
One Giant Pimple of Stress

So, I've fallen behind ALREADY. Yes, I know.

At first, it was: "OH MY GOSH, I KNOW NOW WHY I STOPPED BLOGGING!! Nothing interesting ever happens to me! I have nothing to write about! Uggggggggggggggggghhhhhhh!!"

But it soon turned into: "Okay, I have some ideas. Nothing earth-shattering, or crazy hilarious or anything, but a couple ideas. This isn't horrible. I may be able to pull this off..."

But, BAM!!!!!


You know longer have head space for anything but stress over all the times you took the easy road and high-lited important facts instead of re-writing them in your own words! All those times you reviewed your notes the day AFTER class instead of that night... good luck beating the forgetting curve now, sucker!

Oh, and by the way... you know how you planned on flying out of town the day after the last class? That class is review. The next day is when you take your final, online. Looks like you'll be taking it in the airport, bucko. I guess you'll just have to wait to ingest the cocktail of meds necessary for your gimpy body to make it through a day of travel... hope that doesn't mess up your schedule or anything. You know. Because you aren't sensitive to changes like that AT ALL.

So. No longer have I had the leisure to blog. I've been too busy turning into one giant pimple of stress. Things aren't pretty at the moment.

Needless to say, tune in AFTER the holidays. Things should be normal by then. Or, you know. More normal.


Holly Says So #1

So, I've tried to "revive" my blog multiple times since I stopped blogging back in, like, 2011. Cause I like it. I do love blogging. Writing is a great love of mine. I just don't do it very often anymore.

But I've gone back to school this year. Online, through BYU-I, (where I went for a little while in 2009), with a kick-start, year-long program called Pathways, and this semester has consisted of a Book of Mormon class and a Life Skills class that I LOATHE with the fiery passion of a thousand suns. However, at the once-a-week lab we have for Pathways, we've been a talking a ton about our talents and using and sharing them.

Now, those of you that are a part of the LDS church know that, immediately, when someone brings up the topic of not hiding your talents under a bushel, someone INSTANTLY brings up singing, or musical talents. It's always the first thing mentioned. Just because.

Well, I do not possess musical talents, unless you can count the skill of being able to sing/dance/drive all at the same time (which totally is a skill. It's totally impressive, too, if you ever get the chance to ride with me in my car). Then I was talking to my friend yesterday who was a massage therapist. She said that she volunteered at a battered woman's shelter, where she would give massages to abused women to reintroduce positive touch to the women. I mean, how amazing is that? That is sharing your talent in the right way.

I don't have musical talents. I don't play instruments. My singing is decent enough to be put in the back of choir, but nothing beyond that. And I do not possess skills in the massage department, nor do I have any sort of career-skill that I could use to help others. So coming up with ways to share my "talents" has turned into a project of creativity and pondering deeply.

One thing that I do have a talent for is writing. English. Reading. All that good stuff. It's something I've always been really interested in, and have therefore studied both at school and by teaching myself many writing-related techniques and skills. It's one of those things that makes me giddy and giggly in a totally nerdy way just thinking about it. I totally follow my favorite authors on the internet. Goodreads? Practically my favorite website. Fandoms? Um, yes. And my "Books and Words" board on pinterest currently has 360 something pins (not including those pins pertaining to certain fandoms, like Harry Potter and the Shandowhunters, which have boards unto themselves, naturally. Because I'm the nerdiest of them all).

So, I finally figured that, even though it's not Earth-shattering, blogging is at least not hiding my talent under a bushel. I mean, that seems ungrateful, doesn't it? To be given a gift at something, and then not to use it. I love everything that has to do with my writing--- there's so much that you can do with the English language!--- so you better believe that I'm grateful for it. It's wonderful to have a passion, you know?

So, that's why I'm here. That's why I'm back, reviving AGAIN. And that's why I'm going to try and make this revival stick: it's not just for myself anymore. So, I hope you enjoy something here. I don't have a specific plan on what I will/will not put on here; those who read this before (as hollysthoughts.com) know that it was mostly really random ramblings of strange/funny/ironic things I'd experienced lately interspersed with a few deep post on more important topics every once in a while. I wrote a post on What I Hope My Words Say once that I still feel really captures the purpose of what I do.

So, in conclusion, there will be:
--occasional deep thoughts
--occasional somewhat-frequent anecdotes about my cat
--occasional promoting of awesome books
--made up words, (like "fantasmalistic!") because they make life more awesome
--random prose about mundane objects, like my semi-infamous "Ode to a Flea"
--no filth, trash, pessimism (unless relating to Neighborhood Pumpkin Drama), or other nastiness.

So, yeah! We're officially back on! Happy day!

*Ten-second computer chair Dance Party*

NOTE: The reason for the name change? 1. It was time to change it, and 2. 90% of my posts have started with "So..." Alas, after some creative combinations of "so," "today," "blog," "holly," and even "crickets" and one point, I finally found an open domain: hollysaysso. YEAH. CAUSE I SAY SO.

Gosh, now I want to do a count and see how many times I've said "so" on this blog... I bet the ratio of "so" to other words is crazy. 

Thanks for reading!


2013 Revival

*Looks left.*

*Looks right.*

Well, well, well. We're still here. 2012 is officially over, and the world officially didn't end.

Happy New Year, you sadists! Looks like you're going to have to deal with us losers for a normal lifetime. Muhahahaha.

But seeing as it's a new year, I thought perhaps I'd revive my once beloved blog. I've thought about it for months now-- even written posts in my mind-- but never really got around to it.

However, seeing as I've changed a lot in my life recently, AND it's a new year, what better time for actually getting it done?

Therefore: HERE. POST. ON MY BLOG.


I feel so successful. :)