Procrastinating the Ugly
I so don't want to write my BOM final... five one-page essays!!!! ARGH. And it's terrible because it's like he'll give us an indepth question, then tell us to go find scriptures that support it. Now, i love the scriptures as much as anyone else, but I hate having to find scriptures about a certain subject... why can't I just answer the questions with the knowledge that I've gained? Why must I support it with references???? ARGH!!!!!
I don't like having to prove my spiritual knowledge. Why can't I just feel the spirit and have my testimony grow, and let that be my grade?
I don't like having to prove my spiritual knowledge. Why can't I just feel the spirit and have my testimony grow, and let that be my grade?
joewjflkewjfj *achoo*
(new darklightlullabye post- first one in a few weeks. Sorry. Life has been crazy.)
yes, crazy. Freaking white glove at 8AM tomorrow- in approximately 4 hours- which meant we cleaned all day. Well, everyone else cleaned all day. I wished that I was dead. Not because cleaning sucks- because it does- but because I have acquired a cold. I know, right?
Just. My. Luck.
I personally believe it's because of all of last night's heroics. Okay, heroics is a bad word, also probably spelled wrong, but whatever. It was eventful. I don't want to talk about it, because I don't want to talk about anything. I just want to sleep. But I can't sleep, because my head is pounding, and my nose is dripping, and my fever is making me do the hot/cold, hot/cold's... And I think I got drunk/high off of Dayquil/clorox-and-other-harsh-chemicals-fumes, because around 10 o'clock I started getting more like myself- hyper and bubbly. And let me tell you, having a crappy cold due to staying outside in -13 degree weather (yes, that's a NEGATIVE 13 degrees, and yes, my nose hairs froze, thank you very much) does NOT make for happiness. I sang along to waaaaaaaaaaaay too many songs, took waaaaaaaaaaay too many pictures, and wasted waaaaaaaaaaay too much time. Other than that, I don't remember much else. I think that's a bad sign.
So, sorry roomies, for being suck a jerk. I feel really, really bad. I was counting on making up for my lack or responsibility with cleaning today. Maybe that's what I get. Ugh.
I want to die. My head hurts. Put me out of my misery. I just want to sleep. This is too many sentences. Agh. Blah. Puke.
yes, crazy. Freaking white glove at 8AM tomorrow- in approximately 4 hours- which meant we cleaned all day. Well, everyone else cleaned all day. I wished that I was dead. Not because cleaning sucks- because it does- but because I have acquired a cold. I know, right?
Just. My. Luck.
I personally believe it's because of all of last night's heroics. Okay, heroics is a bad word, also probably spelled wrong, but whatever. It was eventful. I don't want to talk about it, because I don't want to talk about anything. I just want to sleep. But I can't sleep, because my head is pounding, and my nose is dripping, and my fever is making me do the hot/cold, hot/cold's... And I think I got drunk/high off of Dayquil/clorox-and-other-harsh-chemicals-fumes, because around 10 o'clock I started getting more like myself- hyper and bubbly. And let me tell you, having a crappy cold due to staying outside in -13 degree weather (yes, that's a NEGATIVE 13 degrees, and yes, my nose hairs froze, thank you very much) does NOT make for happiness. I sang along to waaaaaaaaaaaay too many songs, took waaaaaaaaaaay too many pictures, and wasted waaaaaaaaaaay too much time. Other than that, I don't remember much else. I think that's a bad sign.
So, sorry roomies, for being suck a jerk. I feel really, really bad. I was counting on making up for my lack or responsibility with cleaning today. Maybe that's what I get. Ugh.
I want to die. My head hurts. Put me out of my misery. I just want to sleep. This is too many sentences. Agh. Blah. Puke.
My Testimony
Best Book of Mormon Class EVER!!!
At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to pick one area of our spiritual lives that we wanted to improve, and we've been working personally on them all semester. Today, we spent the period sharing our experiences.
And I have to say, my project has changed my life. It's silly. But it's true. My project was to be more vocal at sharing my beliefs, and not be so... reserved about them. Back in middle/high school, the few times I tried to invite someone to church or tried to say something simple about how I thought God had had a hand in something, I got shot down really hard a few times, got sent some really mean anti-mormon stuff, and it mortified me. Therefore, I seperated my church life from my personal life, because I didn't want to offend anybody. That's been my biggest regret in life.
Now, you might ask, "Holly, how the heck did you work on your project? EVERYONE at BYUI is Mormon! How in the world did you have missionary opportunties?" And you would be partially right. I didn't really get to share the gospel with anybody new. But I am so... edified... because of it. I changed small things. I no longer worry about posting a Facebook status about something I did at Church, or that I had a spiritual experience. I'm proud to say that God had a hand in my life, even if it was something small, and I'm thankful for it. And because I'm not hiding the fact that God has a big part of my life, He's blessing me more. I feel happier, I feel closer to God, and my life is just overall better. I made the effort to make small changes, and my life has changed a lot. Proof that God wants to bless you, but you just have to make the effort and show Him that you want His help. He loves me, and I love Him. And I'm not afraid to say it. I know He lives, I know He cares about us all, and I know that we can live with Him again.
BYU Idaho is an amazing place. :D
At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to pick one area of our spiritual lives that we wanted to improve, and we've been working personally on them all semester. Today, we spent the period sharing our experiences.
And I have to say, my project has changed my life. It's silly. But it's true. My project was to be more vocal at sharing my beliefs, and not be so... reserved about them. Back in middle/high school, the few times I tried to invite someone to church or tried to say something simple about how I thought God had had a hand in something, I got shot down really hard a few times, got sent some really mean anti-mormon stuff, and it mortified me. Therefore, I seperated my church life from my personal life, because I didn't want to offend anybody. That's been my biggest regret in life.
Now, you might ask, "Holly, how the heck did you work on your project? EVERYONE at BYUI is Mormon! How in the world did you have missionary opportunties?" And you would be partially right. I didn't really get to share the gospel with anybody new. But I am so... edified... because of it. I changed small things. I no longer worry about posting a Facebook status about something I did at Church, or that I had a spiritual experience. I'm proud to say that God had a hand in my life, even if it was something small, and I'm thankful for it. And because I'm not hiding the fact that God has a big part of my life, He's blessing me more. I feel happier, I feel closer to God, and my life is just overall better. I made the effort to make small changes, and my life has changed a lot. Proof that God wants to bless you, but you just have to make the effort and show Him that you want His help. He loves me, and I love Him. And I'm not afraid to say it. I know He lives, I know He cares about us all, and I know that we can live with Him again.
BYU Idaho is an amazing place. :D
Stupid Showerbar-thing.
NOTE: The best time to do laundry? Dark, snowy nights (after ten PM). I got all FIVE washers to myself. YUS.
So, today consisted of: curly fries, oreo shakes, tacos... Also, Christmas shopping, which therefore means that I can't spend another cent or else I won't have enough gas money to get home. Sigh.
Although, I decided to be a studious person and stop playing cards to go do other important things (like laundry... :D). First, I decided to take shower because it sounded good... however, I whacked my head on this stupid little bar that sits above my corner of the shower (HONESTLY, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THAT STUPID BAR, ANYWAYS??? NO PURPOSE.) Thing about my crazy head? It doesn't matter if I'm having a totally migraine free month (which I am), if I whack anywhere on the head, it kick starts a killer migraine. Therefore, not only is my scalp really sore from whacking it, I now possess a freaking migraine that's now radiating through my head. UGH.
Which means, I'm skipping all I had to do tonight, and am now going to bed. I'll have to write my paper before class tomorrow. Not. Looking. Forward. To. It. That was too many words for a period-seperated epic sentence. My head hurts too much for me to make any sort of epicness tonight. Ugh.
So, today consisted of: curly fries, oreo shakes, tacos... Also, Christmas shopping, which therefore means that I can't spend another cent or else I won't have enough gas money to get home. Sigh.
Although, I decided to be a studious person and stop playing cards to go do other important things (like laundry... :D). First, I decided to take shower because it sounded good... however, I whacked my head on this stupid little bar that sits above my corner of the shower (HONESTLY, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THAT STUPID BAR, ANYWAYS??? NO PURPOSE.) Thing about my crazy head? It doesn't matter if I'm having a totally migraine free month (which I am), if I whack anywhere on the head, it kick starts a killer migraine. Therefore, not only is my scalp really sore from whacking it, I now possess a freaking migraine that's now radiating through my head. UGH.
Which means, I'm skipping all I had to do tonight, and am now going to bed. I'll have to write my paper before class tomorrow. Not. Looking. Forward. To. It. That was too many words for a period-seperated epic sentence. My head hurts too much for me to make any sort of epicness tonight. Ugh.
You know what I miss (although I can't figure out the life of me why)? Raining days in middle school. There was just something magical about it, getting completely drenched while walking home, having to shimmy out of my jeans and chucks that were soaked completely through... I remember sitting on the kitchen floor, petting my cat, just staring out the glass door to the backyard, completely enchanted as I watched the water fall down from the sky, making little ringlets of waves through the thick puddles...
Rain is inspiring.
Rain is inspiring.
It's about ten degrees outside, and I am cold. Am I drinking hot chocolate? No, sir, I am not: I'm eating ice cream.
Go Idaho!
I just got back from Book of Mormon class. I freaking love my teacher. He's funny, and in some way I can't figure out, he reminds me of my dad. Anyways, today we got off on the topic of persecution somehow, and he started laughing and told us a story about his mission. Apparently, while on his mission in Belguim with his Southern Californian companion, they were riding their bikes down one of the old cobblestone city streets somewhere (here he sang the wicked witch of the west tune). As they were riding, some guy swung open a door and purposely sent both of the sprawling. His companion got up and said (apparently all southern-californian like): "DUDE! That was awwwwwwwwesome! We just got PERSECUTED!" and proceded to give my teacher a high five. I laughed. I would probably have done the same thing. Does that make me a Southern Californian sterotype? Hm... :\
Go Idaho!
I just got back from Book of Mormon class. I freaking love my teacher. He's funny, and in some way I can't figure out, he reminds me of my dad. Anyways, today we got off on the topic of persecution somehow, and he started laughing and told us a story about his mission. Apparently, while on his mission in Belguim with his Southern Californian companion, they were riding their bikes down one of the old cobblestone city streets somewhere (here he sang the wicked witch of the west tune). As they were riding, some guy swung open a door and purposely sent both of the sprawling. His companion got up and said (apparently all southern-californian like): "DUDE! That was awwwwwwwwesome! We just got PERSECUTED!" and proceded to give my teacher a high five. I laughed. I would probably have done the same thing. Does that make me a Southern Californian sterotype? Hm... :\
Yes, I'm Worried.
Kyle and Dani just spent twenty minutes whacking each other on the head with empty water bottles, laughing like little girls.
I fear finals' week just might be the death of all of us.
I fear finals' week just might be the death of all of us.
MLIA swag??? YUUS.
I know you want to buy me a present.
Eh? Eh?
Come on, do it.
My average life will then be complete.
Eh? Eh?
Come on, do it.
My average life will then be complete.
"Actually, it wasn't Christmas. It was May day."
About once a year, at varying times and intervals, I have the same realization: I love my name.
It's like when you're really tired and random thoughts are just rolling through your head, and you realize that some certain word just feels good. Has just the perfect feeling to it; that it's just one cool word. (Example, linguini, serendipity, felicity, tortuga.) This is how I feel about my name.
Perhaps this is because I've been named the same thing all eighteen and a half years of my life and it's just grown on me, but perhaps its because it's just darn awesome. I mean, it works with my personality, does it not? It has just the right amount of letters, and the balance of the shape of letters when you look at it written, if you really want to be weird and get into it, is just perfect. Not many girl names start with the letter H, anyways. Hannah, Heather... none of them end in a y. Or a olly.
What else ends in olly? JOLLY.
(FACT: I also have similar realizations about my nose, eyes, and the way my middle finger curves slightly outward.)
It's like when you're really tired and random thoughts are just rolling through your head, and you realize that some certain word just feels good. Has just the perfect feeling to it; that it's just one cool word. (Example, linguini, serendipity, felicity, tortuga.) This is how I feel about my name.
Perhaps this is because I've been named the same thing all eighteen and a half years of my life and it's just grown on me, but perhaps its because it's just darn awesome. I mean, it works with my personality, does it not? It has just the right amount of letters, and the balance of the shape of letters when you look at it written, if you really want to be weird and get into it, is just perfect. Not many girl names start with the letter H, anyways. Hannah, Heather... none of them end in a y. Or a olly.
What else ends in olly? JOLLY.
(FACT: I also have similar realizations about my nose, eyes, and the way my middle finger curves slightly outward.)
Oh, Swiffer...
Oh, white glove, how we all are not looking forward to thee...
What is white glove, you might ask? Every college student's nightmare, after finals. What's worse? White glove and Finals Week ARE THE SAME WEEK. Nightmares have thus been awarded. White glove is end of the semester-moving out clean check. Perfection is expected.
Although, we sort of started today. Kind of. The hour long meeting was semi-inspiring, seeing as you can't walk around our apartment in socks and not have to wash them after a few hours. (This is not because we don't clean regularly. This is because we have boatloads of people, especially boys, over everyday for hours. Boys, somehow, seem to track in all the dirt from campus.)
And you know what I found? MAGIC ERASERS ARE GOD'S GIFT TO COLLEGE STUDENTS. Instant gratification. They are so, so amazing. I felt like giggling. Sharpie on the door? (and yes, that was my fault) PRESTO! It's gone! What would have taken you ages with Ajax and a spunge and over-exerted arm muscles just to dull the mark is GONE in five easy strokes!!!
Amazingly? I enjoyed my two hours of cleaning today. Hm. Strange.
What is white glove, you might ask? Every college student's nightmare, after finals. What's worse? White glove and Finals Week ARE THE SAME WEEK. Nightmares have thus been awarded. White glove is end of the semester-moving out clean check. Perfection is expected.
Although, we sort of started today. Kind of. The hour long meeting was semi-inspiring, seeing as you can't walk around our apartment in socks and not have to wash them after a few hours. (This is not because we don't clean regularly. This is because we have boatloads of people, especially boys, over everyday for hours. Boys, somehow, seem to track in all the dirt from campus.)
And you know what I found? MAGIC ERASERS ARE GOD'S GIFT TO COLLEGE STUDENTS. Instant gratification. They are so, so amazing. I felt like giggling. Sharpie on the door? (and yes, that was my fault) PRESTO! It's gone! What would have taken you ages with Ajax and a spunge and over-exerted arm muscles just to dull the mark is GONE in five easy strokes!!!
Amazingly? I enjoyed my two hours of cleaning today. Hm. Strange.
Sleep Patterns
FACT: When in a rut, or not feeling well, or anything else negative is getting me down and I just need something to change, I sleep backwards. You know, with my head at the foot of the bed, my feet at the head.
And you know what? It never fails at making things better.
Call me easily impressed, but it makes life more interesting.
And you know what? It never fails at making things better.
Call me easily impressed, but it makes life more interesting.
Nothing of Consequence
Today, I ate a fried egg on a bagel with jelly. Dad, you've taught me well.
Camie and I are now listening old 80's love songs. It reminds me of stake dances, with "Don't want to miss a thing..." Aerosmith? I think so.
Hey, and what about this Justin Beaver kid? Cause he's like, thirteen, right? I'm so out of it here at college! We don't have tv, and I rarely keep up with things going on in the world when it means I have to sort through stuff on the computer...
Speaking of my computer, it's on BIG MODE again. I coaxed it down for SUPER BIG MODE to just big mode. It's distracting. How can I write my homework when the letters are huge? It knocks off my concentration. I think that's a good enough excuse to put off my assignment until Monday... Gosh, I love Tuesday/Thursday classes! four days to do homework? UM, YUSSS.
Camie and I are now listening old 80's love songs. It reminds me of stake dances, with "Don't want to miss a thing..." Aerosmith? I think so.
Hey, and what about this Justin Beaver kid? Cause he's like, thirteen, right? I'm so out of it here at college! We don't have tv, and I rarely keep up with things going on in the world when it means I have to sort through stuff on the computer...
Speaking of my computer, it's on BIG MODE again. I coaxed it down for SUPER BIG MODE to just big mode. It's distracting. How can I write my homework when the letters are huge? It knocks off my concentration. I think that's a good enough excuse to put off my assignment until Monday... Gosh, I love Tuesday/Thursday classes! four days to do homework? UM, YUSSS.
FACT: Today was interesting
Guess who's listening to the Newsies? I am!
Fact: Today, Dirty Pop by Nsync came on in my car. I was quite impressed with myself that I knew all words... especially since I didn't when I was younger.
Fact: Today, when driving a packload of people home from Craigos, the Backstreet Boys came on. We pulled over and had a dance/belting party. I regret nothing.
Fact: Today, I saw the Muppets redo Bohemian Rhapsody. On youtube, but still. I stil don't know what to think.
Fact: Today, when looking at Stephanie Lovett's pictures on Facebook, I happened to accidentally click on Stephanie's boob. I felt extremely awkward, looked away, and continued to write her a note of apology. I hope she understands.
Fact: Today, Dirty Pop by Nsync came on in my car. I was quite impressed with myself that I knew all words... especially since I didn't when I was younger.
Fact: Today, when driving a packload of people home from Craigos, the Backstreet Boys came on. We pulled over and had a dance/belting party. I regret nothing.
Fact: Today, I saw the Muppets redo Bohemian Rhapsody. On youtube, but still. I stil don't know what to think.
Fact: Today, when looking at Stephanie Lovett's pictures on Facebook, I happened to accidentally click on Stephanie's boob. I felt extremely awkward, looked away, and continued to write her a note of apology. I hope she understands.
All Better
(okay, I just found a different video on the book site, that was the "book trailer" for the last one, and it was WAAAAAY better. I'm going to pretend that this was the movie trailer instead. Gemma wasn't ugly, and even though every other character was completely off, I felt better. If you screw over the main character, you're lost. No hope in overcoming. I feel much more satisfied with life now, and maybe I can go find myself one, instead of obsessing over books. Sigh.)
(You should probably read the entry before this one first, so this makes sense)
(You should probably read the entry before this one first, so this makes sense)
A Great and Terrible TRAGEDY?
After successfully re-re-re-re-reading (I'm not sure anymore how many times I've read it, but I know it's been at least two years since I last did) one of my favorite books of all time, A Great and Terrible Beauty, I went onto the official website. After looking around, unimpressed, for a while, I find an interesting link to youtube. And what did I find? THE MOVIE TRAILER.
Naturally, I heard a rumor a long time ago that it was being made into a movie. (The first one, seeing as it's part of a trilogy.) But I didn't really take it to heart. Of course, I imagined what it would be like, who would play each part... all that good stuff. And then I forgot.
Until today.
The trailer is good. Confusing, really confusing, and doesn't let on to any sort of plot, or characterization, or anything, really, but a fleeting montauge of pictures of deeply emotioned teenage girls in a Victorian era setting to a rather cool soundtrack. But seeing it appear, some tiny scenes of it just like I'd imagined it in my mind, was fun.
But now that my excitement is fading, seeing as the movie isn't coming out until "Winter 2010," and that Kartik is WAAAAAAAAY too old and not handsome enough, I'm quite sad. A movie is only going to ruin the story. I'm never going to be able to see the characters in my mind just like I'd imagined them in the first place ever again. Which saddens me deeply. It's Harry Potter all over again.
But what completely ticks me off? GEMMA'S UGLY. Sure, she's redheaded, but that doesn't have to make her look COMPLETLY washed out and... ugh. SO ugly. ANN is the ugly one, duh. Gemma is pretty in a mysterious way. And Felicity, at least the one I thought was Felicity, didn't look vain and controlling enough. Fee is one of my favorite characters, and if they don't get it right, I'm going to scream.
But the fact that Gemma's so... UGLY and not what I imagined her to be AT ALL... is ticking me off.
Okay, maybe not our hopes and dreams, but it totally messes up the little screenplay in our mind, and if we have to second-guess the stories we've entertained ourselves with, then what else are we going to start second-guess?
Naturally, I heard a rumor a long time ago that it was being made into a movie. (The first one, seeing as it's part of a trilogy.) But I didn't really take it to heart. Of course, I imagined what it would be like, who would play each part... all that good stuff. And then I forgot.
Until today.
The trailer is good. Confusing, really confusing, and doesn't let on to any sort of plot, or characterization, or anything, really, but a fleeting montauge of pictures of deeply emotioned teenage girls in a Victorian era setting to a rather cool soundtrack. But seeing it appear, some tiny scenes of it just like I'd imagined it in my mind, was fun.
But now that my excitement is fading, seeing as the movie isn't coming out until "Winter 2010," and that Kartik is WAAAAAAAAY too old and not handsome enough, I'm quite sad. A movie is only going to ruin the story. I'm never going to be able to see the characters in my mind just like I'd imagined them in the first place ever again. Which saddens me deeply. It's Harry Potter all over again.
But what completely ticks me off? GEMMA'S UGLY. Sure, she's redheaded, but that doesn't have to make her look COMPLETLY washed out and... ugh. SO ugly. ANN is the ugly one, duh. Gemma is pretty in a mysterious way. And Felicity, at least the one I thought was Felicity, didn't look vain and controlling enough. Fee is one of my favorite characters, and if they don't get it right, I'm going to scream.
But the fact that Gemma's so... UGLY and not what I imagined her to be AT ALL... is ticking me off.
Okay, maybe not our hopes and dreams, but it totally messes up the little screenplay in our mind, and if we have to second-guess the stories we've entertained ourselves with, then what else are we going to start second-guess?
Today, I got to walk to class in the snow today!
An epically awesome beginning to an awesome class. (I don't know if I should say epically awesome class, because, although it is really a good class, it's always a good class, so today it wasn't so epically.)
It was sooooooo cool. The snow, I mean. The snow was so cool.
An epically awesome beginning to an awesome class. (I don't know if I should say epically awesome class, because, although it is really a good class, it's always a good class, so today it wasn't so epically.)
It was sooooooo cool. The snow, I mean. The snow was so cool.
Life goal: COMPLETED
I just found out that I DID get published on MLIA!
It was: Today, my mom and I were trying on clothes at the mall. Somewhere in the dressing room, someone lets out the biggest burp ever. We all giggle to ourselves until some lady cries out, "DIANA! That's not very ladylike!" A little voice then responds, "I'm not a lady, I'm five." That kid is going places. MLIA.
5421 people voted "average" (meaning that it was funny). YUUUUUUUS. (343 people voted "meh" meaning it wasn't very funny. And when added together that means that... a large number of people... have now seen my post.)
It was: Today, my mom and I were trying on clothes at the mall. Somewhere in the dressing room, someone lets out the biggest burp ever. We all giggle to ourselves until some lady cries out, "DIANA! That's not very ladylike!" A little voice then responds, "I'm not a lady, I'm five." That kid is going places. MLIA.
5421 people voted "average" (meaning that it was funny). YUUUUUUUS. (343 people voted "meh" meaning it wasn't very funny. And when added together that means that... a large number of people... have now seen my post.)
My cat's a genius
You know what I'm a huge fan of?
Publish any sort of books you want- I just did my journal! It's semi-confusing at first, but once you get it down, it's way fun to do. And from what I've seen, the results are flipping amazing. (I'll have my own personal testimant in like... twelve days. WOOOOOOOT.)
FACT: I think it's absolutely adorable that my cat plays in his litterbox. If I had to go to the bathroom in a sandbox, I'd want to stay and play, too.
Publish any sort of books you want- I just did my journal! It's semi-confusing at first, but once you get it down, it's way fun to do. And from what I've seen, the results are flipping amazing. (I'll have my own personal testimant in like... twelve days. WOOOOOOOT.)
FACT: I think it's absolutely adorable that my cat plays in his litterbox. If I had to go to the bathroom in a sandbox, I'd want to stay and play, too.
Edward's in the Closet. No surprise there.
3 more Mylifeisaverage.com posts I submitted tonight:
1. (this actually happened a while ago... and I wasn't even there, but we still laughed when Stephanie told me about it) "Today, I was at my friends house. My friend's extremely conservative mom comes in and says jokingly, "You're a fun sucker!" Only, she mixed the F up with the S. She blushed, and we laughed, because it totally works. MLIA"
2. "Today, I tried to get onto to Mystery Google for the first time. My computer said the page couldn't be found. Well played, Mystery Google. MLIA"
And my personal favorite, which really DID happen about ten minutes ago, which I'm still laughing at:
3. "Today, while on google, I found a quote from Edward Cullen: "Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet?" I laughed. At least HE knows where he belongs. MLIA"
1. (this actually happened a while ago... and I wasn't even there, but we still laughed when Stephanie told me about it) "Today, I was at my friends house. My friend's extremely conservative mom comes in and says jokingly, "You're a fun sucker!" Only, she mixed the F up with the S. She blushed, and we laughed, because it totally works. MLIA"
2. "Today, I tried to get onto to Mystery Google for the first time. My computer said the page couldn't be found. Well played, Mystery Google. MLIA"
And my personal favorite, which really DID happen about ten minutes ago, which I'm still laughing at:
3. "Today, while on google, I found a quote from Edward Cullen: "Would it be childish of me to hide in your closet?" I laughed. At least HE knows where he belongs. MLIA"
My Life Is Average FAILED
I'm quite upset.
To date, I've submitted at least 10 stories to Mylifeisaverage.com, and as far as I'm aware, NONE of them have been published. LAME. I admit, not all where fantastic, but some were decent. Therefore, I'll post them here, just so I feel like I haven't failed completely.
1. Today, I took my friends to Wal-Mart. Not wanting to go in, I stayed in my car. I thought, “Gez, it would suck if my car battery died.” Guess whose car battery died? MLIA.
2. Today, as I drove in a rural part of town, I came across a white picket fence with “Post No Signs” every three feet. While thinking that this was rather ironic, I saw a giant neon orange poster with the word “SIGN” in big letters. Thank you, rebellious teenagers. You made my day. MLIA.
3. Last night, while trying to fall asleep, I thought of the MLIA posts I had read earlier. I giggled to myself for over twenty minutes and woke up my roommate, making her mumble incoherently under her breath. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt oh Harry Potter, ninjas, and coloring books. Thanks, MLIA. MLIA.
4. Today, while at lunch, I decided that "Crossroads" is a stupid name for the campus cafeteria. I then spent twenty minutes trying to decide what to eat. Touche, cafeteria. Touche. MLIA.
5. Today, my sister brought her fiancé to meet our family. Referring to his last name, Peterson, my grandma asked “O-N or E-N?” He looked confused, pointed to himself, and said slowly, “Greg.” I think I’m going to like this guy. MLIA.
6. Today, my roommate was making cookies. Seeing the dirty beater, I decided to steal some cookie dough. I licked it. Not cookie dough. Crisco. MLIA.
7. Today, my college friends were debating grocery stores in other states. One friend says, "Dude! You don't have Vons in Utah?" Another interjects in a scholarly voice, "But remember, Vons spelled backwards Snov." They all nodded solemnly and said "True that." ? I'm confused. MLIA
8. Today, my mom and I were trying on clothes at the mall. Somewhere in the dressing room, someone lets out the biggest burp ever. We all giggle to ourselves until some lady cries out, “DIANA! That’s not very ladylike!” A little voice then responds, “I’m not a lady, I’m five.” Best kid ever. MLIA.
9. Today, I was eating cheesecake, and my fork went through the plate AND INTO MY LEG. It hurt. But cheesecake made it better. But only kind of. MLIA.
10. Today, when I came home to my apartment, I heard random singing. Turns out, two of our guy friends were hiding in two different closets in the hall. One would sing “OH! WE’RE HALFWAY THERE!” at the top of his lungs, and the other would respond “OH! LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER!” I think we’ve done Bon Jovi justice. MLIA.
To date, I've submitted at least 10 stories to Mylifeisaverage.com, and as far as I'm aware, NONE of them have been published. LAME. I admit, not all where fantastic, but some were decent. Therefore, I'll post them here, just so I feel like I haven't failed completely.
1. Today, I took my friends to Wal-Mart. Not wanting to go in, I stayed in my car. I thought, “Gez, it would suck if my car battery died.” Guess whose car battery died? MLIA.
2. Today, as I drove in a rural part of town, I came across a white picket fence with “Post No Signs” every three feet. While thinking that this was rather ironic, I saw a giant neon orange poster with the word “SIGN” in big letters. Thank you, rebellious teenagers. You made my day. MLIA.
3. Last night, while trying to fall asleep, I thought of the MLIA posts I had read earlier. I giggled to myself for over twenty minutes and woke up my roommate, making her mumble incoherently under her breath. When I finally fell asleep, I dreamt oh Harry Potter, ninjas, and coloring books. Thanks, MLIA. MLIA.
4. Today, while at lunch, I decided that "Crossroads" is a stupid name for the campus cafeteria. I then spent twenty minutes trying to decide what to eat. Touche, cafeteria. Touche. MLIA.
5. Today, my sister brought her fiancé to meet our family. Referring to his last name, Peterson, my grandma asked “O-N or E-N?” He looked confused, pointed to himself, and said slowly, “Greg.” I think I’m going to like this guy. MLIA.
6. Today, my roommate was making cookies. Seeing the dirty beater, I decided to steal some cookie dough. I licked it. Not cookie dough. Crisco. MLIA.
7. Today, my college friends were debating grocery stores in other states. One friend says, "Dude! You don't have Vons in Utah?" Another interjects in a scholarly voice, "But remember, Vons spelled backwards Snov." They all nodded solemnly and said "True that." ? I'm confused. MLIA
8. Today, my mom and I were trying on clothes at the mall. Somewhere in the dressing room, someone lets out the biggest burp ever. We all giggle to ourselves until some lady cries out, “DIANA! That’s not very ladylike!” A little voice then responds, “I’m not a lady, I’m five.” Best kid ever. MLIA.
9. Today, I was eating cheesecake, and my fork went through the plate AND INTO MY LEG. It hurt. But cheesecake made it better. But only kind of. MLIA.
10. Today, when I came home to my apartment, I heard random singing. Turns out, two of our guy friends were hiding in two different closets in the hall. One would sing “OH! WE’RE HALFWAY THERE!” at the top of his lungs, and the other would respond “OH! LIVIN’ ON A PRAYER!” I think we’ve done Bon Jovi justice. MLIA.
Wasted Deliciousness
I completely failed at making Mac-and-cheese today. I put too much milk, thus resulting in Mac-and-cheese Soup. GROSS.
Oh, spiderman mac-and-cheese, I have failed thee.
I had to trash it and eat Top Ramen instead. I cried on the inside a little bit.
Oh, spiderman mac-and-cheese, I have failed thee.
I had to trash it and eat Top Ramen instead. I cried on the inside a little bit.
Fairytales are just BETTER
I took another quiz on Facebook today because.. well... because Facebook quizes are one of the best parts of Facebook. Today's quiz? What classic fairytale are you?
Now, I've taken this quiz numerous times. The result, today, did not dissapoint. As usual, Beauty and the Beast.
Which I think is amazing, because there is absolutely no other role I want to play than Belle in Beauty and the Beast. It's been my DREAM, since... forever.
(Also, I once took the quiz, "Which fairytale prince is for you?" and the result was the prince that the Beast secretly is. Ironic?
Now, I've taken this quiz numerous times. The result, today, did not dissapoint. As usual, Beauty and the Beast.
Which I think is amazing, because there is absolutely no other role I want to play than Belle in Beauty and the Beast. It's been my DREAM, since... forever.
(Also, I once took the quiz, "Which fairytale prince is for you?" and the result was the prince that the Beast secretly is. Ironic?
(new post on http://darklightlullabye.blogspot.com)
This one is a personal favorite- from one of my favorite and best-written (was that grammically correct?) work. It's about the moon.
This one is a personal favorite- from one of my favorite and best-written (was that grammically correct?) work. It's about the moon.
Sleepless in Rexburg
Happy Monday.
Tonight I'm making my breakfast casserole, and we decided that since my family typically eats it on Christmas morning ("it has memories attached!") that we're going to play Christmas music while we eat.
My roommates ROCK. I don't know what I'm going to do without them when we all go home for Thanksgiving, for a whole week.
So, not only did I read a fantastic book last night, a Young Adult fiction about the French Revolution, but I had a FANTASTIC idea for a new story. And, as always when thinking of a new plot, I did not sleep. But what is one sleepless night, staring at the ceiling while coming up with twist and turns and wording, when such magnificance is to be born? I did, however, finally fall asleep around 7:45, after Camie had gotten up, blow-dried her hair, and left for class. I woke up at 2:28 when Walgreens called to tell me that my Prescription was ready to pick up. Thanks, Walgreens!
I am now currently in a terrific mood.
As I was yesterday. Sundays are good days. Church is a good thing. However, the best part of yesterday? While sitting around, making some comment that I no longer remember, my friend Greg turns to me, looks at me seriously, and says, "You have a good attitude."
Well, thanks Greg for noticing and for thinking it's cool. It just so happened to make my day.
Tonight I'm making my breakfast casserole, and we decided that since my family typically eats it on Christmas morning ("it has memories attached!") that we're going to play Christmas music while we eat.
My roommates ROCK. I don't know what I'm going to do without them when we all go home for Thanksgiving, for a whole week.
So, not only did I read a fantastic book last night, a Young Adult fiction about the French Revolution, but I had a FANTASTIC idea for a new story. And, as always when thinking of a new plot, I did not sleep. But what is one sleepless night, staring at the ceiling while coming up with twist and turns and wording, when such magnificance is to be born? I did, however, finally fall asleep around 7:45, after Camie had gotten up, blow-dried her hair, and left for class. I woke up at 2:28 when Walgreens called to tell me that my Prescription was ready to pick up. Thanks, Walgreens!
I am now currently in a terrific mood.
As I was yesterday. Sundays are good days. Church is a good thing. However, the best part of yesterday? While sitting around, making some comment that I no longer remember, my friend Greg turns to me, looks at me seriously, and says, "You have a good attitude."
Well, thanks Greg for noticing and for thinking it's cool. It just so happened to make my day.
Snowflakes on my tongue
More snow!
Woke up this morning, glanced out the window, and it was snowing. I got to lie in bed and watch it snow. SO COOL.
Random Fact: On multiple occassions, Spencer has disappeared into one closet in our apartment, and Travis has gone in the other. With the doors closed, Travis will belt out one line of Livin' On A Prayer, and Spencer will continue with the next line. SO. ENTERTAINING.
Last night? Craigos; massive movie night- Heath Ledger status, with Brothers Grimm and 10 Things I Hate About You.
(I heard the worst joke the other day, and I can't remember who said it: "What does Heath Ledger like on his cereal? DOESN'T MATTER- HE'S DEAD." So terrible.)
Tonight? Ward Ice Cream Competion (yeah, I'm confused, too), and Blacklight dance (win-a-date lottery included). EXCITED. Except, now I have to dig up a white shirt for the dance... or I could just scribble all over myself with highliters...
Woke up this morning, glanced out the window, and it was snowing. I got to lie in bed and watch it snow. SO COOL.
Random Fact: On multiple occassions, Spencer has disappeared into one closet in our apartment, and Travis has gone in the other. With the doors closed, Travis will belt out one line of Livin' On A Prayer, and Spencer will continue with the next line. SO. ENTERTAINING.
Last night? Craigos; massive movie night- Heath Ledger status, with Brothers Grimm and 10 Things I Hate About You.
(I heard the worst joke the other day, and I can't remember who said it: "What does Heath Ledger like on his cereal? DOESN'T MATTER- HE'S DEAD." So terrible.)
Tonight? Ward Ice Cream Competion (yeah, I'm confused, too), and Blacklight dance (win-a-date lottery included). EXCITED. Except, now I have to dig up a white shirt for the dance... or I could just scribble all over myself with highliters...
:D :D :D
My new blog.
Don't get me wrong- I'll continue this one. Don't freak out. Cause I know you were.
Read my last post for information.
AND GO VISIT! Although I don't really have anything up yet.
I'm pretty darn excited, not going to lie :D
:D :D :D
My new blog.
Don't get me wrong- I'll continue this one. Don't freak out. Cause I know you were.
Read my last post for information.
AND GO VISIT! Although I don't really have anything up yet.
I'm pretty darn excited, not going to lie :D
Exciting and New
Well... I think I'm going to endeavor on a new project... I don't know if that sentence made sense...
But I think I'm going to start a second blog.
Why a second blog? Because this new one will be entirely different. How? There, I'm going to post snippets of my own writing.
Little did you know, I write. My biggest goal in life is to become an author. And I've done A LOT of writing already. I have lots of stories floating around in my head, but a million more written down in my computer's memory. All of them are way too long to post on a mere blog. Instead, I'm going to take small scense out and post them. Sort of a teaser, I suppose, sort of an introduction to what might become in the future. When I really do get published. Because I will.
Also, I collect other random things to inspire me. I collect pictures that go along with whatever story I'm working on, I make playlists that go along with them, etc... so I'll alsopost those.
I'll post once or twice a week. I'm both nervous and excited about it. Nervous- because some of it is crap, but I'm attached to it. Nervous, because I've only let one person read my stuff (because I trust her and we have the same tastes). Excited, because, well, I love my writing. I think I've come up with some clever stuff.
We'll just have to see.
But I think I'm going to start a second blog.
Why a second blog? Because this new one will be entirely different. How? There, I'm going to post snippets of my own writing.
Little did you know, I write. My biggest goal in life is to become an author. And I've done A LOT of writing already. I have lots of stories floating around in my head, but a million more written down in my computer's memory. All of them are way too long to post on a mere blog. Instead, I'm going to take small scense out and post them. Sort of a teaser, I suppose, sort of an introduction to what might become in the future. When I really do get published. Because I will.
Also, I collect other random things to inspire me. I collect pictures that go along with whatever story I'm working on, I make playlists that go along with them, etc... so I'll alsopost those.
I'll post once or twice a week. I'm both nervous and excited about it. Nervous- because some of it is crap, but I'm attached to it. Nervous, because I've only let one person read my stuff (because I trust her and we have the same tastes). Excited, because, well, I love my writing. I think I've come up with some clever stuff.
We'll just have to see.
A Lot VS. B Lot: What's the difference?
So, I just got an e-mail telling me that I get to (am required to) go to a class tonight to learn about the parking around campus, due to my recent parking ticket. Um, cough cough, tickets.
Stupid parking lot outside the Hinckley building. Grr.
Now, instead of making orange chicken and fried rice and watching Memoirs of a Geesha for our roommate "Asain Night", I get to go to stupid parking class at seven. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Honestly, if I can't park in the A lot, and I can't park in the B lot, then where the heck am I supposed to park?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Stupid parking lot outside the Hinckley building. Grr.
Now, instead of making orange chicken and fried rice and watching Memoirs of a Geesha for our roommate "Asain Night", I get to go to stupid parking class at seven. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Honestly, if I can't park in the A lot, and I can't park in the B lot, then where the heck am I supposed to park?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Things to do today:
1. Figure out how to change computer back to normal mode (it's on Super-Big mode, AGAIN.) It may be time to search out the help of the Computer Desk amazing men.
2. Unpack. And put all my laundry away. My side of our room is moutains of clothes. Poor Camie.
3. Finish laundry. Somehow, it just keeps on getting dirty. Not good.
4. Organize my pantry and side of the fridge. Honestly, I have no idea what food I have. Go to grocery store if necessary.
5. Pawn off the rest of the cheesecake made last night. That thing can NOT be sitting around in our freezer any longer, taunting me... I'm gonna gain fifty pounds off that thing...
6. Meet Taylor at the Crossroads for lunch!
7. Recruit people to come to my ancient voodoo ritual, in which I'm going to cast away the demon spirits possessing my computer. It's erased my homework for the LAST TIME.
And probably a whole lot more that I've just forgotten.
1. Figure out how to change computer back to normal mode (it's on Super-Big mode, AGAIN.) It may be time to search out the help of the Computer Desk amazing men.
2. Unpack. And put all my laundry away. My side of our room is moutains of clothes. Poor Camie.
3. Finish laundry. Somehow, it just keeps on getting dirty. Not good.
4. Organize my pantry and side of the fridge. Honestly, I have no idea what food I have. Go to grocery store if necessary.
5. Pawn off the rest of the cheesecake made last night. That thing can NOT be sitting around in our freezer any longer, taunting me... I'm gonna gain fifty pounds off that thing...
6. Meet Taylor at the Crossroads for lunch!
7. Recruit people to come to my ancient voodoo ritual, in which I'm going to cast away the demon spirits possessing my computer. It's erased my homework for the LAST TIME.
And probably a whole lot more that I've just forgotten.
Boys, Boys, Boys
SocialInterview.com asked me "What do you look for in a partner?"
I answered "I just thought about this today! Must be: strong, have gone through as much crap as I have and therefore understand, determined, spiritual, clever, devoted, and family orientened. Must be good father. And most love me back as much as I love him. Also, if I could have my pick, physically he would be tall and strrrrrrrrrronggggggggg and extremely sexy."
Oh, boys...
I answered "I just thought about this today! Must be: strong, have gone through as much crap as I have and therefore understand, determined, spiritual, clever, devoted, and family orientened. Must be good father. And most love me back as much as I love him. Also, if I could have my pick, physically he would be tall and strrrrrrrrrronggggggggg and extremely sexy."
Oh, boys...
My Life As A Soundtrack
In somewhat chronological order...
(Middle school)
1. I'm in love with my guitar (Alexz Johnson)
2. Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America)
3. Unwell (Matchbox Twenty)
4. Poker Face (Lady Gaga)
5. Time to be your twenty-one (Alexz Johnson)
(High school)
6. Empty Room (Marjoire Fair)
7. No Hablo Engles (Bowling for Soup)
8. Just a Girl (No Doubt)
9. Criminal (Alexz Johnson)
10. Papercut (Linkin Park)
11. Love, Save the Empty (Erin McCarley)
12. Accidentally in Love
13. Everybody's Fool (Evanescence)
14. My Immortal (Evanescence)
15. Because of You (Kelly Clarkson)
16. Skin (Alexz Johnson)
17. Hyper Music (Muse)
18. Night Drive (All-American Rejects)
19. Going Under (Evanescence)
20. The Sweetness (Jimmy Eat World)
21. Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
22. Somewhere I Belong (Linkin Park)
23. No Phone (Cake)
24. Beautiful (Christina Aguilera)
25. Gives You Hell (All-American Rejects)
26. Way Away (Yellowcard)
27. Funny Little Feeling (Rock 'N Roll Soldiers)
28. Simple Kind of Life (No Doubt)
29. Float On (Modest Mouse)
30. D.A.N.C.E. (Justice)
31. Fell Asleep on my Arm (the Aquabats)
32. Over My Head (Cable Car)- (They Fray)
33. Hysteria (Muse)
34. Shooting Star (Instant Star)
35. Feeling Good (Muse)
36. I Don't Know What to Do with Myself (The White Stripes)
37. Starlight (Muse)
38. Don't You Dare (Alexz Johnson)
39. Times Like These (Foo Fighters)
(College... Now... and one future)
40. Nine in the Afternoon (Panic!At the Disco)
41. California Dreaming (The Mama's and the Papa's)
42. Adelaides Lament (from Guys and Dolls)
43. Goodnight, My Angel (Lullabye)-?
(Middle school)
1. I'm in love with my guitar (Alexz Johnson)
2. Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America)
3. Unwell (Matchbox Twenty)
4. Poker Face (Lady Gaga)
5. Time to be your twenty-one (Alexz Johnson)
(High school)
6. Empty Room (Marjoire Fair)
7. No Hablo Engles (Bowling for Soup)
8. Just a Girl (No Doubt)
9. Criminal (Alexz Johnson)
10. Papercut (Linkin Park)
11. Love, Save the Empty (Erin McCarley)
12. Accidentally in Love
13. Everybody's Fool (Evanescence)
14. My Immortal (Evanescence)
15. Because of You (Kelly Clarkson)
16. Skin (Alexz Johnson)
17. Hyper Music (Muse)
18. Night Drive (All-American Rejects)
19. Going Under (Evanescence)
20. The Sweetness (Jimmy Eat World)
21. Bring Me To Life (Evanescence)
22. Somewhere I Belong (Linkin Park)
23. No Phone (Cake)
24. Beautiful (Christina Aguilera)
25. Gives You Hell (All-American Rejects)
26. Way Away (Yellowcard)
27. Funny Little Feeling (Rock 'N Roll Soldiers)
28. Simple Kind of Life (No Doubt)
29. Float On (Modest Mouse)
30. D.A.N.C.E. (Justice)
31. Fell Asleep on my Arm (the Aquabats)
32. Over My Head (Cable Car)- (They Fray)
33. Hysteria (Muse)
34. Shooting Star (Instant Star)
35. Feeling Good (Muse)
36. I Don't Know What to Do with Myself (The White Stripes)
37. Starlight (Muse)
38. Don't You Dare (Alexz Johnson)
39. Times Like These (Foo Fighters)
(College... Now... and one future)
40. Nine in the Afternoon (Panic!At the Disco)
41. California Dreaming (The Mama's and the Papa's)
42. Adelaides Lament (from Guys and Dolls)
43. Goodnight, My Angel (Lullabye)-?
Okay, not in California any longer. But I WAS. Left right after my 3:15 class Thursday afternoon, drove to Salt Lake, stayed with my Pop and Gram for the night, then got on an 11 plane, San Diego bound!
Although, reasons for going were not so great. Stupid nueroglogy appointment... for, go figure, more Botox. Can I just say, Botox is CRAP? I mean, honestly. It's POISON. It paralyzes your nerves and muscles and stuff. And it huuuuuuuuurts.
According to my mother, who I asked to count, there were at least 29 shots of poison into my forehead, jaw, and head. Sucked.
Good points: Shopping JC Pennies. Four books at Barnes and Noble (my heart smiled a lot)... and I can't remember the rest.
I hurt. And now I'm hyper.
And you know what? Mountain Dew tastes like Sierra Mist with a touch of yellow Gatorade. It's crappy. In case you were wondering.
Oh, and Brian? I'm a Coke. Not a Pepsi. Now I need to read your essay, now that it applies.
Okay, not in California any longer. But I WAS. Left right after my 3:15 class Thursday afternoon, drove to Salt Lake, stayed with my Pop and Gram for the night, then got on an 11 plane, San Diego bound!
Although, reasons for going were not so great. Stupid nueroglogy appointment... for, go figure, more Botox. Can I just say, Botox is CRAP? I mean, honestly. It's POISON. It paralyzes your nerves and muscles and stuff. And it huuuuuuuuurts.
According to my mother, who I asked to count, there were at least 29 shots of poison into my forehead, jaw, and head. Sucked.
Good points: Shopping JC Pennies. Four books at Barnes and Noble (my heart smiled a lot)... and I can't remember the rest.
I hurt. And now I'm hyper.
And you know what? Mountain Dew tastes like Sierra Mist with a touch of yellow Gatorade. It's crappy. In case you were wondering.
Oh, and Brian? I'm a Coke. Not a Pepsi. Now I need to read your essay, now that it applies.
<3 <3 <3
I realize this is my fourth post today. Sorry.
Soo, I have exfoliating soap, therefore, I just exfoliated my armpit. It kind of hurt.
It has currently brought to my attention that
Anyways. Back to what I was saying. (that was just so epically true, it needed to be said) It has been brought to my attention that people have been reading this, my blog.
My first reaction was that of great joy and pride. Really? People actually have taken the time to click the link to see something I've created? AWWW!!!
My second reaction was to laugh out loud. Why would ANYONE want to read this?
My third reaction was confusion. Should I not be so random and... unreserved... in what I write? I then proceeded to comment about the current state of cleanliness that is my armpit. Apparently not.
So, in other words, thank you, all, for actually reading this. I would change it, try to make it interesting and funny, but I don't think I will. It wouldn't be my blog if I had my readers interests in mind. That's not a blog. Okay, yes. That's a blog. That's just not MY type of blog. And it's my blog, so why can't I put whatever I want?
Well, yeah. Thanks. <3 (that's a heart) (It took me a while to figure it out.)
Soo, I have exfoliating soap, therefore, I just exfoliated my armpit. It kind of hurt.
It has currently brought to my attention that
Anyways. Back to what I was saying. (that was just so epically true, it needed to be said) It has been brought to my attention that people have been reading this, my blog.
My first reaction was that of great joy and pride. Really? People actually have taken the time to click the link to see something I've created? AWWW!!!
My second reaction was to laugh out loud. Why would ANYONE want to read this?
My third reaction was confusion. Should I not be so random and... unreserved... in what I write? I then proceeded to comment about the current state of cleanliness that is my armpit. Apparently not.
So, in other words, thank you, all, for actually reading this. I would change it, try to make it interesting and funny, but I don't think I will. It wouldn't be my blog if I had my readers interests in mind. That's not a blog. Okay, yes. That's a blog. That's just not MY type of blog. And it's my blog, so why can't I put whatever I want?
Well, yeah. Thanks. <3 (that's a heart) (It took me a while to figure it out.)
My Baby...
Alex just mentioned Simon and Garfunkel. Spelling not neccesarily correct.
When we were little, my dad would make our teddy-bears talk. Mine was therefore named Simon.
Awwww... I miss my teddy bear. And my Daddy.
Alex just mentioned Simon and Garfunkel. Spelling not neccesarily correct.
When we were little, my dad would make our teddy-bears talk. Mine was therefore named Simon.
Awwww... I miss my teddy bear. And my Daddy.
Taco Wednesday! And now Dani's making peach cobbler because I've been begging her to. I mean, come on. Peach cobbler. Delicious.
While eating tacos, I spilled beans on my California shirt. I find this funny in a semi-ironic way.
While eating tacos, I spilled beans on my California shirt. I find this funny in a semi-ironic way.
Camie got curious. So she made a bagel pizza.
For the past five minutes, she's been exclaiming about how amazing it is.
Mission accomplished.
For the past five minutes, she's been exclaiming about how amazing it is.
Mission accomplished.
Real-life Bagel Bites
Camie has never made a bagel-pizza before.
I made one for breakfast/lunch/dinner today (it's four o'clock and the first thing I've eaten today, so it gets labeled as all three), and she's calls from the other room, "That smells good." I told her there was stuff in the fridge if she wanted to make one for herself, a bagel pizza. She walks out and gives me a weird look. I then had to explain to her what a pizza bagel WAS. She had to come look and was all amazed at it.
Honestly? Never having a pizza bagel before? What kind of childhood is that? We used to make them after church for lunch. You know, when the whole family is stading around in the kitchen, not sure what to make, but everyone's hungry... we make pizza bagels.
Pizza bagels just might be the most delicious thing on this planet.
Then again, Cheesecake may be.
Camie has never made a bagel-pizza before.
I made one for breakfast/lunch/dinner today (it's four o'clock and the first thing I've eaten today, so it gets labeled as all three), and she's calls from the other room, "That smells good." I told her there was stuff in the fridge if she wanted to make one for herself, a bagel pizza. She walks out and gives me a weird look. I then had to explain to her what a pizza bagel WAS. She had to come look and was all amazed at it.
Honestly? Never having a pizza bagel before? What kind of childhood is that? We used to make them after church for lunch. You know, when the whole family is stading around in the kitchen, not sure what to make, but everyone's hungry... we make pizza bagels.
Pizza bagels just might be the most delicious thing on this planet.
Then again, Cheesecake may be.
Kyle is trying to convince people that in Spanish, Diego comes from, "Tdiego" or something like that. And that THAT means James in English.
I refuse to believe that my cats name is secretly James. He's not a James. He's a Diego. Or a Wego. Or a Fat Boy. Or Baby Baluga.
NOT a James.
I refuse to believe that my cats name is secretly James. He's not a James. He's a Diego. Or a Wego. Or a Fat Boy. Or Baby Baluga.
NOT a James.
Not Tasty When Screaming
I just saw an advertisement on Facebook for "Alive, Organic Chocolate."
I think I might cry.
Just now, people were debating grocery stores with our friends from different states. Kyle says, "Dude! You don't have Vons in Utah?"
Travis interjects in a scholarly voice, "But remember, Vons spelled backwards Snov."
They all nodded solemnly and said "True that."
? I'm confused.
I think I might cry.
Just now, people were debating grocery stores with our friends from different states. Kyle says, "Dude! You don't have Vons in Utah?"
Travis interjects in a scholarly voice, "But remember, Vons spelled backwards Snov."
They all nodded solemnly and said "True that."
? I'm confused.
Eating Vegetables
Okay, you know what I don't understand? Snack size popcorn bags. Come on, is eating a full bag of popcorn by yourself REALLY that bad? It's like eating AIR. And, in one lifetime, it was once corn. So, in reality, you're just eating corn mixed with air. Actually, it's just exploded corn, which is a pretty awesome by itself.
I want all my food to be explode. That makes it pretty cool.
I say we should all gorge on popcorn, just because it's that cool.
I want all my food to be explode. That makes it pretty cool.
I say we should all gorge on popcorn, just because it's that cool.
It's a new day...
Holly Empey... doesn't enjoy being taken advantage of. Unfortunately, it happens a lot.
Also, I need an Xacto knife.
Also, I need an Xacto knife.
38 Degrees, 2 Hours.
I do all my homework, I have the worst day ever. I get up early, my car battery dies.
THAT'S IT- I'm done being responsible!
THAT'S IT- I'm done being responsible!
Breakfast Wars
Bad news, guys.
Malt-o-meal brand Raisan Bran- SOO not as good as Kelloggs.
Worst part?
I can't afford Kelloggs.
Malt-o-meal brand Raisan Bran- SOO not as good as Kelloggs.
Worst part?
I can't afford Kelloggs.
Good Morning to You, Sir!
Okay, as LAME as it sounds, that's a whole 4 HOURS earlier than normal.
At least.
Yeah, I'm proud.
(teehee... I'm going to go eat BREAKFAST!)
Okay, as LAME as it sounds, that's a whole 4 HOURS earlier than normal.
At least.
Yeah, I'm proud.
(teehee... I'm going to go eat BREAKFAST!)
Oh, Obi Wan. We love you <3
By Mary Beth Ellis
We have been waiting for you, Obi-Wan.
We’ve watched you twirl, we’ve watched you die, we’ve watched you sit in a gigantic soup ladle and maintain a pleasant expression while learning of colossal, badly-aiming clone armies.
Now we anticipate “Life Lessons With Obi-Wan, Episode III Edition.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi — mentor, mentee, master of all things wonderfully dour — stands at the dawn of his day in the Tatooine suns.
Sex symbol
The “Star Wars” prequels plunge into several aspects of character development, among them the deeply vital information that Obi-Wan Kenobi was, in his youth, fully hot. If the ladies are lovin’ us some Obi-Wan, it is perhaps because we have no one else’s brown robes to cling to, here in this galaxy where behemoth spaceships have hyperdrives but, apparently, no bathrooms.
There simply aren’t a lot of men to lust after in the “Star Wars” universe. Han Solo is taken. Luke Skywalker is a sister-kissing feeb until the last 15 seconds of “Return of the Jedi.” Everybody else is consumed by evil, quick to be exploded or a curious shade of green.
Yes, we have much to treasure in this chrysalis form of young, hot Obi-Wan Kenobi, who, as portrayed in “Episode I,” has been waved aside as a tight-braided, lightsaber-up-his-butt sort, devoting a disproportionate percentage of his life to standing very still and occasionally declaring “Yes, Master.” It is an intergalactic tour de force of Sideshow Bobism.
It is also a grand-slam exploration of the vast emotional range lying within “Yes, Master.” Anger, thoughtfulness, disapproval, slight nausea: Obi-Wan has a “Yes, Master” for all seasons. For the bulk of the film, Kenobi barely cracks a smile, instead allowing his occasionally furrowed brow and his cha-cha lightsaber twirls to do the talking. And when he does break down, when the pain of losing a loved one overwhelms his careful training as his mentor dies in his arms, it is with one... final… sobbing… “Yes, Master.” The man has consistency, if not a thesaurus.
He speaks for all of us
A beacon of skepticism and frowning, the Obi-Wan of “Episode I” glided through the film as the hushed conscience of the now clearly deranged George Lucas. Within his nicely muscled bod, Obi-Wan carried purely flanneled Original George — the George of real live midgets in real live robot costumes. Every time Obi-Wan scowled at a Gungan, an echoey, primordial form of George Lucas cried from deep within: “What hath I wrought?”
Kenobi seemed to realize, for instance, that things were not going to go well when young Anakin and his L.L. Bean backpack first skipped into the Jedi Temple. “That boy is dangerous,” he snapped. He knew — he knew — that the child would grow up to be the type of person who used “Sand is rough” as a pickup line, a person who Kenobi actually had to remind that use of one’s Jedi powers to feed fruit to one’s girlfriend qualifies as an outrageous case of Force abuse.
And when presented with Jar Jar Binks, Obi-Wan seconded the reaction of the Earth section of the universe. We recoiled into our jumbo-sized boxes of Junior Mints: What is this … thing?
Only one man knew, and he immediately attempted to usher it from our lives. That was no comic relief … that was a ragingly misguided attempt to flog officially licensed party hats.
“Why do I get the feeling we’ve just picked up another useless life form?” Kenobi asked on behalf of all mankind. He was so right that I wanted to hug him, to throw myself against his haughtily crossed arms with a sobbing, “You tried, young, hot Obi-Wan. You tried.”
“Episode II” Obi-Wan is a study in hard-edged maturity, a measured and stately Jedi Master intensely at one with the Force. We knew this because he had a beard.
Kenobi knows best?
What we did not know is where Kenobi went so horribly awry in the training of young Skywalker, which is a fairly major facet of the films’ narrative arc in the sense that the entire saga pretty much wouldn’t exist without a Vader to stomp about, billowing his cape and lethally pointing at bureaucrats.
It is indeed mysterious, as Obi-Wan offered himself as a highly responsible role model in “Episode II.” He didn’t like reckless driving; he disapproved of being chained to a big pillar as large animals with pincers approached; he just said no to deathsticks.
Where did he go wrong? Did he not give Anakin enough "Super Job!" reward stickers on his seatwork? Was he too strict? Too soft? Was it the way he shoved his apprentice into a flaming lava pit and left him for dead? What happened?
All we are sure of is that just as Kenobi reached an age when he was on the brink of going AARP-raving mad, his former student whacked him in half, at which point Obi-Wan completely vanished, leaving nothing behind but his faboo robe, his lightsaber and a damp sense of “Well, that can’t have been fun.” Obi-Wan Kenobi was, if nothing else, a man who cleaned up after himself.
“This will be a day long remembered,” intoned Darth Vader in “A New Hope.” “It has seen the end of Kenobi; it will soon see the end of the rebellion.”
Boy, did Darth enjoy a good intoning. He also loved to intone with a great degree of inaccuracy. Rather than accepting a forced-by-death retirement with dignity and a mobile home in Tampa, Kenobi then took to popping up every now and then in a translucent manner to issue incidental asides to Luke, gently revealing, for instance, the fact that the lad recently stuck his tongue down the throat of his own twin sister.
But in “Episode III,” we will indeed see the end of Kenobi. The next time we behold Obi-Wan, he will stride out of a sand dune in order to pinch Luke in the face. There are worse ways to pass one’s golden years.
All hail Kenobi and his massive, near-galaxy-ending screw up! For there is no “Star Wars” without him. Fare thee well, sweet, sweet Obi-Wan. Whenever we needed a shot of sanity and a good strong brow-furrow, you really were our only hope.
By Mary Beth Ellis
We have been waiting for you, Obi-Wan.
We’ve watched you twirl, we’ve watched you die, we’ve watched you sit in a gigantic soup ladle and maintain a pleasant expression while learning of colossal, badly-aiming clone armies.
Now we anticipate “Life Lessons With Obi-Wan, Episode III Edition.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi — mentor, mentee, master of all things wonderfully dour — stands at the dawn of his day in the Tatooine suns.
Sex symbol
The “Star Wars” prequels plunge into several aspects of character development, among them the deeply vital information that Obi-Wan Kenobi was, in his youth, fully hot. If the ladies are lovin’ us some Obi-Wan, it is perhaps because we have no one else’s brown robes to cling to, here in this galaxy where behemoth spaceships have hyperdrives but, apparently, no bathrooms.
There simply aren’t a lot of men to lust after in the “Star Wars” universe. Han Solo is taken. Luke Skywalker is a sister-kissing feeb until the last 15 seconds of “Return of the Jedi.” Everybody else is consumed by evil, quick to be exploded or a curious shade of green.
Yes, we have much to treasure in this chrysalis form of young, hot Obi-Wan Kenobi, who, as portrayed in “Episode I,” has been waved aside as a tight-braided, lightsaber-up-his-butt sort, devoting a disproportionate percentage of his life to standing very still and occasionally declaring “Yes, Master.” It is an intergalactic tour de force of Sideshow Bobism.
It is also a grand-slam exploration of the vast emotional range lying within “Yes, Master.” Anger, thoughtfulness, disapproval, slight nausea: Obi-Wan has a “Yes, Master” for all seasons. For the bulk of the film, Kenobi barely cracks a smile, instead allowing his occasionally furrowed brow and his cha-cha lightsaber twirls to do the talking. And when he does break down, when the pain of losing a loved one overwhelms his careful training as his mentor dies in his arms, it is with one... final… sobbing… “Yes, Master.” The man has consistency, if not a thesaurus.
He speaks for all of us
A beacon of skepticism and frowning, the Obi-Wan of “Episode I” glided through the film as the hushed conscience of the now clearly deranged George Lucas. Within his nicely muscled bod, Obi-Wan carried purely flanneled Original George — the George of real live midgets in real live robot costumes. Every time Obi-Wan scowled at a Gungan, an echoey, primordial form of George Lucas cried from deep within: “What hath I wrought?”
Kenobi seemed to realize, for instance, that things were not going to go well when young Anakin and his L.L. Bean backpack first skipped into the Jedi Temple. “That boy is dangerous,” he snapped. He knew — he knew — that the child would grow up to be the type of person who used “Sand is rough” as a pickup line, a person who Kenobi actually had to remind that use of one’s Jedi powers to feed fruit to one’s girlfriend qualifies as an outrageous case of Force abuse.
And when presented with Jar Jar Binks, Obi-Wan seconded the reaction of the Earth section of the universe. We recoiled into our jumbo-sized boxes of Junior Mints: What is this … thing?
Only one man knew, and he immediately attempted to usher it from our lives. That was no comic relief … that was a ragingly misguided attempt to flog officially licensed party hats.
“Why do I get the feeling we’ve just picked up another useless life form?” Kenobi asked on behalf of all mankind. He was so right that I wanted to hug him, to throw myself against his haughtily crossed arms with a sobbing, “You tried, young, hot Obi-Wan. You tried.”
“Episode II” Obi-Wan is a study in hard-edged maturity, a measured and stately Jedi Master intensely at one with the Force. We knew this because he had a beard.
Kenobi knows best?
What we did not know is where Kenobi went so horribly awry in the training of young Skywalker, which is a fairly major facet of the films’ narrative arc in the sense that the entire saga pretty much wouldn’t exist without a Vader to stomp about, billowing his cape and lethally pointing at bureaucrats.
It is indeed mysterious, as Obi-Wan offered himself as a highly responsible role model in “Episode II.” He didn’t like reckless driving; he disapproved of being chained to a big pillar as large animals with pincers approached; he just said no to deathsticks.
Where did he go wrong? Did he not give Anakin enough "Super Job!" reward stickers on his seatwork? Was he too strict? Too soft? Was it the way he shoved his apprentice into a flaming lava pit and left him for dead? What happened?
All we are sure of is that just as Kenobi reached an age when he was on the brink of going AARP-raving mad, his former student whacked him in half, at which point Obi-Wan completely vanished, leaving nothing behind but his faboo robe, his lightsaber and a damp sense of “Well, that can’t have been fun.” Obi-Wan Kenobi was, if nothing else, a man who cleaned up after himself.
“This will be a day long remembered,” intoned Darth Vader in “A New Hope.” “It has seen the end of Kenobi; it will soon see the end of the rebellion.”
Boy, did Darth enjoy a good intoning. He also loved to intone with a great degree of inaccuracy. Rather than accepting a forced-by-death retirement with dignity and a mobile home in Tampa, Kenobi then took to popping up every now and then in a translucent manner to issue incidental asides to Luke, gently revealing, for instance, the fact that the lad recently stuck his tongue down the throat of his own twin sister.
But in “Episode III,” we will indeed see the end of Kenobi. The next time we behold Obi-Wan, he will stride out of a sand dune in order to pinch Luke in the face. There are worse ways to pass one’s golden years.
All hail Kenobi and his massive, near-galaxy-ending screw up! For there is no “Star Wars” without him. Fare thee well, sweet, sweet Obi-Wan. Whenever we needed a shot of sanity and a good strong brow-furrow, you really were our only hope.
Wait, hold up!
Quick, Dani, go break something, I'll get the matches...
Quick, Dani, go break something, I'll get the matches...
24 hours of my life in FACEBOOK STATUS'S
SO MANY THINGS TO SAY. I posted many things on Facebook. Now I will post them in order.(and add what I would have posted in between. With guesstimated times. I like my spelling of guesstimated. Double S rocks. Okay, I'll continue now.)
(Published status' on Facebook- BLUE. I mean, RED.)
1:54 AM. Finished my homework. (But, seeing as it's 2 in the morning and Camie's asleep, I'll wait until morning to print all twenty pages of it. Your welcome, roomie.)
3 AM. Doo-da-doot-da-doot... insomnia makes me giggle sometimes.
4 AM. Just spent an hour giggling under the covers... thinking about post on mylifeisaverage.com... I laughed out loud, and woke camie up, making her mumble incoherently under her breath... teeheeeeeee...
6 AM. Alright, insomnia, you can quite now. Sleep might be nice.
11 AM. Slept for a total of twenty minutes. Dreamt I cussed some little girl scout out. Not a good thing. Especially since I used the F word repeatedly... do I need to repent for that? Cussing in my dreams? Because it happens A LOT. I think I might have anger issues I need to resolve...
12:22 PM. It's a good thing I'm lying down, because I think I'm going to pass out. (is that possible?)
2:30 PM. Worst. Feeling. EVER. Migraine... no strength... missed devo. I don't have strength to go to Devo AND class. And I HAVE to go to class, or I fail. Decision made. Gosh, I feel like crap.
2:50 PM. Class in fifteen minutes... should get out of bed... can't...
3:15 PM. Made it to class. Forgot to staple all the millions of papers I'm turning, but I'm in class. That's enough.
3:16 PM. Hey, I just realized that I did all my homework last night! SWEET! That makes life a bit better. But I still feel like I'm going to faint. And I'm not laying down.
4:30 PM. BAD DAYS SUCK. So do parking citations. Especially when Kyle is there to mock me, like he did.
4:31 PM. Although, Dani just did an immitation of my turkey phone, and that made life better a bit.
4:46 PM. Right as I'm at the cashier to check out at the cafeteria (alone) I realized I left my wallet at home. And my phone. Have to drop my food, run and find Kyle, borrow five bucks from him. Went back to pay, realized that $5 wasn't enough, had to drop my drink.
4:57 PM. I'm thirsty. Darn you salty fries.
5:12 PM. and just for the record, that ice cream mentioned yesterday SUCKED. I thought, hey, I'm having a bad day, I'm dying of thirst, I'll make myself a chocolate shake and things will be a whole lot better, right? WRONG.
5:37 PM. DANG IT, I LEFT MY EGGS OUT, TOO. How am I supposed to make treats for my freaking visiting teaching people if all my eggs, WHICH I HAD TO STEAL FROM CAMIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, are bad? This day just keeps getting CRAPPIER by the minute... it needs to just be OVER. DO YOU HEAR ME, FATE? OVER.
5:42 PM. (in the shower) IS THIS WHAT I GET FOR DOING MY HOMEWORK FOR ONCE? Because I'll totally stop doing homework, if it means avoiding bad days.
5:53 PM. I recently wrote a post on the magical powers of a good shower. I just have to say, THAT'S A LIE. I wasn't feeling any magic today when random black crap squirted out at me. DARN YOU, KARMA.
6:24 PM. Dang it, ripped my contact. Gosh dang it. That's what I get for actually putting make-up on? I thought I was doing the world a favor, but APPARENTLY NOT...
6:26 PM. Pouting on the couch. Can't sleep, have to go Visting Teaching at 7. Not enough time sleep before. I don't even want to read MyLifeIsAverage.com. Because my life is crap today. Well played, average lifers. Well played.
6:27 PM. Quiznos. Do I have time to make a Quizno's run real fast?
6:27 and 1/2 PM. No. Sob.
6:59 PM. Visiting teaching, lack of treats? Not here! A can of cactus cooler, "because we think you're cool." Response? Well played, well played. Take that, oh Demon Fate of Bad Days!
8:36 PM. At Craigos... yum. Food is yummy. Also, Pasta bars rock.
9:12 PM. "I bought cheesecake at Albertsons!" A silent minute later... "Wait, I'm having a bad day! I forgot about that. There, that's the excuse for my cheesecake. Not that you really need an excuse for cheesecake..."
9:19 PM. "What's that?" "It's definately not cheesecake." "Can I have a bite? A little bity bite?" "BACK OFF, LOSER. THIS PUPPY'S MINE AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY. HA."
9:19 and 1/2 PM. Laughs at own sarcasm towards Alex. I give him a piece. We're dissapointed that it's all crap-brownie with an itty-bitty layer of cheesecake swirls. No want brownie. Just cheesecake.
9:2o PM. So. Much. Difficulty. Getting the tiny bits of cheesecake out of the brownie is hard. It's really frozen....
9:22 PM. so, I was eating cheesecake, and my fork went through the plate AND INTO MY LEG. It hurt. But cheesecake made it better. But only kind of.
1:05 AM. Dani: "Teehee, FATALITY."
1:34 AM. BAHAHAHAHA. I like quotes from NigaHiga. Actually, I just like NigaHiga in general.
9:23 PM. Except that now the toxic fumes of lavendar air-freshener is ruining the experience of my coveted cheesecake bits...
9:27 PM. Just realized that Alex has been using my pillow. That's gross. Now he's put Dani's socks on his hands, and the puppets are making out. Seriously, Alex, seriously? Your feet smell.
9:42 PM. Our apartment smells like smelly feet.
9:46 Pm. Wait, am I contributing to the stinky-feet smell? Oh great. I'm the worst roommate ever.
9:52 PM. No. NO WAY are those my feet. Alex's feet are polluting our world.
9:59 PM. Just got out our mop. Wrote "Nimbus 2000" on the side. We don't have a broom. From now on, I'm doing it to every broom or mop or swiffer I meet. (Although, maybe I'll come up with a different name for the Swiffer. It's a little high tech for Hogwarts.)
9:59 and 1/2 PM. I wonder how Harry would modify a swiffer in order to ride it...
10:00 PM. (Imagines the modifications that a swiffer would require...)
10:11 PM. (takes quiz on Facebook: What Jedi are you?)
10:12 PM. (Answer: Yoda.)
(intense event.)
10: 34 PM. "I know this is a hard concept for you guys, but you have neighbors." YEAH, WELL I KNOW THIS IS A HARD CONCEPT FOR YOU, BUT YOUR FACE IS UGLY. And Travis says that you'll never get married. Or, if you do, he'll commit suicide within two days. Three days, tops. TAKE THAT, WITCH!
10:35 PM. What a way to end a bad day, right? getting yelled at by the witches next door. What a jerk. Putting her down makes us feel better about ourselves :(
10:38 PM. my feelers are hurt. So are travis's. I'm crying on the inside.
11:02 PM. Camie comes home. Tell her about our latest drama with the girl next door and how she hurt Travis' feelings. Camie: "They said that they can hear everything we say?" (yelling) "WELL, SUCK IT UP!" Best. Roommate. Ever.
11:06 PM. Still laughing at Camie's remark. She's so BA (as spencer says). (I just say that she's flippin awesome and ROCKS).
11:46 PM. Travis (helping out the witch next door when KYLE got too loud): "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!"
11:58 PM. I made a big sign saying "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!". I hung it on our door. It made Dani laugh. A lot. It made me feel much better about the event.
12:22. EPIC FAIL. Brushing my teeth, and got toothpaste all over my glasses. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Dani and I don't know.
12:30. Popcorn, oh lovely popcorn, you should get in my tummy...
12: 36. Now I have popcorn grease all over my keyboard.
12:37. It was worth it.
12:50. (To be sung) Earphones, why, oh why, are you all the way down on my desk? Why must I climb down from bed to get thee? (Commences attempt at telekenisis powers...)
12:54. (End attempt at telekenisis powers... my headphones obviously are not in tune with the Force. Darn it.)
12:55. Oh, Camie's getting up! SWEET! "CaMiE...."
12:55 1/2. YES! CAMIE ROCKS! Now, earphones, we have a lot to talk about...
12:58. Still lecturing about the goodness of the Force and how we need to apply the principles of Star Wars to our own lives, because they'll make us more wise and wonderful...
1:02 AM. Hey, wait, didn't I once find a funny blog about OBI WON, in like, freshman year? I wonder where that went... I should put it in my EPIC WONDER book. (Previously called my "Creative Writing Journal." This is Volume Two, in which epic wonderfulness not neccesarily written by me are now incorporated. It's official title is, "Creative Writing Journal, Volume Two: EPIC WONDER." Hey, that's kind of legit. I like it. I'm clever. Teehee.
1:35 AM. Note to self: Don't pull on eyelashes when you haven't removed your mascara off yet. It tears out half of your eyelashes.
2:00 AM. While filling this blog out, I just experienced my first conversation with Camie while she was asleep and incoherent. It was fun. I like that my roommate talks in her sleep. Because I know for a fact I giggle before I fall asleep. Or belch loudly. I can't fall asleep without doing one of the two. Which, makes me wonder, I probably giggle IN my sleep as well. And Belch. Or belch. I'd rather giggle. But I guess I can't really be choosy when I'm asleep.
2:12 AM. FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The OBI WAN KANOBI ARTICLE!!!!! Sooooo posting it....
2:15. (Camie's chewing in her sleep. Hm. I wonder what she's dreaming about. And if it's tasty.)
2:28. HEY. THIS IS OFFICIALLY 24 hours of my life in facebook status'. I think that's pretty darn sweet. Long, but pretty darn flippin sweet.
2:30. Alright. Due to the fact that I don't want to recreate my day with another lapse of insomnia and sleep-depravity (ooo, I like that word. Depravity. Sleep-depravity. I wonder how many scrabble points I could get for that...)....
(2:31: I realize that the last hour, my brain has been starting to melt and make no sense, hence the rambling. Just had to put that out there)
.... I think I shall go to bed. I took a sleeping pill. (that might be why I'm a little loopey and dazy. Lazy dazy. Hahaha... that's me in a nut shell) And now I'm going to bed and letting you FINALLY finish reading this. Actually, you probably didn't read it all, and that's okay. It was long. It was mostly for my enjoyment and entertainment. Hey, it killed two hours. :D
(Published status' on Facebook- BLUE. I mean, RED.)
1:54 AM. Finished my homework. (But, seeing as it's 2 in the morning and Camie's asleep, I'll wait until morning to print all twenty pages of it. Your welcome, roomie.)
3 AM. Doo-da-doot-da-doot... insomnia makes me giggle sometimes.
4 AM. Just spent an hour giggling under the covers... thinking about post on mylifeisaverage.com... I laughed out loud, and woke camie up, making her mumble incoherently under her breath... teeheeeeeee...
6 AM. Alright, insomnia, you can quite now. Sleep might be nice.
11 AM. Slept for a total of twenty minutes. Dreamt I cussed some little girl scout out. Not a good thing. Especially since I used the F word repeatedly... do I need to repent for that? Cussing in my dreams? Because it happens A LOT. I think I might have anger issues I need to resolve...
12:22 PM. It's a good thing I'm lying down, because I think I'm going to pass out. (is that possible?)
2:30 PM. Worst. Feeling. EVER. Migraine... no strength... missed devo. I don't have strength to go to Devo AND class. And I HAVE to go to class, or I fail. Decision made. Gosh, I feel like crap.
2:50 PM. Class in fifteen minutes... should get out of bed... can't...
3:15 PM. Made it to class. Forgot to staple all the millions of papers I'm turning, but I'm in class. That's enough.
3:16 PM. Hey, I just realized that I did all my homework last night! SWEET! That makes life a bit better. But I still feel like I'm going to faint. And I'm not laying down.
4:30 PM. BAD DAYS SUCK. So do parking citations. Especially when Kyle is there to mock me, like he did.
4:31 PM. Although, Dani just did an immitation of my turkey phone, and that made life better a bit.
4:46 PM. Right as I'm at the cashier to check out at the cafeteria (alone) I realized I left my wallet at home. And my phone. Have to drop my food, run and find Kyle, borrow five bucks from him. Went back to pay, realized that $5 wasn't enough, had to drop my drink.
4:57 PM. I'm thirsty. Darn you salty fries.
5:12 PM. and just for the record, that ice cream mentioned yesterday SUCKED. I thought, hey, I'm having a bad day, I'm dying of thirst, I'll make myself a chocolate shake and things will be a whole lot better, right? WRONG.
5:37 PM. DANG IT, I LEFT MY EGGS OUT, TOO. How am I supposed to make treats for my freaking visiting teaching people if all my eggs, WHICH I HAD TO STEAL FROM CAMIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, are bad? This day just keeps getting CRAPPIER by the minute... it needs to just be OVER. DO YOU HEAR ME, FATE? OVER.
5:42 PM. (in the shower) IS THIS WHAT I GET FOR DOING MY HOMEWORK FOR ONCE? Because I'll totally stop doing homework, if it means avoiding bad days.
5:53 PM. I recently wrote a post on the magical powers of a good shower. I just have to say, THAT'S A LIE. I wasn't feeling any magic today when random black crap squirted out at me. DARN YOU, KARMA.
6:24 PM. Dang it, ripped my contact. Gosh dang it. That's what I get for actually putting make-up on? I thought I was doing the world a favor, but APPARENTLY NOT...
6:26 PM. Pouting on the couch. Can't sleep, have to go Visting Teaching at 7. Not enough time sleep before. I don't even want to read MyLifeIsAverage.com. Because my life is crap today. Well played, average lifers. Well played.
6:27 PM. Quiznos. Do I have time to make a Quizno's run real fast?
6:27 and 1/2 PM. No. Sob.
6:59 PM. Visiting teaching, lack of treats? Not here! A can of cactus cooler, "because we think you're cool." Response? Well played, well played. Take that, oh Demon Fate of Bad Days!
8:36 PM. At Craigos... yum. Food is yummy. Also, Pasta bars rock.
9:12 PM. "I bought cheesecake at Albertsons!" A silent minute later... "Wait, I'm having a bad day! I forgot about that. There, that's the excuse for my cheesecake. Not that you really need an excuse for cheesecake..."
9:19 PM. "What's that?" "It's definately not cheesecake." "Can I have a bite? A little bity bite?" "BACK OFF, LOSER. THIS PUPPY'S MINE AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY. HA."
9:19 and 1/2 PM. Laughs at own sarcasm towards Alex. I give him a piece. We're dissapointed that it's all crap-brownie with an itty-bitty layer of cheesecake swirls. No want brownie. Just cheesecake.
9:2o PM. So. Much. Difficulty. Getting the tiny bits of cheesecake out of the brownie is hard. It's really frozen....
9:22 PM. so, I was eating cheesecake, and my fork went through the plate AND INTO MY LEG. It hurt. But cheesecake made it better. But only kind of.
1:05 AM. Dani: "Teehee, FATALITY."
1:34 AM. BAHAHAHAHA. I like quotes from NigaHiga. Actually, I just like NigaHiga in general.
9:23 PM. Except that now the toxic fumes of lavendar air-freshener is ruining the experience of my coveted cheesecake bits...
9:27 PM. Just realized that Alex has been using my pillow. That's gross. Now he's put Dani's socks on his hands, and the puppets are making out. Seriously, Alex, seriously? Your feet smell.
9:42 PM. Our apartment smells like smelly feet.
9:46 Pm. Wait, am I contributing to the stinky-feet smell? Oh great. I'm the worst roommate ever.
9:52 PM. No. NO WAY are those my feet. Alex's feet are polluting our world.
9:59 PM. Just got out our mop. Wrote "Nimbus 2000" on the side. We don't have a broom. From now on, I'm doing it to every broom or mop or swiffer I meet. (Although, maybe I'll come up with a different name for the Swiffer. It's a little high tech for Hogwarts.)
9:59 and 1/2 PM. I wonder how Harry would modify a swiffer in order to ride it...
10:00 PM. (Imagines the modifications that a swiffer would require...)
10:11 PM. (takes quiz on Facebook: What Jedi are you?)
10:12 PM. (Answer: Yoda.)
(intense event.)
10: 34 PM. "I know this is a hard concept for you guys, but you have neighbors." YEAH, WELL I KNOW THIS IS A HARD CONCEPT FOR YOU, BUT YOUR FACE IS UGLY. And Travis says that you'll never get married. Or, if you do, he'll commit suicide within two days. Three days, tops. TAKE THAT, WITCH!
10:35 PM. What a way to end a bad day, right? getting yelled at by the witches next door. What a jerk. Putting her down makes us feel better about ourselves :(
10:38 PM. my feelers are hurt. So are travis's. I'm crying on the inside.
11:02 PM. Camie comes home. Tell her about our latest drama with the girl next door and how she hurt Travis' feelings. Camie: "They said that they can hear everything we say?" (yelling) "WELL, SUCK IT UP!" Best. Roommate. Ever.
11:06 PM. Still laughing at Camie's remark. She's so BA (as spencer says). (I just say that she's flippin awesome and ROCKS).
11:46 PM. Travis (helping out the witch next door when KYLE got too loud): "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!"
11:58 PM. I made a big sign saying "NO LAUGHING! NO HAPPINESS!". I hung it on our door. It made Dani laugh. A lot. It made me feel much better about the event.
12:22. EPIC FAIL. Brushing my teeth, and got toothpaste all over my glasses. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? Dani and I don't know.
12:30. Popcorn, oh lovely popcorn, you should get in my tummy...
12: 36. Now I have popcorn grease all over my keyboard.
12:37. It was worth it.
12:50. (To be sung) Earphones, why, oh why, are you all the way down on my desk? Why must I climb down from bed to get thee? (Commences attempt at telekenisis powers...)
12:54. (End attempt at telekenisis powers... my headphones obviously are not in tune with the Force. Darn it.)
12:55. Oh, Camie's getting up! SWEET! "CaMiE...."
12:55 1/2. YES! CAMIE ROCKS! Now, earphones, we have a lot to talk about...
12:58. Still lecturing about the goodness of the Force and how we need to apply the principles of Star Wars to our own lives, because they'll make us more wise and wonderful...
1:02 AM. Hey, wait, didn't I once find a funny blog about OBI WON, in like, freshman year? I wonder where that went... I should put it in my EPIC WONDER book. (Previously called my "Creative Writing Journal." This is Volume Two, in which epic wonderfulness not neccesarily written by me are now incorporated. It's official title is, "Creative Writing Journal, Volume Two: EPIC WONDER." Hey, that's kind of legit. I like it. I'm clever. Teehee.
1:35 AM. Note to self: Don't pull on eyelashes when you haven't removed your mascara off yet. It tears out half of your eyelashes.
2:00 AM. While filling this blog out, I just experienced my first conversation with Camie while she was asleep and incoherent. It was fun. I like that my roommate talks in her sleep. Because I know for a fact I giggle before I fall asleep. Or belch loudly. I can't fall asleep without doing one of the two. Which, makes me wonder, I probably giggle IN my sleep as well. And Belch. Or belch. I'd rather giggle. But I guess I can't really be choosy when I'm asleep.
2:12 AM. FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The OBI WAN KANOBI ARTICLE!!!!! Sooooo posting it....
2:15. (Camie's chewing in her sleep. Hm. I wonder what she's dreaming about. And if it's tasty.)
2:28. HEY. THIS IS OFFICIALLY 24 hours of my life in facebook status'. I think that's pretty darn sweet. Long, but pretty darn flippin sweet.
2:30. Alright. Due to the fact that I don't want to recreate my day with another lapse of insomnia and sleep-depravity (ooo, I like that word. Depravity. Sleep-depravity. I wonder how many scrabble points I could get for that...)....
(2:31: I realize that the last hour, my brain has been starting to melt and make no sense, hence the rambling. Just had to put that out there)
.... I think I shall go to bed. I took a sleeping pill. (that might be why I'm a little loopey and dazy. Lazy dazy. Hahaha... that's me in a nut shell) And now I'm going to bed and letting you FINALLY finish reading this. Actually, you probably didn't read it all, and that's okay. It was long. It was mostly for my enjoyment and entertainment. Hey, it killed two hours. :D
If there's one thing I know in this world, it's that you ALWAYS finish your antibiotics.
Also, Lady Gaga has the best sunglasses.
Also, Lady Gaga has the best sunglasses.
Thank you, Lysol!
You never know just how messy it is to make peanut butter cookies until you have a roommate allergic to peanuts.
Things that turn into cement on your pots if not immediately washed off:
Muffin mix
Muffin mix
ITunes. Try I-SUCKS.
You know what I'm not a fan of? Itunes eating my music and not giving it back.
Why can't you just keep your old music when switching to a new computer? I miss my music!!! All I've got is my CD's that i've reuploaded...
And what's up with all the songs on Itunes going up to $1.29? So now, if I want to restore my library and RE-BUY all my music, it's going to be a ton extra of money now! ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!
(Dani says I should have bought a Mac. I said I never bought a computer at all, this is my dad's old work computer. And then everyone laughed because it's an IBM. They say it's International Baby Monkeys. That makes me laugh.)
But I'm still mad.
Why can't you just keep your old music when switching to a new computer? I miss my music!!! All I've got is my CD's that i've reuploaded...
And what's up with all the songs on Itunes going up to $1.29? So now, if I want to restore my library and RE-BUY all my music, it's going to be a ton extra of money now! ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!
(Dani says I should have bought a Mac. I said I never bought a computer at all, this is my dad's old work computer. And then everyone laughed because it's an IBM. They say it's International Baby Monkeys. That makes me laugh.)
But I'm still mad.
College Pictures PART TWO
Well. That was lame.
ANYWAYS, getting away from self pity... perhaps it's time for more pictures?
Anticipation of the Rodeo---
At the Farmers Market---

After a Grafitti Party---

My desk! With top 3 pictures. Laughing catalouge with the ritos, peace with Stepheritos at my sweet sixteen in the dollar store orange frame, Jumping picture with Steph, and me and my cat :D---

Wall of photos part one---

Wall of photos PART TWO---

My bed/desk arrangement. And yes, if you've wondered, I have fallen off it. It's quite painful. I slip down the latter on a daily basis, landing spread eagle. And I constantly hit my head, arms, legs, on the ceiling when I'm not careful. And I've almost slipped off in between the bed and the wall/window... oh dear. It's a disaster waiting to happen. But I kind of like it---
ANYWAYS, getting away from self pity... perhaps it's time for more pictures?
Anticipation of the Rodeo---

After a Grafitti Party---

My desk! With top 3 pictures. Laughing catalouge with the ritos, peace with Stepheritos at my sweet sixteen in the dollar store orange frame, Jumping picture with Steph, and me and my cat :D---
Wall of photos part one---
Wall of photos PART TWO---
My bed/desk arrangement. And yes, if you've wondered, I have fallen off it. It's quite painful. I slip down the latter on a daily basis, landing spread eagle. And I constantly hit my head, arms, legs, on the ceiling when I'm not careful. And I've almost slipped off in between the bed and the wall/window... oh dear. It's a disaster waiting to happen. But I kind of like it---

A drawing Dani's little sister sent us. Notice that it's ME with the gun. And I've never even met this kid. Haha. Least likely to be holding the machine gun? Me, says everyone. (except Dani's sister) --- (why we're taking refuge from the killer Spencer and Kyle, who are devoring Obama and some random girl named Sasha, at WALMART of all places is completely beyond me.)---

Camie's all studious like. Psh.

Pinata Mi familia sent me- Halloween party in a box via FedEx!!! They're the greatest, no? --- I happen to also like the creepiness of the cat as well----
A drawing Dani's little sister sent us. Notice that it's ME with the gun. And I've never even met this kid. Haha. Least likely to be holding the machine gun? Me, says everyone. (except Dani's sister) --- (why we're taking refuge from the killer Spencer and Kyle, who are devoring Obama and some random girl named Sasha, at WALMART of all places is completely beyond me.)---
Camie's all studious like. Psh.
Pinata Mi familia sent me- Halloween party in a box via FedEx!!! They're the greatest, no? --- I happen to also like the creepiness of the cat as well----
Rant and Rave. Or just rant.
Such a lame Saturday.
Usually it doesn't bug me so bad... but today it does. I freaking miss my friends. I miss Temecula. My blanket makes me sad, which it shouldn't. But it's like, everytime I look at it, it just reminds me that I'm not ever really going to see these people again. Or, I will, for brief periods of time, but its not like they're going to be any significant part of my life anymore. I'll go to Temecula, what, once a year? Maybe?
Ugh, I just want to sleep. Insomnia sucks. Especially when it you DO sleep, but it's from 8AM- 3PM. It's not cool. And my roommates and people don't understand, either. To them, I just look like this lazy brat. Which I can be. But it's not what I intend, to fall apart... it's not all my fault. Which makes everything suck. Oh, like having to drop three of your four classes. Yeah, that makes you feel like a winner.
I miss my friends. And my family. I miss my home. Which isn't my home anymore. Ugh.
Gosh, self-pity is so LAAAAAAAAAAAME. i'm going to bed.
Usually it doesn't bug me so bad... but today it does. I freaking miss my friends. I miss Temecula. My blanket makes me sad, which it shouldn't. But it's like, everytime I look at it, it just reminds me that I'm not ever really going to see these people again. Or, I will, for brief periods of time, but its not like they're going to be any significant part of my life anymore. I'll go to Temecula, what, once a year? Maybe?
Ugh, I just want to sleep. Insomnia sucks. Especially when it you DO sleep, but it's from 8AM- 3PM. It's not cool. And my roommates and people don't understand, either. To them, I just look like this lazy brat. Which I can be. But it's not what I intend, to fall apart... it's not all my fault. Which makes everything suck. Oh, like having to drop three of your four classes. Yeah, that makes you feel like a winner.
I miss my friends. And my family. I miss my home. Which isn't my home anymore. Ugh.
Gosh, self-pity is so LAAAAAAAAAAAME. i'm going to bed.
Oh, the joys of grape juice.
I love grape juice, have I mentioned that yet?
Actually, I love all juice. And soda. Basically, any beverage that isn't water or plain milk. (Okay, that's a lie, I love water. But not plain milk.)
Why do I love them so much? Because they were never around growing up! We never had anything but Skim Milk in our fridge (there was the occasional Crystal Lite when we had mexican for dinner... and we periodically did have a bottle of juice, but it was usually something obscure that I didn't appreciate, like Cranberry Juice. Now I adore Cranberry juice).
But a good thing about college? I CAN DRINK WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT!!!
I currently own a gallon of SunnyDelight, a big bottle of grape juice (ooo... yummy!), soda cans of apple juice, and a twelve pack of Orange soda (for bad days, haha), and I just went through a half-gallon of the premade Nesquik chocolate milk... but I do have my regular Skim and chocolate syrup for emergency-chocolate milk fixes. My roomates probably hate me, because it takes up a bit of room in the fridge.
Everytime we go to the store (which seems to happen a lot, actually), I just sit in the juice isle, lusting after all the pretty bottles of juice. (Honestly, talk to Taylor. I'm not lying.) I was this close to buying a bottle of martinelli's... but I didn't. I'll wait until next week for that :D
(and, if you're suddenly concerned about my health, yes, I only buy the 100% pure juice, no sugar added juices. Okay, except for the SundayD. But I mean, come on. SunnyD is one of the best things on this PLANET. And I guess chocolate milk isn't all that terrific healthwise. Oh well. It's tasty, and everytime I pour myself a glass of juice, life just gets that much better.
Mmmm... juice.
Actually, I love all juice. And soda. Basically, any beverage that isn't water or plain milk. (Okay, that's a lie, I love water. But not plain milk.)
Why do I love them so much? Because they were never around growing up! We never had anything but Skim Milk in our fridge (there was the occasional Crystal Lite when we had mexican for dinner... and we periodically did have a bottle of juice, but it was usually something obscure that I didn't appreciate, like Cranberry Juice. Now I adore Cranberry juice).
But a good thing about college? I CAN DRINK WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT!!!
I currently own a gallon of SunnyDelight, a big bottle of grape juice (ooo... yummy!), soda cans of apple juice, and a twelve pack of Orange soda (for bad days, haha), and I just went through a half-gallon of the premade Nesquik chocolate milk... but I do have my regular Skim and chocolate syrup for emergency-chocolate milk fixes. My roomates probably hate me, because it takes up a bit of room in the fridge.
Everytime we go to the store (which seems to happen a lot, actually), I just sit in the juice isle, lusting after all the pretty bottles of juice. (Honestly, talk to Taylor. I'm not lying.) I was this close to buying a bottle of martinelli's... but I didn't. I'll wait until next week for that :D
(and, if you're suddenly concerned about my health, yes, I only buy the 100% pure juice, no sugar added juices. Okay, except for the SundayD. But I mean, come on. SunnyD is one of the best things on this PLANET. And I guess chocolate milk isn't all that terrific healthwise. Oh well. It's tasty, and everytime I pour myself a glass of juice, life just gets that much better.
Mmmm... juice.
Poetry Slam
I just got an invitation to be part of a POETRY SLAM.
That's so awesome.
If only I had some awesome work that I could use... because performance poetry is freaking fun.
I wonder if I can come up with something before the 24th...
I just got an invitation to be part of a POETRY SLAM.
That's so awesome.
If only I had some awesome work that I could use... because performance poetry is freaking fun.
I wonder if I can come up with something before the 24th...
College Picture Albums Part 1
Roomies of 134
Camie, Holly, Dani and Aimee

The boys got in a pick-up-line/sticky-note war with girlies next door. My particular favorite.

Spencer's new head. I think it's an improvement.
Haha, just kidding. That was mean.
Well, what it was when we were first moving in. It's gotten a bit more, um... worn in since then.

Aimee and I at our Lazer-show-nights. Yes, we'd all lie on the ground, turn the lights off, crank up rave music, and flash the lazers all over the ceiliing. It's a whole lot cooler than it sounds. Or else we wouldn't do it all the time.

More fun with Lazers.

Eric can dance.

Well... somehow, we figured out that Lazer-pointers are flipping FUN. Way too fun. Here we are, shooting it at Dani's camera, and it came out AWeSOME.

Aimee and I at our Lazer-show-nights. Yes, we'd all lie on the ground, turn the lights off, crank up rave music, and flash the lazers all over the ceiliing. It's a whole lot cooler than it sounds. Or else we wouldn't do it all the time.

More fun with Lazers.

Eric can dance.

A note I taped to Room 133, our girl friends next door! yes, we did have a baked-potato party that was really fun. That I cooked and hosted, what now! I really am domestic.
Taylor (in 133) and I at Battle of the Bands, with the Key Man!
Taylor and I using the most excellent cross-the-street-flags. Yeah, we're cool.

What to do with a Salmon-colored bathroom? Draw fish to go with it!

The girls next door (133)! Haylan with dark hair (yes, that's Haylan Gilbert, from our Temecula stake!), Nan with the flower, and Taylor in the pinky color that I also wear. There's also Candace, but she was gone that night.

Getting competitive over Nerf-catch. This was only after we allowed people to catch with their hands. It WAS just mouths. THAT was fun.
Our living room! (Notice Batman, looking all awesome and watching over us. We'll never get robbed; people will come in, see Batman, and realize that NO ONE robs Batman. You just can't do that to him. So they'll leave. Also notice the small whiteboard. We have daily move quotes that we make each other guess. Fun game)

What to do with a Salmon-colored bathroom? Draw fish to go with it!

The girls next door (133)! Haylan with dark hair (yes, that's Haylan Gilbert, from our Temecula stake!), Nan with the flower, and Taylor in the pinky color that I also wear. There's also Candace, but she was gone that night.

Our boys (originally in Dani and Aimee's stake, they hang out in our apartment from noon to midnight every day. Both fun and annoying, but only when trying to sleep. Or do homework. Or have a sane life, haha.)- Doing an elevator outside our window. (From left to right, Spencer, Travis, Eric, and Kyle)
Kyle and Dani
Playing "catch the Nerf Bullet" outside in our courtyard. Yes, we have a Nerf gun. You can't go to college and NOT have a Nerf gun. We enjoy playing Russian Roulette with it (if that's how you spell it.)

Getting competitive over Nerf-catch. This was only after we allowed people to catch with their hands. It WAS just mouths. THAT was fun.
Our living room! (Notice Batman, looking all awesome and watching over us. We'll never get robbed; people will come in, see Batman, and realize that NO ONE robs Batman. You just can't do that to him. So they'll leave. Also notice the small whiteboard. We have daily move quotes that we make each other guess. Fun game)
Uchdorf? Dude, that man's a B.A.
Ah... I have the worst accute migraine in my forehead, but I just feel like giggling... perhaps it's time to consider actually going to sleep.
Ah! Jackson Five! ABC, it's easy as 1, 2, 3, easy as Do, Re, Mi.... Stephanie Lovett and i used to sing this at lunch... sophomore year? Yeah, I think that was the year we sang during lunch. Our best was our deut of "Elephant Love Medley." Yes, that would be the five minute long massive duet of Ewan Mcgregor and Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! And yes, we would belt it. And yes, I was Ewan mcGregor. And yes, we had all the timing right, so we could run an Ipod along, and we'd only be like a second or two off, we were that good. (And yes, we would do the ..silence...silence... BONG... it was the best part.) AND YES, we would do the Moon-man part at the end, even though we never figured out exactly what he was saying. We'd just make up nonsense-French words. Because we assumed he was speaking French. If not, whatever, man. We invented what we wanted, and we were cool.
We could be herooooooooes!
Wait, what? It's snowing? No way...
TOTALLY! Camie just came in, told me it was snowing, and we all booked it out of the apartment! IT'S SNOWING IN REXBURG!!! (or, at least in the Kerr Hall courtyard) DUDE. So, super awesome. More than awesome, this is fantasmalistic. Yeah, I just made up a word. Actually, I think that's a bit too big for a word, I'm thinking tha tit should be classified as a phrase.
Anyways. SNOW ROCKS! Oh my freaking gosh, it's so amazing! It's so cool. (And, yes, it's cold, but that was sort of obvious, wasn't it?) It's all super light and soft and it just sort of floats down all slow and swirly... it's just AWeSOME.
I don't know why that first e didn't get capitalized.
So, I started a new book that I'm LOVING. "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield, and yes, for once, it's not a young-adult fiction, it's a regular old novel. A #1 NEW YOR TIMES BESTSELLER. I just so happen to enjoy it a lot, and it's ben sparking flashes of ideas for stories of my own, which is fun, because they're aspects of things that I haven't done yet, but I think I could do well.
For instance, a period-piece. I've actually done quite a few of these, most residing in the 1800's. But part of this particular book that I'm reading is set in like 1890- 1910ish, which itself is a pretty cool time, but it's residing in the countryside in Northern England, which makes my heart just MELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. The 1920's in rural England? AH, it would be so freaking awesome.
But I've been inventing a character unlike anything I've done before... usually I take main characters and they end up being empashized traits of myself... most that I've done have come out quiet, meek, righteous, good, down-to-earth sort of thing. Nice people, you know? Kick back. But this one, it's exciting, she's all super self-empowered and gets what she wants, is willful and independant, and in a sense, almost has a sense of craziness. Eccentricness, that's it. She's kick-A, as Spencer would put it.
(Actually, they were calling different Genereal Authorites B.A.'s while we were watching conference. Like, "Elder Uchdorf? That's a freaking awesome name. He's such a B.A." And I think Neal A Maxwell got one as well. And then the random guys that had fun accents, or any accents at all, they were immediate B.A.'s. It made us all laugh in a somewhat dissaproving way, because it's like, hey! That's a compliment! Elder-so-and-so freaking rocks- he's a B.A. But then it's like, "genereal authorites, and BA's?" Sort of an oxymoron. Hey, at least we're relating, right?
Raisins say: True friends don't care what's in your piggy bank.
Ah! Jackson Five! ABC, it's easy as 1, 2, 3, easy as Do, Re, Mi.... Stephanie Lovett and i used to sing this at lunch... sophomore year? Yeah, I think that was the year we sang during lunch. Our best was our deut of "Elephant Love Medley." Yes, that would be the five minute long massive duet of Ewan Mcgregor and Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! And yes, we would belt it. And yes, I was Ewan mcGregor. And yes, we had all the timing right, so we could run an Ipod along, and we'd only be like a second or two off, we were that good. (And yes, we would do the ..silence...silence... BONG... it was the best part.) AND YES, we would do the Moon-man part at the end, even though we never figured out exactly what he was saying. We'd just make up nonsense-French words. Because we assumed he was speaking French. If not, whatever, man. We invented what we wanted, and we were cool.
We could be herooooooooes!
Wait, what? It's snowing? No way...
TOTALLY! Camie just came in, told me it was snowing, and we all booked it out of the apartment! IT'S SNOWING IN REXBURG!!! (or, at least in the Kerr Hall courtyard) DUDE. So, super awesome. More than awesome, this is fantasmalistic. Yeah, I just made up a word. Actually, I think that's a bit too big for a word, I'm thinking tha tit should be classified as a phrase.
Anyways. SNOW ROCKS! Oh my freaking gosh, it's so amazing! It's so cool. (And, yes, it's cold, but that was sort of obvious, wasn't it?) It's all super light and soft and it just sort of floats down all slow and swirly... it's just AWeSOME.
I don't know why that first e didn't get capitalized.
So, I started a new book that I'm LOVING. "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield, and yes, for once, it's not a young-adult fiction, it's a regular old novel. A #1 NEW YOR TIMES BESTSELLER. I just so happen to enjoy it a lot, and it's ben sparking flashes of ideas for stories of my own, which is fun, because they're aspects of things that I haven't done yet, but I think I could do well.
For instance, a period-piece. I've actually done quite a few of these, most residing in the 1800's. But part of this particular book that I'm reading is set in like 1890- 1910ish, which itself is a pretty cool time, but it's residing in the countryside in Northern England, which makes my heart just MELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. The 1920's in rural England? AH, it would be so freaking awesome.
But I've been inventing a character unlike anything I've done before... usually I take main characters and they end up being empashized traits of myself... most that I've done have come out quiet, meek, righteous, good, down-to-earth sort of thing. Nice people, you know? Kick back. But this one, it's exciting, she's all super self-empowered and gets what she wants, is willful and independant, and in a sense, almost has a sense of craziness. Eccentricness, that's it. She's kick-A, as Spencer would put it.
(Actually, they were calling different Genereal Authorites B.A.'s while we were watching conference. Like, "Elder Uchdorf? That's a freaking awesome name. He's such a B.A." And I think Neal A Maxwell got one as well. And then the random guys that had fun accents, or any accents at all, they were immediate B.A.'s. It made us all laugh in a somewhat dissaproving way, because it's like, hey! That's a compliment! Elder-so-and-so freaking rocks- he's a B.A. But then it's like, "genereal authorites, and BA's?" Sort of an oxymoron. Hey, at least we're relating, right?
Raisins say: True friends don't care what's in your piggy bank.
So. Much. American Foundatins Reading.
My computer works again!
It had been eaten by 15 viruses (at least, I didn't watch the scan after 15), thus not letting me get on the internet...
And then I was sick for over a week, and just didn't have the strength to make it to the computer help desk. But once I did... trust me, I don't regret it! Not only did I make a ton of computer-geek friends, my computer is cookie/worm/trojan horse/virus free! (or, at least, we hope so) The main thing is that I have my internet back again. And my e-mail. Yeah, trying to communicate with my teachers (and randomly, my RA) about being sick on the flipping SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL was not easy when having no access to the internet.
Seriously? I've missed more classes than I've been to. (Bangs head violently on desk a few times). I have so much make-up stuff it's not even funny. As of right now, I know that I have to read over 124 pages of American Foundations text (OOO NOOOOOOO!!! Which I have an exam on Friday.... UGH), 3 essays for Book of Mormon, another hundred pages of English text to read, two English papers... (I haven't actually talked to my english teacher in person yet, these are just the things that I've missed, not the extra make-up work....) and I have absolutely no idea what I have to do what Intro to the English Studies, although I suspect that it's nothing. Mostly we just have people who've made a profession of "english" come and lecture us, at least, that's what I've gathered from sitting in ONE CLASS...
Good news? I gathered from the internet that there is going to be a Pre-Professional Writers conference next week!!! YEAH!!!!!!! Apparently, if I go (which I plan on), I get a note from Bro. Harrel (my intro to the English studies professor) to excuse me from all my other classes :D I'm so stokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked. (yes, I just said stoked. Sue me.)
I'm being a nerd and submitting two poems to the conference... I guess there's a certain workshop where ametuer writers just read their stuff... I know my stuff isn't good enough, its just crap from last year in creative writing, but I'm still submitting something so I can at least say that I tried to be active in my cause :D I'm so excited to go... :D :D :D
Gosh, I'm so tired, but I have so much work to do... I'm trying not to get overwhelmed, however, so I'm allowing myself a little break (okay, I haven't really done much, but I started getting really stressed, so I thought a little venting might be good, via blogger)... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
It had been eaten by 15 viruses (at least, I didn't watch the scan after 15), thus not letting me get on the internet...
And then I was sick for over a week, and just didn't have the strength to make it to the computer help desk. But once I did... trust me, I don't regret it! Not only did I make a ton of computer-geek friends, my computer is cookie/worm/trojan horse/virus free! (or, at least, we hope so) The main thing is that I have my internet back again. And my e-mail. Yeah, trying to communicate with my teachers (and randomly, my RA) about being sick on the flipping SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL was not easy when having no access to the internet.
Seriously? I've missed more classes than I've been to. (Bangs head violently on desk a few times). I have so much make-up stuff it's not even funny. As of right now, I know that I have to read over 124 pages of American Foundations text (OOO NOOOOOOO!!! Which I have an exam on Friday.... UGH), 3 essays for Book of Mormon, another hundred pages of English text to read, two English papers... (I haven't actually talked to my english teacher in person yet, these are just the things that I've missed, not the extra make-up work....) and I have absolutely no idea what I have to do what Intro to the English Studies, although I suspect that it's nothing. Mostly we just have people who've made a profession of "english" come and lecture us, at least, that's what I've gathered from sitting in ONE CLASS...
Good news? I gathered from the internet that there is going to be a Pre-Professional Writers conference next week!!! YEAH!!!!!!! Apparently, if I go (which I plan on), I get a note from Bro. Harrel (my intro to the English studies professor) to excuse me from all my other classes :D I'm so stokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked. (yes, I just said stoked. Sue me.)
I'm being a nerd and submitting two poems to the conference... I guess there's a certain workshop where ametuer writers just read their stuff... I know my stuff isn't good enough, its just crap from last year in creative writing, but I'm still submitting something so I can at least say that I tried to be active in my cause :D I'm so excited to go... :D :D :D
Gosh, I'm so tired, but I have so much work to do... I'm trying not to get overwhelmed, however, so I'm allowing myself a little break (okay, I haven't really done much, but I started getting really stressed, so I thought a little venting might be good, via blogger)... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
Realistic Raisins
Raisins say: Ups and downs are part of all relationships.
I say: Why are my dried fruit snacks preaching to me?
I say: Why are my dried fruit snacks preaching to me?
I Am From...
“I am From…” Poem
I am from piles of Disney movies, from Aladdin and Snow White,
I am from plastic swing sets and mini cars.
I am from rides in the laundry basket,
and hundreds of dollies, puppets, and stuffed animals.
I am from trunks of dress up and mounds and mounds of tule.
I am from gymnastics and dance class,
and the bike races around the street.
I am from the old green chair where my dad used to rock me.
I am from nonsense songs my sister and I made up.
I am from my sister’s fear that the puppies next door will eat her,
or that my mother would forget her at school.
I am from make-believe games with Daddy,
“The Hooffen- Hauser” and "Mr. Bug” and rainbow kisses,
and hours of giggles and shrieks of delight.
I am from many sayings: "Nobody's looking at you anyways."
"It's okay to be hungry."
"I don't hear you when you whine."
I am from lessons from my mother and time outs in the living room.
I am from Family Home Evenings and Sunday roast,
I am from snatching pieces of just-grated cheese and clumps of browning hamburger.
I am from many houses and many schools,
From new neighborhood to new neighborhood,
From new friends to new friends.
I am from a near death experience involving a magic trick and a quarter,
And reoccurring trips to the hospital.
I am from my own clumsiness, my countless “Oops” and lots of “I’m so sorry!”
I am from my breaks and sprains from tripping over things,
And many months spent on the evil crutches.
I am from a life of independence,
Yet always having the love and strength of my family to fall back upon.
I am from piles of Disney movies, from Aladdin and Snow White,
I am from plastic swing sets and mini cars.
I am from rides in the laundry basket,
and hundreds of dollies, puppets, and stuffed animals.
I am from trunks of dress up and mounds and mounds of tule.
I am from gymnastics and dance class,
and the bike races around the street.
I am from the old green chair where my dad used to rock me.
I am from nonsense songs my sister and I made up.
I am from my sister’s fear that the puppies next door will eat her,
or that my mother would forget her at school.
I am from make-believe games with Daddy,
“The Hooffen- Hauser” and "Mr. Bug” and rainbow kisses,
and hours of giggles and shrieks of delight.
I am from many sayings: "Nobody's looking at you anyways."
"It's okay to be hungry."
"I don't hear you when you whine."
I am from lessons from my mother and time outs in the living room.
I am from Family Home Evenings and Sunday roast,
I am from snatching pieces of just-grated cheese and clumps of browning hamburger.
I am from many houses and many schools,
From new neighborhood to new neighborhood,
From new friends to new friends.
I am from a near death experience involving a magic trick and a quarter,
And reoccurring trips to the hospital.
I am from my own clumsiness, my countless “Oops” and lots of “I’m so sorry!”
I am from my breaks and sprains from tripping over things,
And many months spent on the evil crutches.
I am from a life of independence,
Yet always having the love and strength of my family to fall back upon.
As interesting and stimulating as college classes are... they're stinking hard.
Okay, not that hard. I'm only in freshmen classes. My two English classes are a breeze, but then again, I'm an English major. It's my forte.
However, American Foundations and, apparently, Book of Mormon are NOT my forte. Tough stuff, man. I suppose it's just ways of thinking and processing that I haven't been accustom to. It's challenging. Okay, yes, and hard. Difficult. Straining.
You should see my readings for American Foundations. But, then again, as I think about it, people like Bro. Marshall and others who are fascinated by the economic liberty of the colonists and such-like would breeze through my readings and ENJOY them, as I would breeze through readings of grammar and foreshadowing and other literary techniques, and not only understand them easily, but get excited about the material.
It's all in the sorts of things you're interested it, what makes you tick. And apparently, there's lots of diverse things to be excited about, because some of them are so dang foreign to me. Not to say that I'm not excited about learning. I love learning. I'm excited to be here and to be learning. I almost get giggly when a teacher starts in on a lecture because I'm just excited. Dorky, I know, but I'm enjoying it. But there certainly are things that I am quicker to understand that others.
Interesting fact:
I honestly have heard the word "gleaning" used more in the last week of classes than I ever have in my entire life. I've gotten up to a count of 12 uses already. GLEANING? Really? Alright, professors; whatever floats your boat.j
As interesting and stimulating as college classes are... they're stinking hard.
Okay, not that hard. I'm only in freshmen classes. My two English classes are a breeze, but then again, I'm an English major. It's my forte.
However, American Foundations and, apparently, Book of Mormon are NOT my forte. Tough stuff, man. I suppose it's just ways of thinking and processing that I haven't been accustom to. It's challenging. Okay, yes, and hard. Difficult. Straining.
You should see my readings for American Foundations. But, then again, as I think about it, people like Bro. Marshall and others who are fascinated by the economic liberty of the colonists and such-like would breeze through my readings and ENJOY them, as I would breeze through readings of grammar and foreshadowing and other literary techniques, and not only understand them easily, but get excited about the material.
It's all in the sorts of things you're interested it, what makes you tick. And apparently, there's lots of diverse things to be excited about, because some of them are so dang foreign to me. Not to say that I'm not excited about learning. I love learning. I'm excited to be here and to be learning. I almost get giggly when a teacher starts in on a lecture because I'm just excited. Dorky, I know, but I'm enjoying it. But there certainly are things that I am quicker to understand that others.
Interesting fact:
I honestly have heard the word "gleaning" used more in the last week of classes than I ever have in my entire life. I've gotten up to a count of 12 uses already. GLEANING? Really? Alright, professors; whatever floats your boat.j
Creativity Smells
(Written Octoberish 2008)
There was a smell of Creativity in the air tonight.
What did Creativity smell like?
Sailboats and cucumbers and the dust of bitter fairies.
And if you wondered what Creativity sounded like,
it sounded lik Wesley screaming "Oprah Winfrey" all the way down the Materhorn
and smothies sloshing in plastic cups
and the refreshing breath at the end of a kiss.
People making unexplainable animal noises in the dead silence of class
and the songs you sing in your sleep.
And, going further, what did Creativity look like?
Creativity looked like
ice blue waves burbling over broken shells
and strange calligraphy in purple ink
or it looked like the sky when you're laying back in a canoe
and the boy you were once secretly in love with, and only slightly remember why.
Oh, and the look on a man's face seconds before a sneeze.
Trees swaying, recieving the secrets the wind brings along:
quiet and quiet and almost silent.
THAT was how Creativity smelled
and looked
and sounded
and tonight?
Tonight you could almost reach out and touch Creativity.
And tomorrow?
It will all be different.
Creativity is always changing.
There was a smell of Creativity in the air tonight.
What did Creativity smell like?
Sailboats and cucumbers and the dust of bitter fairies.
And if you wondered what Creativity sounded like,
it sounded lik Wesley screaming "Oprah Winfrey" all the way down the Materhorn
and smothies sloshing in plastic cups
and the refreshing breath at the end of a kiss.
People making unexplainable animal noises in the dead silence of class
and the songs you sing in your sleep.
And, going further, what did Creativity look like?
Creativity looked like
ice blue waves burbling over broken shells
and strange calligraphy in purple ink
or it looked like the sky when you're laying back in a canoe
and the boy you were once secretly in love with, and only slightly remember why.
Oh, and the look on a man's face seconds before a sneeze.
Trees swaying, recieving the secrets the wind brings along:
quiet and quiet and almost silent.
THAT was how Creativity smelled
and looked
and sounded
and tonight?
Tonight you could almost reach out and touch Creativity.
And tomorrow?
It will all be different.
Creativity is always changing.
Blue Soap and Orange Nails
Question: Why does colored dishwashing soap turn into white bubbles? Is it one of those blood things, where it's blue in your veins and red in the air? Hm.
So, guess what??!
Stephanie DIDN'T steal all the domestic genes! I'm domestic, too! Or, at least, I can be! Woot!!! In two hours after coming home from class I:
1. Did this weeks laundry
2. Finally got my pantry organized
3. Scrubbed out our nasty sink and DISGUSTING tub (I couldn't stand it anymore) and washed the mirrors... I would have finished our bathroom but they turned the water off in the middle. Poop.
4. Cooked a week's worth of chicken tenders and divided them up for meals this week.
(5. Made and ate delicious chicken and rice with Aimee's sweet and sour sauce... mmm)
6. Did the menacing dishes that were sitting by the sink
7. Swiffered the kitchen and cleaned the counters.
WOOOOOOOOOT! For two hours, that's not bad. Not at all. AND I made and ate a healthy meal. Excuse me, but I'm pretty proud of myself.
Speaking of getting things done, I need to send an e-mail to our head resident for the hot matenaince boys to come over (yummy)... I think once a week somethings going to "break" so we can get to know them... muhahahaha.
Gotta go switch laundry. (The nice thing about living in dorms? If you get your timing right, you can get four loads of laundry done at once, thanks to community laundry rooms! HA!)
So, guess what??!
Stephanie DIDN'T steal all the domestic genes! I'm domestic, too! Or, at least, I can be! Woot!!! In two hours after coming home from class I:
1. Did this weeks laundry
2. Finally got my pantry organized
3. Scrubbed out our nasty sink and DISGUSTING tub (I couldn't stand it anymore) and washed the mirrors... I would have finished our bathroom but they turned the water off in the middle. Poop.
4. Cooked a week's worth of chicken tenders and divided them up for meals this week.
(5. Made and ate delicious chicken and rice with Aimee's sweet and sour sauce... mmm)
6. Did the menacing dishes that were sitting by the sink
7. Swiffered the kitchen and cleaned the counters.
WOOOOOOOOOT! For two hours, that's not bad. Not at all. AND I made and ate a healthy meal. Excuse me, but I'm pretty proud of myself.
Speaking of getting things done, I need to send an e-mail to our head resident for the hot matenaince boys to come over (yummy)... I think once a week somethings going to "break" so we can get to know them... muhahahaha.
Gotta go switch laundry. (The nice thing about living in dorms? If you get your timing right, you can get four loads of laundry done at once, thanks to community laundry rooms! HA!)
Happy Weekends
Battle of the Bands ROCKED!
It was less of a Battle of the Bands than it was a street-fair, and not gonna lie, we were all pretty stoked by all the free key-chains and flyers and tasty food. And there is totally a cupcake/hot cocoa shop that is the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. I got a Peach-passionfruit frozen lemonade... um, can you say DELECTABLE? Sooooo good. I took the girlies next door (Haylan, Taylor, Nan and Candace) and we just sort of explored all the fun shops around. There's this AWESOME family-fun place with a freakin AWESOME two-level massive laser-tag arena that we nearly DIED over, and for only $5 for 15 minutes? Um, you can bet that we're going to be frequenting there.
So, we hung out at the Battle of the Bands, watched a band or two that weren't too great, bought a Wayne's World button (One World. One Party. EXCELLENT), found super-cheap movie posters to hang around our dorms (Up and Hugh Jackman and Star Trek), ate free mini cupcakes that were delish, got fake diamonds checked out to make sure they weren't real (they weren't), found Mike's Music for Haylan (the guy was hitting on Haylan, it was so funny) made a new friend and plans, went to Walmart and Kmart (i don't know if we found what we were looking for, I don't remember) and later a drive-in movie with said new friend! Okay, drive-in movies are so fun when you lie on the front of the car and watch chick flicks and go with lots of fun people. We saw the proposal, and Haylan loves Ryan Reynolds (he is quite handsome) so we swooned the entire time. (Epic, haha.)
Today we had our first Sunday on campus... went to our ward, the 5th ward (the BYUI- 5th ward?) at flippin 9:30 and again i learned that heels aren't great for walking across campus. Oh well, I wanted to try. And they're really cute.
We had a waffle-party after church which was delish, then lots of "quiet contemplation", spagetti dinner, and crepe's via the girls upstairs (yum YUM)... and later tonight we're having another rave... haha, for some reason, Dani and Aimee bought a ton of laser pointers, and we found last night that if we all sit around and flicker them on the ceiling and make patterns and such, it looks REALLY COOL. Yes, we do get kind of bored... but honestly, it's amazing. We play rave music and lie on the floor and just watch the show for an hour. I'm pretty stoked, not going to lie.
Dorm prayer in a few minutes... maybe... 9, I think? not sure. Aimeeeeeeeeeeeee...?
It was less of a Battle of the Bands than it was a street-fair, and not gonna lie, we were all pretty stoked by all the free key-chains and flyers and tasty food. And there is totally a cupcake/hot cocoa shop that is the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. I got a Peach-passionfruit frozen lemonade... um, can you say DELECTABLE? Sooooo good. I took the girlies next door (Haylan, Taylor, Nan and Candace) and we just sort of explored all the fun shops around. There's this AWESOME family-fun place with a freakin AWESOME two-level massive laser-tag arena that we nearly DIED over, and for only $5 for 15 minutes? Um, you can bet that we're going to be frequenting there.
So, we hung out at the Battle of the Bands, watched a band or two that weren't too great, bought a Wayne's World button (One World. One Party. EXCELLENT), found super-cheap movie posters to hang around our dorms (Up and Hugh Jackman and Star Trek), ate free mini cupcakes that were delish, got fake diamonds checked out to make sure they weren't real (they weren't), found Mike's Music for Haylan (the guy was hitting on Haylan, it was so funny) made a new friend and plans, went to Walmart and Kmart (i don't know if we found what we were looking for, I don't remember) and later a drive-in movie with said new friend! Okay, drive-in movies are so fun when you lie on the front of the car and watch chick flicks and go with lots of fun people. We saw the proposal, and Haylan loves Ryan Reynolds (he is quite handsome) so we swooned the entire time. (Epic, haha.)
Today we had our first Sunday on campus... went to our ward, the 5th ward (the BYUI- 5th ward?) at flippin 9:30 and again i learned that heels aren't great for walking across campus. Oh well, I wanted to try. And they're really cute.
We had a waffle-party after church which was delish, then lots of "quiet contemplation", spagetti dinner, and crepe's via the girls upstairs (yum YUM)... and later tonight we're having another rave... haha, for some reason, Dani and Aimee bought a ton of laser pointers, and we found last night that if we all sit around and flicker them on the ceiling and make patterns and such, it looks REALLY COOL. Yes, we do get kind of bored... but honestly, it's amazing. We play rave music and lie on the floor and just watch the show for an hour. I'm pretty stoked, not going to lie.
Dorm prayer in a few minutes... maybe... 9, I think? not sure. Aimeeeeeeeeeeeee...?
Lady-Gaga'd out
Well, I think I've listened to more Lady Gaga than I've ever thought I would... haha. She's got some good college-dorm blasting songs, therefore, we are well acquainted.
So, guess what time I woke up this morning? 12:18, baby! Oh yeah! That was after two short naps yesterday... and going to bed at one... Sleeping has randomly become a big thing. Sleep rocks, have I ever mentioned that? That's like my life motto.
Well... I've gone to all my classes. I only have Book of Mormon on Tuesday and Thursdays (yuuusss), then Writing Foundations and American Foundations Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Friday at 9 (ugh) I have my favorite: Intro to English Studies where all my fellow English majors come together in a Language Lab... waaaaaaaaaay fun. But who would have thought that I'd dread a 9 o'clock class? After 6 AM early morning seminary, you'd think I'd rejoice over a 9 o'clock... at least considering that it COULD be at 7:45, but it's not...
Anyways. Classes are great. I've got BOM with Kyle (Dani and Aimee's friend), and although it's going to be hard (unlike other Institute classes at non-BYU colleges, we're actually getting college credit for it, and they had to give it some umph to make it up to bar with college courses, you know?) I think I'm going to enjoy it. Writing Foundations should be fun... I guess it's a lot of an English class, which I enjoy (Ha, I should, I'm an English major...). American Foundations is going to rock- NO PAPERS, WHAT-WHAT!!! He's this super-serious guy thats all into it... so going to be fun.
Oooo... gotta go! Going to a Battle of the Bands (if we can find a place to park...)
So, guess what time I woke up this morning? 12:18, baby! Oh yeah! That was after two short naps yesterday... and going to bed at one... Sleeping has randomly become a big thing. Sleep rocks, have I ever mentioned that? That's like my life motto.
Well... I've gone to all my classes. I only have Book of Mormon on Tuesday and Thursdays (yuuusss), then Writing Foundations and American Foundations Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Friday at 9 (ugh) I have my favorite: Intro to English Studies where all my fellow English majors come together in a Language Lab... waaaaaaaaaay fun. But who would have thought that I'd dread a 9 o'clock class? After 6 AM early morning seminary, you'd think I'd rejoice over a 9 o'clock... at least considering that it COULD be at 7:45, but it's not...
Anyways. Classes are great. I've got BOM with Kyle (Dani and Aimee's friend), and although it's going to be hard (unlike other Institute classes at non-BYU colleges, we're actually getting college credit for it, and they had to give it some umph to make it up to bar with college courses, you know?) I think I'm going to enjoy it. Writing Foundations should be fun... I guess it's a lot of an English class, which I enjoy (Ha, I should, I'm an English major...). American Foundations is going to rock- NO PAPERS, WHAT-WHAT!!! He's this super-serious guy thats all into it... so going to be fun.
Oooo... gotta go! Going to a Battle of the Bands (if we can find a place to park...)
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