to have make an opinion about something that was all my own
The enthusiasm
Having healthy lunch and dinner simply appear every day
The people
Em being "Mom" for the week
Jokes about Em being "Mom" for the week
The excellent (and not-excellent-but-still-good) lectures
Having a safe place designed solely for the purpose of improving ourselves
Feeling so comfortable in my own skin
Oh my gosh, I'm laughing my head off. I love "the legitness of Dr. Granger"! As well as other mom comments.