
So. Much. American Foundatins Reading.

My computer works again!

It had been eaten by 15 viruses (at least, I didn't watch the scan after 15), thus not letting me get on the internet...

And then I was sick for over a week, and just didn't have the strength to make it to the computer help desk. But once I did... trust me, I don't regret it! Not only did I make a ton of computer-geek friends, my computer is cookie/worm/trojan horse/virus free! (or, at least, we hope so) The main thing is that I have my internet back again. And my e-mail. Yeah, trying to communicate with my teachers (and randomly, my RA) about being sick on the flipping SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL was not easy when having no access to the internet.

Seriously? I've missed more classes than I've been to. (Bangs head violently on desk a few times). I have so much make-up stuff it's not even funny. As of right now, I know that I have to read over 124 pages of American Foundations text (OOO NOOOOOOO!!! Which I have an exam on Friday.... UGH), 3 essays for Book of Mormon, another hundred pages of English text to read, two English papers... (I haven't actually talked to my english teacher in person yet, these are just the things that I've missed, not the extra make-up work....) and I have absolutely no idea what I have to do what Intro to the English Studies, although I suspect that it's nothing. Mostly we just have people who've made a profession of "english" come and lecture us, at least, that's what I've gathered from sitting in ONE CLASS...

Good news? I gathered from the internet that there is going to be a Pre-Professional Writers conference next week!!! YEAH!!!!!!! Apparently, if I go (which I plan on), I get a note from Bro. Harrel (my intro to the English studies professor) to excuse me from all my other classes :D I'm so stokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked. (yes, I just said stoked. Sue me.)

I'm being a nerd and submitting two poems to the conference... I guess there's a certain workshop where ametuer writers just read their stuff... I know my stuff isn't good enough, its just crap from last year in creative writing, but I'm still submitting something so I can at least say that I tried to be active in my cause :D I'm so excited to go... :D :D :D

Gosh, I'm so tired, but I have so much work to do... I'm trying not to get overwhelmed, however, so I'm allowing myself a little break (okay, I haven't really done much, but I started getting really stressed, so I thought a little venting might be good, via blogger)... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....


Realistic Raisins

Raisins say: Ups and downs are part of all relationships.

I say: Why are my dried fruit snacks preaching to me?

I Am From...

“I am From…” Poem

I am from piles of Disney movies, from Aladdin and Snow White,
I am from plastic swing sets and mini cars.
I am from rides in the laundry basket,
and hundreds of dollies, puppets, and stuffed animals.
I am from trunks of dress up and mounds and mounds of tule.
I am from gymnastics and dance class,
and the bike races around the street.

I am from the old green chair where my dad used to rock me.
I am from nonsense songs my sister and I made up.
I am from my sister’s fear that the puppies next door will eat her,
or that my mother would forget her at school.
I am from make-believe games with Daddy,
“The Hooffen- Hauser” and "Mr. Bug” and rainbow kisses,
and hours of giggles and shrieks of delight.

I am from many sayings: "Nobody's looking at you anyways."
"It's okay to be hungry."
"I don't hear you when you whine."
I am from lessons from my mother and time outs in the living room.
I am from Family Home Evenings and Sunday roast,
I am from snatching pieces of just-grated cheese and clumps of browning hamburger.

I am from many houses and many schools,
From new neighborhood to new neighborhood,
From new friends to new friends.
I am from a near death experience involving a magic trick and a quarter,
And reoccurring trips to the hospital.
I am from my own clumsiness, my countless “Oops” and lots of “I’m so sorry!”
I am from my breaks and sprains from tripping over things,
And many months spent on the evil crutches.

I am from a life of independence,
Yet always having the love and strength of my family to fall back upon.




As interesting and stimulating as college classes are... they're stinking hard.

Okay, not that hard. I'm only in freshmen classes. My two English classes are a breeze, but then again, I'm an English major. It's my forte.

However, American Foundations and, apparently, Book of Mormon are NOT my forte. Tough stuff, man. I suppose it's just ways of thinking and processing that I haven't been accustom to. It's challenging. Okay, yes, and hard. Difficult. Straining.

You should see my readings for American Foundations. But, then again, as I think about it, people like Bro. Marshall and others who are fascinated by the economic liberty of the colonists and such-like would breeze through my readings and ENJOY them, as I would breeze through readings of grammar and foreshadowing and other literary techniques, and not only understand them easily, but get excited about the material.

It's all in the sorts of things you're interested it, what makes you tick. And apparently, there's lots of diverse things to be excited about, because some of them are so dang foreign to me. Not to say that I'm not excited about learning. I love learning. I'm excited to be here and to be learning. I almost get giggly when a teacher starts in on a lecture because I'm just excited. Dorky, I know, but I'm enjoying it. But there certainly are things that I am quicker to understand that others.

Interesting fact:
I honestly have heard the word "gleaning" used more in the last week of classes than I ever have in my entire life. I've gotten up to a count of 12 uses already. GLEANING? Really? Alright, professors; whatever floats your boat.j


Creativity Smells

(Written Octoberish 2008)

There was a smell of Creativity in the air tonight.
What did Creativity smell like?
Sailboats and cucumbers and the dust of bitter fairies.
And if you wondered what Creativity sounded like,
it sounded lik Wesley screaming "Oprah Winfrey" all the way down the Materhorn
and smothies sloshing in plastic cups
and the refreshing breath at the end of a kiss.
People making unexplainable animal noises in the dead silence of class
and the songs you sing in your sleep.
And, going further, what did Creativity look like?
Creativity looked like
ice blue waves burbling over broken shells
and strange calligraphy in purple ink
or it looked like the sky when you're laying back in a canoe
and the boy you were once secretly in love with, and only slightly remember why.
Oh, and the look on a man's face seconds before a sneeze.
Trees swaying, recieving the secrets the wind brings along:
quiet and quiet and almost silent.
THAT was how Creativity smelled
and looked
and sounded
and tonight?
Tonight you could almost reach out and touch Creativity.
And tomorrow?
It will all be different.
Creativity is always changing.

Blue Soap and Orange Nails

Question: Why does colored dishwashing soap turn into white bubbles? Is it one of those blood things, where it's blue in your veins and red in the air? Hm.

So, guess what??!

Stephanie DIDN'T steal all the domestic genes! I'm domestic, too! Or, at least, I can be! Woot!!! In two hours after coming home from class I:
1. Did this weeks laundry
2. Finally got my pantry organized
3. Scrubbed out our nasty sink and DISGUSTING tub (I couldn't stand it anymore) and washed the mirrors... I would have finished our bathroom but they turned the water off in the middle. Poop.
4. Cooked a week's worth of chicken tenders and divided them up for meals this week.
(5. Made and ate delicious chicken and rice with Aimee's sweet and sour sauce... mmm)
6. Did the menacing dishes that were sitting by the sink
7. Swiffered the kitchen and cleaned the counters.

WOOOOOOOOOT! For two hours, that's not bad. Not at all. AND I made and ate a healthy meal. Excuse me, but I'm pretty proud of myself.

Speaking of getting things done, I need to send an e-mail to our head resident for the hot matenaince boys to come over (yummy)... I think once a week somethings going to "break" so we can get to know them... muhahahaha.

Gotta go switch laundry. (The nice thing about living in dorms? If you get your timing right, you can get four loads of laundry done at once, thanks to community laundry rooms! HA!)


Happy Weekends

Battle of the Bands ROCKED!

It was less of a Battle of the Bands than it was a street-fair, and not gonna lie, we were all pretty stoked by all the free key-chains and flyers and tasty food. And there is totally a cupcake/hot cocoa shop that is the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. I got a Peach-passionfruit frozen lemonade... um, can you say DELECTABLE? Sooooo good. I took the girlies next door (Haylan, Taylor, Nan and Candace) and we just sort of explored all the fun shops around. There's this AWESOME family-fun place with a freakin AWESOME two-level massive laser-tag arena that we nearly DIED over, and for only $5 for 15 minutes? Um, you can bet that we're going to be frequenting there.

So, we hung out at the Battle of the Bands, watched a band or two that weren't too great, bought a Wayne's World button (One World. One Party. EXCELLENT), found super-cheap movie posters to hang around our dorms (Up and Hugh Jackman and Star Trek), ate free mini cupcakes that were delish, got fake diamonds checked out to make sure they weren't real (they weren't), found Mike's Music for Haylan (the guy was hitting on Haylan, it was so funny) made a new friend and plans, went to Walmart and Kmart (i don't know if we found what we were looking for, I don't remember) and later a drive-in movie with said new friend! Okay, drive-in movies are so fun when you lie on the front of the car and watch chick flicks and go with lots of fun people. We saw the proposal, and Haylan loves Ryan Reynolds (he is quite handsome) so we swooned the entire time. (Epic, haha.)

Today we had our first Sunday on campus... went to our ward, the 5th ward (the BYUI- 5th ward?) at flippin 9:30 and again i learned that heels aren't great for walking across campus. Oh well, I wanted to try. And they're really cute.

We had a waffle-party after church which was delish, then lots of "quiet contemplation", spagetti dinner, and crepe's via the girls upstairs (yum YUM)... and later tonight we're having another rave... haha, for some reason, Dani and Aimee bought a ton of laser pointers, and we found last night that if we all sit around and flicker them on the ceiling and make patterns and such, it looks REALLY COOL. Yes, we do get kind of bored... but honestly, it's amazing. We play rave music and lie on the floor and just watch the show for an hour. I'm pretty stoked, not going to lie.

Dorm prayer in a few minutes... maybe... 9, I think? not sure. Aimeeeeeeeeeeeee...?


Lady-Gaga'd out

Well, I think I've listened to more Lady Gaga than I've ever thought I would... haha. She's got some good college-dorm blasting songs, therefore, we are well acquainted.

So, guess what time I woke up this morning? 12:18, baby! Oh yeah! That was after two short naps yesterday... and going to bed at one... Sleeping has randomly become a big thing. Sleep rocks, have I ever mentioned that? That's like my life motto.

Well... I've gone to all my classes. I only have Book of Mormon on Tuesday and Thursdays (yuuusss), then Writing Foundations and American Foundations Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Friday at 9 (ugh) I have my favorite: Intro to English Studies where all my fellow English majors come together in a Language Lab... waaaaaaaaaay fun. But who would have thought that I'd dread a 9 o'clock class? After 6 AM early morning seminary, you'd think I'd rejoice over a 9 o'clock... at least considering that it COULD be at 7:45, but it's not...

Anyways. Classes are great. I've got BOM with Kyle (Dani and Aimee's friend), and although it's going to be hard (unlike other Institute classes at non-BYU colleges, we're actually getting college credit for it, and they had to give it some umph to make it up to bar with college courses, you know?) I think I'm going to enjoy it. Writing Foundations should be fun... I guess it's a lot of an English class, which I enjoy (Ha, I should, I'm an English major...). American Foundations is going to rock- NO PAPERS, WHAT-WHAT!!! He's this super-serious guy thats all into it... so going to be fun.

Oooo... gotta go! Going to a Battle of the Bands (if we can find a place to park...)


Oh my gosh, does your mom love puppies, too?

College rocks, have I said that yet? Honestly, it's like the best thing ever. Just sitting here in my sweet apartment, my cool roommates and the awesome girls next door, watching everybody come down the stairs (Our front door is at the base of the apartment stairs... did I mention I was on the ground floor? Yeah, totally lucked out. And I'm only two doors down from the laundry room... NICE) on their way to class, looking all cute and studious and independent... it just rocks.

So last night was the I-Night Extravaganza... Oh my gosh, I'm SUCH A DORK... I just realized... I-Night, I-team.... I just thought they were trying to be all hip, with the Itunes, Ipod thing... No, STUPID, it stands for IDAHO... BYU-I... BYU Idaho.... DUH. Wow. I'm stupid.

ANYWAYS, as I was saying, last night was the I-Nigt Extravaganza. The upperclassman have FINALLY ARRIVED (Yes! RM's! Just kidding, Dad) and it was a sort of celebration... It was INTENSE. All over capmus there was activites... not just stupid games or whatever but awesome, awesome stuff. For eexample... there was jousting and mass dodgeball and giant twister and Sumo Wrestling and bowling (and human bowling, although I never actually saw that. In fact, I didn't go to half the buildings, so I didn't see a lot of it), there was a rock climbing wall, a mechanical bull, a dunk tank, a giant blow-up obstacle course (which was really scary because it was put on by the ROTC and they were screaming at you the entire time...) and then tons and tons of just group games everywhere...

There were people everywhere and people trying to recruit you for cross country and the swim team (Haylan said "I can barely doggy-paddle!" and the guy said that last semester they made the doggy-paddle an official event for the beginning swimmers, which I thought was really funny), and the ROTC was holding a push-up contest so we stood around and cheered them on and such...

I hung out with the AWESOME girls next door, Haylan, Taylor, Nan and Candace, who simply rock. We went and tried our hands at paintball (although we were just shooting at targets, not actual paintball), played LEGIT laser tag, played mass musical chairs outside in the dark (that was semi-dangerous. But so fun), and DDR... then we ran around campus, trying to figure out where Kirby Heybourne was performing...

So, yes, there IS someone out in the world who is more ADHD than Rebecca-Rebok. His name is Kirby Heybourne, and he's a mormon comedian. No joke, it was so insane watching him... he seriously got through like two stories the entire hour, because he kept going off on random tangents. And the thing was that it was an "acoustic concert and comedy show"... so he just sat there and played like ONE CHORD the entire time while telling his stories. Well, until he would go off on another tangent and have to use his hands to explain something... he was funny, though. Although he told us how he would always drink out of the gutter and therefore has tapeworms all his life.... he went into way too much detail. I was kind of grossed out. No, make that VERY grossed out. But I won't repeat it here.

I think the funniest part, however, was a complete improv... he was saying that his birthday was on June 2nd or whatever, and some girl in the audience shouted something like "That's my mom's birthday!"

He stopped playing his guitar, stopping everything, and was like "Oh my gosh, does your mom love puppies, too?" The girl shouted back of course she does, so Kirby replied, "Because I totally love puppies, too! Oh my gosh, I think I'm your mom!"

Okay. Maybe you had to be there. (Isn't that how most things in life are? You tell a story, and it just isn't the same. It's just how life works.) But it was funny.

Off to go devour Cinnamon rolls... don't even get me started on my obbsession of them. You know, the cheapy tollhouse ones in a tube... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... so good...


Music Makes the World Go Round

"I may be small, but I have giant plans to shine as brightly as the sun!"

(So, two posts a day just might become the norm. Reason? We can't facebook or download anything until after 6. Blogging becomes almost the only entertainment. Sorry.)

I've decided that voice lessons were one of the best things to ever happen o me. Totally. I found my old binder that I kept all of my music and cds and sheet music and notes in it, and I nearly started crying I was so happpy. It's so fun! I'm uploading all the songs that I worked on with Esther, and they're all super intense show songs (and most are totally depressing, but those are the ones with the most emotion! The most depth! The most amazingness!)

While I was on my tour here, I found that there are totally rehearsal rooms that you can just go in and lock the door and belt your heart out in! They're sound proof, and you can do whatever the heck you want in them (well, music related, haha)... IT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally need to go explore them! Because I'm going there like EVERYDAY to go SING!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!

Aw, DANG IT. I'm missing like half of my Voice CD's. Dang it. I don't have any of my Les Miserables or "Your Daddy's Son" which is freaking AMAZING... oh, I'm sad. I need all my old music, too. Half of it didn't transfer to my laptop. ARGH. I don't have any Relient K or Switchfoot or Yellowcard or Dashboard or Coldplay... or... anything. All my single songs that weren't part of an entire album.


First bit of almost home-sickness just now.

I opened my milk for some delicious Cocoa Dyno-Bites (Malt-o-meal version of Cocoa Pebbles), which I devoured with only minimual-spillage. So when I was cleaning up and wiping off our fun little kitchen table, I grabbed the little milk tab thingy (i don't know what to refer to that as... not the cap, but the little other thing... man, I'm having a brain fart) thinking all "I've give it to Diego, he loves those things."

But... no Diego here. I think he would have a heart-attack if he had to stay in my apartment. First off, there's no beds to hide under. We have bunkbeds where the bottom bunk is our desk (it's actually a cool thing, it gives us a lot of room. However, our beds are high. I'm always afraid I'm going to fall off. Oh, and whenever you get up really fast from the desk, you SMACK your head so dang hard on the bed... yeah, I'm sure I've got some delicious bruises on my skull, no joke. I smacked it SOO hard the other night. I guess I screamed or something, because both Dani and Aimee came in... I have yet to hit my head on the ceiling when getting up in the morning, but it's already happened to others, haha) so he would have no where to hide.

Otherwise, no homesickness here. I've got pictures of home and family and friends EVERYWHERE. And I made a point of putting up particularly funny ones, which, when it comes to me, they usually are pretty silly. I'd take a picture of my walls and put it up here, but my camera got lost in the move. Sad day, man. Super sad day.


Allergies Stink

Two posts in one day? Sorry.

I just so happen to be having the allergy attack of the century (blows nose). It's so not fun. Ever since coming to Utah/Idaho (like, last week) my allergies have been going crazy, but it wasn't until last night... It was terrible. We just so happened to have really nice boys over (a guy from Dani and Aimee's stake and his new roommate), and we were just chatting it up and such, and my eyes start streaming and my nose goes OUT OF CONTORL. My face got all blotchy and my throat hurts like NONE OTHER, and my voice is all deep and stuff, so I'm meeting people with this really deep mascaline voice... haha. It's rather humorus if you think about it. But still. My eyes are all red and scratchy, too, so it looks like I'm on drugs, but I'm at BYU-I... I hope they don't get mad or freak out. Speaking of which... I need to go steal more of Dani's Claritan. I was going to go get some of my own... but... well...

Feeling crappy, I've ditched most of our activities today, but I've still hung out with people :D I got a nice nap, too, because I was all wheezy and sneezey, so I came home after the new student BBQ and SLEPT. And talked to Greg via text message... then Dani and Aimee and their friend Travis (? I think that was his name) came over, and I hung out with them. See? I'm not anti-social. I'm just not feeling good. Hey, I even told the "Batman/Elder Alexander story."

OOOO- we finally have decoration in our living room! And it's the best EVER... We've got two Batman posters looking down on us (Aimee's wording), so we're cool. We decided that no one will ever rob us, because the first thing you see when you come in is Batman looking all stealthy and awesome like, and honestly, you can't steal from Batman. I mean, come on. Batman rocks.

Best part of the day? Okay, maybe not the best, but an excellent point? Watched Wall-E. SO AWESOME. I remembered loving it, but when I couldn't sleep anymore, I just grabbed the nearest movie and popped it in, not expecting to enjoy it... I full on laughed out loud. And then I felt ridiculous. But then I decided that Wall-E freaking ROCKS, so I enjoyed myself and laughed and simply enjoyed. (I was looking at pictures of Stephanie Lovett, and THERE FULL ON WAS A "EEEVAH" BLANKET IN THE BACKGROUND, AND I GOT INSANELY JEALOUS. I GUESS THE CAPS ARE OVER-KILL, BUT WHATEVER.)

*Cough* ouch. I really was going to go to Walgreens and pick up some meds to feel better, but then I was cranky and sickly... and now it's dark. I don't want to be driving around at night when I'm not all that sure where I'm going.

Oh? What's that? Roommates? (Listens....) Nope, false alarm. Other people walking past the apartment. There's a lot of girls around here. I'm half afraid of them. I mean, to live in close proximity of so many girls, ONLY girls... that's a lot of estrogen.

Well, I think I've got everything covered to start classes on... um... thursday? I should probably check that out instead of rocking out to Lady Gaga. But I mean, come on. Oh, and I found that I need textbooks when I didn't think I did. Fun stuff. Now I have to come up with textbook money. CRAP. Excuse me, CRUD.

(I got it. All good. Except for the books thing. That'll be tomorrow, or something. We'll see.)


Ah ha! BYU-I!!! I'm here!

I am officially, 100% college student. Woot woot.

Okay, so it's only been like a day and a half, but whatever. I'm here. I'm unpacked. I've gone to freshmen orientation activities and such. I'm cool, haha. I'm in my apartment- yeah, that's right, I'm not in the dorms, I'm too awesome for that. I'm in an on-campus (oh yeah) cooking (double oh yeah) apartment with three other girls I didn't know until yesterday morning. Fun stuff, man. It's excellent. I've got everything unpacked and set up (my internet works! Yes!), my garden gnome up, and pictures posted EVERYWHERE (with the blue putty, of course. I do follow rules. Well, sometimes). Oh, and did I mention that we have a dishwasher? EXCELLENT.

Ha, but I was trying to print out my schedule this morning but it wouldn't work and I was freaking out because Dad spent like two hours hooking it up yesterday, and it should work. So I just blew it off and decided to leave it for later... it wasn't until a few minutes ago that I realized that I didn't have the printer cable hooked into my computer. Um, duh. That's obvious.

But I don't feel so bad because Haylan couldn't figure out to open a door this afternoon- she was pushing the wrong way. Some nice RM opened it for us, haha. Okay, but I couldn't figure out how to turn the shower on earlier, but apparently Dani (one of my roommates) couldn't either, so I only feel partially stupid. I mean, it's totally destroyed and you have to like pull with all your might to get it on, and wouldn't you worry that you would break it? Trust me, you would.

So, we've got some pretty strict rules here at BYUI that we don't all completely understand. I mean, yeah, they make sense in some sort of way, but they're kind of extreme. But that's okay. It'll hopefully help me get over my defiant streak, haha. Like, we're not allowed to go on Facebook or YouTube or download anything from Itunes until after 6PM. Our dresscode is interesting. We can't wear shorts or capris (or overalls, but I don't think anyone has a huge problem with that. And if they do... well, it's just better this way) or flipflops. It's interesting. But it's gonna start snowing soon anyways, so who really cares?

I feel extremely lame writing all of this... it feels like some lame journal, only I'm putting it up for people to read.... sigh. Whatever. People want to know what I'm up to, so here you go. Lameness is unevitably going to follow.

Adios, ya'lls (I heard someone say that yesterday, in all seriousness.)