You know what's haunting me these days?
So, you probably know, but a few months ago a super pleasant documentary came out called "Black Fish." What was it about? KILLER WHALES. And it caused this huge frenzy all over the internet and media, about how Sea World wasn't taking care of their murderous beast fish.
So, naturally, there were clips of Black Fish all over TV. There were pictures and links being shared all over Facebook and the internet.
No where was safe.
What has Sea World done? Made tons of backfire commercials, of course! Featuring, you guessed it, the blood-thirsty Shamoo and devious friends, accompanied by emotional instrumental music and trainers talking about their loving relationships with the 9 ton aquatic murders.
It's awful.
Half the time during commercial breaks, I have my face buried in a pillow or my arm, but I can never escape those first few glimpses of black and white flesh...
It's those
Sea World, keep your death fish to yourself. Nobody wants to see that.